PROGs at Oregon State University A PROG is the “Why” in a transaction
What is a PROG? A PROGram code is the FOAPAL element that identifies the purpose or function of an expense. The Program code is the key FOAPAL element for financial reporting to the State of Oregon and federal government. The 5 digit PROG codes are hierarchical, and sub-units are reported as part of a larger entity. 1xxxx Research Programs 11xxx Agricultural Experiment Station research 11208 AGA - AES Greenhouse Operation 12xxx Forest Research Lab research
PROG Validation Table - FTVPROG The form that lists all Programs in the OSU chart. Information provided: Program Code Program Title Data Entry code (Y = can post using Program Status (A = active) Effective and Termination Dates for posting to the Program
(National Association of College and University Business Officers). Program Code The first digit of the Program code indicates a major function (or mission) of the university and is based on NACUBO standards (National Association of College and University Business Officers). The second digit indicates a grouping of program codes (functions) specific to OSU financial statement reporting. The remaining three digits further define the activity or function.
Program Code Assignments 01100 - 09900 Instruction 10000 - 19999 Research & Other Sponsored Activities 20000 - 29999 Public Service 30000 - 39999 Academic Support 40000 - 44999 Student Services 45000 - 48500 Auxiliary Services 50000 - 59999 Facility/Physical Plant Operations 61000 - 62900 Institutional Support 80000 - 85001 Student Financial Aid 90000 - 97000 Construction 99000 - 99900 Other Functions
Instruction: 0xxxx Instructional Program codes begin with “0”. For reporting purposes, instruction includes: Regular instruction Departmental research Department administration support Sponsored instruction Summer Session instruction E Campus instruction Other instruction (workshops)
Research & Sponsored Activities: 1xxxx Research Program codes begin with “1”. These include: Agricultural Experiment Station research Forest Research Lab research OSU Centers & Institutes research Separately sponsored research Required cost sharing by the university Other sponsored activities
Public Service: 2xxxx Public Service Programs begin with “2”. These include: Extension Service projects and programs Extension Service administration Veterinary Teaching Hospital Testing services Editorship and other public services
Academic Support: 3xxxx Academic Support Programs begin with “3”. These include: College Dean’s Office and support units Educational Media Services for students Libraries (institutional only)
Student Services: 40000 - 44999 Student Services Programs range from 40000 through 44999. These include: Vice Provost for Student Services Registrar and Admissions offices Financial Aid & Scholarship office Counseling & Career Services College student advising units.
Auxiliary Services: 45000 – 48500 Auxiliary Services Program codes range from 45000 through 48500. The These include: Housing and Dining Memorial Union and Student Activities Student Health Services Parking operations Intercollegiate Athletics
Facility/Physical Plant Operations: 5xxxx Physical Plant Operations Program codes begin with “5”. These include: Custodial Services Utilities Waste Disposal Grounds and Building maintenance Colleges and departments should use program code 52500 for all building related repairs and maintenance.
Institutional Support: 61000 - 62900 Institutional Support Program codes range from 61000 through 62900. These include: President, Provost, & Vice Presidents’ offices Human Resources Budgets Business Affairs Business Services Information Services
Student Financial Aid : 80000 - 85001 Student Financial Aid Program codes range from 80000 – 85001. These include: Scholarships and Fellowships Student Loans
Construction Projects: 90000 - 97000 Construction Projects Program codes range from 90000 through 97000. These include: Major remodeling New buildings
Other Functions: 99000 - 99900 Other functions of the university use Program codes range from 99000 through 99900. These include: Service Centers Endowments Agency Fund Management
Program Title The Program code name identifies expenditure activity types. Generally, the Program code title does not begin with an acronym. Examples of acronym exceptions: Ag research project program codes begin with AGA Extension Service program codes begin with TEX.
Program Codes at Oregon State University END Program Codes at Oregon State University