The university application process 2018 cohort
Tonight What happens next? Key dates Tariff information Introduction to UCAS Key dates Application process Making informed choices What happens next? Tariff information Finance Top tips
What is UCAS? Universities and Colleges Admissions Service Centralised application processing service On-line system and application form Secure site, can be worked on anywhere
UCAS key dates 2017/2018 1st September - form processing begins March - majority of decisions made by institutions 15 January - MAIN UCAS CLOSING DATE June - last day for late applications Start of Year Christmas Easter End of exams August - results day 15 October - closing date for Oxbridge, medicine, veterinary science February - UCAS Extra begins (for late applicants, those that have changed their mind or those who have no offers)
Hazeley Timeline Already visited the UCAS fair and attended personal statement workshop Last week students registered on UCAS 1st Draft personal statement is due 7th July 2nd Draft personal statement is due first week back in September All applications to be paid and sent by 10th December- guarantee a reference
Making an application Over 35,000 courses to choose from Only have five choices available on form UCAS processes over 2 million undergraduate applications a year Lots of competition – it is important to have a very strong application
Students making informed choices MUST Research the 4 C’s (Course, Career, Campus and City) Be realistic about choices, for example: x2 ambitious entry requirements to aim for x1 match to your predicted grades x2 lower entry requirements to fall back on.
Therefore a student with predicted grades of BBC, might apply to the following 5 choices 1x BBB 2 X BBC 1x BCC 1x CCC One of the last two courses above NEEDS to be their insurance, therefore they MUST be happy to go there.
Applying online End of Course Predicted grades (subject tutors) 4 critical pieces of information: Year 12 grades (exam results) End of Course Predicted grades (subject tutors) Personal Statement (student) Tutor reference (form tutor) Predicted grades . need to have consistent evidence of the grade in summative & formative assessments
What happens next? UCAS acknowledges receipt of application form Students can track application process online (using UCAS track facility) University Admissions Tutors assess each application Possible invitation to an interview (not required for most courses) Decisions/offers made via UCAS track Universities send out offer communications
Types of offer Conditional offer Unconditional offer Alternative course offer Unsuccessful Offers may be expressed in either grades or UCAS points.
Examples of typical offers Law at LSE A*AA Law at Birmingham AAA Medicine at Kings London A*AA Psychology at Warwick AAB Psychology at Derby 120 UCAS points which is BBB History at Oxford AAA
UCAS points system A Levels
UCAS points system BTEC
Finance Tuition Fee Loan > £9,250 Maintenance Loans > £ 8,430 (£11k for London) Maintenance Grants > £ 3,387 (HI > £25k) Special Support Grants (receipt of benefits IS/UC) Scholarships & Bursaries Repayments! (£21K+) RPI+3%
Maintenance grants
After the offer Select two choices – firm and insurance You have now entered into an agreement with these universities, if you change your mind you will need to be released by the institutions UCAS Extra – for late applicants and those who change their mind Results day Clearing & Adjustment
Top tips Make informed choices – research Read all instructions carefully Accuracy Be aware of key dates Print a finished copy for future reference Don’t be afraid to contact universities/UCAS with questions
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