Latino Programs College of Agricultural Sciences
Introduction “Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them.” Benjamin Franklin 1751
Strategic Focus Historical Linkages Demographic Trends Central/Eastern Europe Demographic Trends Latin America
Demographic Trends Between 1990-2000, Hispanic population in Pennsylvania grew by 70% (Bureau of the Census) The number of Hispanics living in rural areas in increasing and half of these now live outside the Southwest (Economic Research Service) A greater number of these Hispanics are now running farm operations—the numbers of farms run by Hispanics in the U.S. has grown by 51% since 1997 for a total of roughly 50,500 farms. In Pennsylvania, the number of farms owned and operated by Hispanics has grown by 27% in the same timeframe for a total of roughly 350 (Census of Agriculture, 2002) Mexico is now the third largest market for U.S. agricultural exports at $8.6 billion (just behind Canada and Japan), roughly 14% of total U.S. agricultural export sales. On the flip side, horticulture imports from Mexico and Latin America alone comprise 43% of our overall horticulture imports. Exports to the Caribbean have grown by 25% over the last year while imports from the Caribbean have actually declined.
Trends Continue 95% of migrant and seasonal workers in PA are foreign-born with 91% from Mexico (Center for Rural PA) Hispanics account for 83% of all populations growth in PA between 2000-2006 (PA State Data Center)
LARC: Goal & Functions To serve as a resource for faculty, cooperative extension, students, staff and administration in the College of Agricultural Sciences at Penn State. Serve as focal point for knowledge and information about needs and opportunities in the Latino agricultural community; Ensure consistency and quality in the development and use of Spanish language material in the college’s programs; Promote Spanish language learning; Serve as a link with the Latino agricultural community, both here and abroad
Key Activities Database development Translation services (fee based) Existing programs Existing materials Requests for assistance Translation services (fee based) Language course offerings and development (both resident education and distance education) Respond to queries Networking
Program Examples Spanish FINPACK Spanish FFAT Dairy Certificate Training Program Nutrition and 4-H materials Pesticide Education Tree Pruning
Future Programs? Safety Industrial Hygiene Spanish language courses Other?