Co-Chairs: Hilllary Fouts & Lisa Yamagata-Lynch Commission for Women Co-Chairs: Hilllary Fouts & Lisa Yamagata-Lynch
The Commission for Women is a body appointed by the Chancellor to advise on the planning, implementation, and evaluation of university programs, policies, and services designed to improve the status of women on the Knoxville campus of the University of Tennessee
2017-2018 Priorities Awareness around sexual assault Representation of women in leadership positions Pay equity and gender Parental leave for arrival of a child for staff Modified duties for arrival of a child for graduate assistants
Annual Activities Recognition of accomplished UTK women faculty, staff, administrators, and alumna through awards Promotion, review, and nomination of HERS leadership program candidates from UTK
Recent Accomplishments Collaborated with the Provost Office on research of work-life balance policies and programs across peer institutions Collaborated with the Provost Office on design of a university-wide mentoring for historically underrepresented faculty
Recent Accomplishments Collaborated with Faculty Senate on research of pay equity and gender Conducted research on the representation of women in leadership and across tenure-track faculty ranks Promoted awareness of existing lactation rooms and installation of lactation rooms in all new buildings
Recent Accomplishments Support of creation of WiSTAR (Women in STEM Advancing Research, Readiness, and Retention) Support of creation of Pipeline: Vols for Women in STEM student organization Collaborated with various university offices and Faculty Senate in the revision of the faculty-student relationship policy
Recent Accomplishments Collaborated with various university offices and groups in the creation of Family Modified Duties Assignment (FMDA) for the arrival of a child
2017-2018 Meetings September 7, 2017 October 12, 2017 November 2, 2017 December 7, 2017 February 1, 2018 March 1, 2018 April 5, 2018 May 3, 2018 12:00–1:00 p.m. in Hodges 605
For more information… CO-CHAIRS Hillary Fouts Lisa Yamagata-Lynch WEBSITE CONTACT Nancy Thacker (GRA)