Extract the Facts, Jack! SSUSH18


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Presentation transcript:

Extract the Facts, Jack! SSUSH18 http://www.joystickdivision.com/gal-nick-jack-black.jpg

a. Describe the creation of the Tennessee Valley Authority as SSUSH18 – The student will describe Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal as a response to the depression and compare the ways governmental programs aided those in need. a. Describe the creation of the Tennessee Valley Authority as a works program and as an effort to control the environment. b. Explain the Wagner Act and the rise of industrial unionism. c. Explain the passage of the Social Security Act as a part of the second New Deal. d. Identify Eleanor Roosevelt as a symbol of social progress and women’s activism. e. Identify the political challenges to Roosevelt’s domestic and international leadership, including the role of Huey Long, the “court packing bill,” and the Neutrality Act.

SSUSH 18a In 1933, the federal government established the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to provide jobs and to http://www.irwinator.com/126/w544.jpg http://newdeal.feri.org//tva/tva10.htm -- background information: Although nearly 90 percent of urban dwellers had electricity by the 1930s, only ten percent of rural dwellers did. Private utility companies, who supplied electric power to most of the nation's consumers, argued that it was too expensive to string electric lines to isolated rural farmsteads. Anyway, they said, most farmers, were too poor to be able to afford electricity. The Roosevelt Administration believed that if private enterprise could not supply electric power to the people, then it was the duty of the government to do so. Most of the court cases involving TVA during the 1930s concerned the government's involvement in the public utilities industry.

SSUSH 18a In 1933, the federal government established the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to provide jobs and to A. construct the Erie Canal B. build the Hoover Dam C. bring electricity to rural areas D. encourage artistic expression during the Great Depression In 1933, the federal government established the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) to provide jobs and to bring electricity to rural areas. http://newdeal.feri.org/tva/images/tvacolor.gif http://newdeal.feri.org//tva/tva03.htm

b. Explain the Wagner Act and the rise of industrial unionism. SSUSH18 – The student will describe Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal as a response to the depression and compare the ways governmental programs aided those in need. a. Describe the creation of the Tennessee Valley Authority as a works program and as an effort to control the environment. b. Explain the Wagner Act and the rise of industrial unionism. c. Explain the passage of the Social Security Act as a part of the second New Deal. d. Identify Eleanor Roosevelt as a symbol of social progress and women’s activism. e. Identify the political challenges to Roosevelt’s domestic and international leadership, including the role of Huey Long, the “court packing bill,” and the Neutrality Act.

SSUSH 18b What was the purpose of the 1935 Wagner Act, also called the National Labor Relations Act? http://lodge100.freehomepage.com/photo4.html http://www.hawaflcio.org/?tag=National%20Labor%20Relations%20Board

SSUSH 18b What was the purpose of the 1935 Wagner Act, also called the National Labor Relations Act? A. It gave workers the right to form unions to bargain collectively. B. It banned racial discrimination in the workplace. C. It established the right of women to work in industry. D. It ended child labor in the textile industry. The 1935 Wagner Act, also called the National Labor Relations Act, gave workers the right to form unions to bargain collectively. http://www.northlandposter.com/catalog/p825.html http://www.ibewlocal82.org/images/unionyes.jpg http://www.nlrb.gov/ -- background: The National Labor Relations Board is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1935 to administer the National Labor Relations Act, the primary law governing relations between unions and employers in the private sector. The statute guarantees the right of employees to organize and to bargain collectively with their employers, and to engage in other protected concerted activity with or without a union, or to refrain from all such activity.

c. Explain the passage of the Social Security Act as a part of SSUSH18 – The student will describe Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal as a response to the depression and compare the ways governmental programs aided those in need. a. Describe the creation of the Tennessee Valley Authority as a works program and as an effort to control the environment. b. Explain the Wagner Act and the rise of industrial unionism. c. Explain the passage of the Social Security Act as a part of the second New Deal. d. Identify Eleanor Roosevelt as a symbol of social progress and women’s activism. e. Identify the political challenges to Roosevelt’s domestic and international leadership, including the role of Huey Long, the “court packing bill,” and the Neutrality Act.

All of the following began as part of the New Deal EXCEPT SSUSH 18c All of the following began as part of the New Deal EXCEPT http://www.newdeal75.org/images/fdr.jpg

SSUSH 18c All of the following began as part of the New Deal EXCEPT A. Social Security benefits B. unemployment benefits C. the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) D. food stamps New Deal programs included Social Security, unemployment benefits and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). http://www.umc-gbcs.org/atf/cf/%7B325AB72F-313E-4CC3-BB1A-EF0A52968A8D%7D/social-security-number-card.gif http://www.wslc.org/reports/2008/December/unemployment.gif http://www.fnbccb.com/fdic.gif

d. Identify Eleanor Roosevelt as a symbol of social progress SSUSH18 – The student will describe Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal as a response to the depression and compare the ways governmental programs aided those in need. a. Describe the creation of the Tennessee Valley Authority as a works program and as an effort to control the environment. b. Explain the Wagner Act and the rise of industrial unionism. c. Explain the passage of the Social Security Act as a part of the second New Deal. d. Identify Eleanor Roosevelt as a symbol of social progress and women’s activism. e. Identify the political challenges to Roosevelt’s domestic and international leadership, including the role of Huey Long, the “court packing bill,” and the Neutrality Act.

SSUSH 18d Who became a role model of social progress and women’s activism during the Great Depression and into the difficult war years that followed? http://www.kidscanpress.com/assets/w_EleanorRoosevelt_1783/Covers/1783_cv3.jpg http://www.gwu.edu/~erpapers/teachinger/images/afhra_tuskegeeairanderson.jpg Tuskegee Airmen

SSUSH 18d Who became a role model of social progress and women’s activism during the Great Depression and into the difficult war years that followed? A. Betty Friedan B. Rosa Parks C. Susan B. Anthony D. Eleanor Roosevelt Eleanor Roosevelt became a role model of social progress and women’s activism during the Great Depression and into the difficult war years that followed. http://nomoretiers.org.hosting.domaindirect.com/images/eleanor_roosevelt_and%20_udhr.jpg

http://academics.da.org/thawkins/EleanorRooseveltWebQuest.html http://www.mackayhistory.com/eleanor-roosevelt.jpg

e. Identify the political challenges to Roosevelt’s domestic SSUSH18 – The student will describe Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal as a response to the depression and compare the ways governmental programs aided those in need. a. Describe the creation of the Tennessee Valley Authority as a works program and as an effort to control the environment. b. Explain the Wagner Act and the rise of industrial unionism. c. Explain the passage of the Social Security Act as a part of the second New Deal. d. Identify Eleanor Roosevelt as a symbol of social progress and women’s activism. e. Identify the political challenges to Roosevelt’s domestic and international leadership, including the role of Huey Long, the “court packing bill,” and the Neutrality Act.

SSUSH 18e What did President Franklin Roosevelt attempt to do when it appeared that the U.S. Supreme Court might strike down the Social Security Act, a main part of his New Deal Programs? http://newdeal.feri.org/court/toons/038.jpg

SSUSH 18e What did President Franklin Roosevelt attempt to do when it appeared that the U.S. Supreme Court might strike down the Social Security Act, a main part of his New Deal Programs? A. ask lower courts to rule in favor of the legislation B. return the legislation to Congress for reconsideration C. pack the court by adding justices supportive of his programs D. propose a program to replace the Social Security Act When it appeared that the U.S. Supreme Court might strike down part of Roosevelt’s New Deal programs, he attempted to pack the court by adding justices supportive of his programs.