There are two nouns in each of the following sentences. Find them. Person: Abraham Lincoln, boy, barber Place: Cincinnati, house, supermarket Thing: Hope Diamond, dog, rock, telephone, radio Idea: Aggression, recession, tyranny, anger, hope, love, fear There are two nouns in each of the following sentences. Find them. My mother once ate an entire pizza. In case of a fire, break the glass. My office is in Cincinnati. My dog loves her special treats. After the illness was confirmed, she slipped into a depression.
Person: Abraham Lincoln, boy, barber Place: Cincinnati, house, supermarket Thing: Hope Diamond, dog, rock, telephone, radio Idea: Aggression, recession, tyranny, anger, hope, love, fear Find the 13 nouns in this sentence. Don’t include the pronouns, which are in green. The novel focuses on Scout Finch and her family, and a large part of the novel is spent on the fascination that Scout and her brother have for their neighbor. Growing up, I didn’t have a hidden away neighbor, but there was a woman across that street that reminded me of Boo.
Types of Pronouns Personal (the easy ones): I, my, me, mine, you, your, yours, he, him, his, she, her, hers, We, our, ours, They, their, theirs, Demonstrative: This, that, these, those (Can also be adjectives) This is the wrong answer. Indefinite Pronouns: All, some, any, several, anyone, nobody, each, both, few, either, neither, none, one, no one, nothing Interrogative/relative Pronouns: Which, what, where, how, who, whom, whose, that I will never ask you what type of pronoun a pronoun is—I just want you to recognize each of them.
Types of Pronouns Personal (the easy ones): I, my, me, mine, you, your, yours, he, him, his, she, her, hers, We, our, ours, They, their, theirs, Demonstrative: This, that, these, those (Can also be adjectives) This is the wrong answer. Indefinite Pronouns: All, some, any, several, anyone, nobody, each, both, few, either, neither, none, one, no one, nothing Interrogative/relative Pronouns: Which, what, where, how, who, whom, whose, that. Find the pronouns in the sentences below. I would rather go to a picnic than work on exercise. His work comes before play. Even the students themselves thought the test was too easy. My apartment looks great now because I did a lot of cleaning. Emma herself thinks it is very cold today. Although Buffalo expects a lot of snow each winter, I like it. The man who wears a black suit is a very famous lawyer.
Adjectives MODIFY (change) nouns or pronouns.
Adjectives MODIFY (change) nouns or pronouns. dog
Adjectives MODIFY (change) nouns or pronouns. dog
Adjectives MODIFY (change) nouns or pronouns. large dog
Adjectives MODIFY (change) nouns or pronouns. large, white dog
Adjectives MODIFY (change) nouns or pronouns. large, white, winged dog
Adjectives MODIFY (change) nouns or pronouns. dog
Adjectives MODIFY (change) nouns or pronouns. small dog
Small, multicolored dog Adjectives MODIFY (change) nouns or pronouns. Small, multicolored dog
Small, multicolored, slinky dog Adjectives MODIFY (change) nouns or pronouns. Small, multicolored, slinky dog
Adjectives MODIFY (change) nouns or pronouns. dog
Adjectives MODIFY (change) nouns or pronouns. big dog
Adjectives MODIFY (change) nouns or pronouns. The Big, Red Dog!
Adjectives MODIFY (change) nouns or pronouns. The Big, Red Dog!
Adjectives MODIFY (change) nouns or pronouns. Include articles like “the,” “a,” and “an” The dog is large. A dog bit me. An apple thrown hard at the head of a dog will keep it from biting you. Usually come immediately before the noun and are separated by a comma if there are two or more (not including articles). My sad, forlorn sister ate an entire box of candy bars. Can also come after “linking verbs.” The play we are attending will be fun, exciting, and rewarding. Plus, we get out of class and will be free. Colors and numbers modify nouns, so they’re adjectives, too! Her red, swollen eyes signaled that something terrible had happened. (Note the adjective coming AFTER the noun. It happens sometimes!) There were three green olives in the jar of supposedly black ones.
Find the adjectives. The foul, ugly dog waited outside the abandoned house for its owner. The big dog liked cheese. We are going to this mysterious play.