Critical Conversations in CTE Doing What Matters – Pending Efforts in the CCCCO EWD/CTE Division and Federal OVAE/Perkins Wheeler North, ASCCC Executive Committee Phil Smith, ASCCC Executive Committee
Authorization and Reauthorization State Economic Workforce and Development (SB1402) CTE Pathways (SB1070) Perkins 1B Leadership and Other Federal (Everything on Hold – Sequestering) Perkins – Local Perkins 1C Student Based TAACCCT (Trade Adjustment Assistance CC and Career Training)
Out With the Old Ten EWD Initiatives now called Sectors with some changes still being fleshed out. Main sectors will drive EWD work but allow for alignment with 15 primary sectors used by CDE and the Fed. Regional Consortia being revamped to include regional decision-making beyond curriculum.
Out With the Old Funding will be regionally deployed with expectations: Competitive granting Regional integration Performance metrics “Braided” funding – intermixed or leveraged where allowed Regional leveraging and partnering required
Doing What Matters For Jobs and the Economy Four parts Give Priority Make Room Student Success Innovate Is pretty much what we already do… in a new pair of shoes. Give Priority - Consider labor market needs when making budget, course & program decisions. Make Room - Decide on program capacity as a region. Retool programs that are not working or not meeting a labor market need so that students can study what MATTERS. Student Success - Adopt common metrics and skills panels in CCCCO RFAs. Strengthen regions with new skill sets. Innovate - Solve a complex workforce training need so that our system can better deliver for employers and sectors.
New Sectors Advanced Manufacturing Advanced Transportation & Renewables *Agriculture, Water & Environmental Technologies *Energy (Efficiency) & Utility Health Life Science/Biotech *Information & Communication Technologies (ICT)/Digital Media Trade Export & Logistics Small Business *Retail/Hospitality/Tourism “Learn-and-Earn” * = new or highly modified
Technical Assistance Two previous Initiatives revamped into service units COE (Centers of Excellence) provide data and research capacity to EWD/CTE needs Training and Development (and other coordination ) A third line-item effort is research and reporting as required by the authorizing legislation.
Critical Conversations 14 already held or to be held around the state Mixed results Hosted by college CEOs versus reflecting regional representation Increasing focus on CTE and EWD role Have not made clear distinctions between serving students versus serving industry Not empowering regional consortia all that well
Federal OVAE – Perkins Blueprint Federal Budget was built on gimmick – default cuts of 8% January 1st. (Sequestering) Includes Perkins but not Pell (Pell does have structural problems) Perkins Blueprint released in April 2012 – but funding extended to next year under old plan Elections put a hold on all until after December
Federal OVAE – Perkins Blueprint ALIGNMENT between CTE and labor market [sectors] COLLABORATION among secondary and postsecondary institutions, employers, and industry partners [via consortia] ACCOUNTABILITY for improving academic outcomes and technical skills INNOVATION supported by systemic reform of state policies and practices (Does this look familiar?)
Federal OVAE – Perkins Blueprint Consortia based funding Private sector match requirements Intra-State competition for funding Common data and definitions Competitive local innovation funding Increase State’s role in funding allocation Required partnering with industry, agency and educational segments.
Summary Greatly increasing Regional Consortia roles Regional Consortia currently not equally prepared for these higher stakes Expectations much higher than current status and roles of Consortia players (faculty and deans versus CIOs and CEOs) Added layer of negotiations Competitive allocation model shifts focus from need to performance
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