12 Starter for 5! What is a holy war? Give an example of a holy war. Which quote could be used against fighting a holy war? Which part of the trinity comforts and guides people on earth today? Why is St Paul considered to be an influential figure in the history of the church?
12 Starter for 5! What is a holy war? Fighting for a religious cause or God, usually controlled by a religious leader Give an example of a holy war. E.g. Crusades Which quote could be used against fighting a holy war? ‘Turn the other cheek’, ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’, ‘Thou shall not kill’. Which part of the trinity comforts and guides people on earth today? The Holy Spirit Why is St Paul considered to be an influential figure in the history of the church? He wrote much of the New Testament, he set up many of the early churches, he converted from a Jew to a Christian and spent his life spreading the message of Jesus
Responses to Victims of War Learning Objective: To explore responses to victims of war. I can give examples of responses to victims of war I can apply Christian teachings to victims of war I can creatively respond to this issue
Victims of War Causalities are an unavoidable part of war. In addition to the harm that is caused directly to those involved in the fighting, war is also caused to their families and friends. For example: If the main wage earner dies in a war, the family may struggle without them If a place of work is destroyed in a war, nobody can earn a wage there If crops are destroyed or water supplies polluted, starvation could follow for those living in surrounding areas
What is it like to be a victim of war? Zlata’s Diary What is it like to be a victim of war? Zlata Filipovic was given a diary shortly before her tenth birthday and began to write in it regularly. She was an ordinary, if unusually intelligent and articulate little girl, and her preoccupations include whether or not to join the Madonna fan club, her piano lessons, her friends and her new skis. But the distant murmur of war draws closer to her Sarajevo home. Her father starts to wear military uniform and her friends begin to leave the city. One day, school is closed and the next day bombardments begin. The pathos and power of Zlata's diary comes from watching the destruction of a childhood. Her circle of friends is increasingly replaced by international journalists who come to hear of this little girl's courage and resilience. But the reality is that, as they fly off with the latest story of Zlata, she remains behind, writing her deepest feelings to 'Mimmy', her diary, and her last remaining friend. As a class read through the extract from Zlata’s Diary – get students to come up with feelings and adjectives to describe what it is like to be a victim of war.
Responses to Victims of War Learning Objective: To explore responses to victims of war. I can reflect on what it is like to be a victim of war I can apply Christian teachings to victims of war I can give examples of Christian responses to victims of war
Why do Christians help victims of war? What quote/parable do you know that explains why a Christian would help a victim of war?
Responses to Victims of War Learning Objective: To explore responses to victims of war. I can give examples of responses to victims of war I can apply Christian teachings to victims of war I can creatively respond to this issue
Christian Aid Response What they do: For more than sixty years, Christian Aid has been delivering urgent aid in emergencies triggered by conflict. From Vietnam and Lebanon, to Kosovo and Darfur, we have been there to deliver humanitarian assistance to people in need - refugees, displaced people and vulnerable people caught up in conflict. But our experience has also told us that our response to conflict needs to be even more far-reaching than the delivery of humanitarian assistance, however important that may be. After the cameras have gone home Our experience also tells us that our response to conflict must extend beyond the time when the troops go home - the return of peace is often just the beginning of our involvement in a country. For instance, in countries torn apart by war but now at peace such as Angola or Sierra Leone, we are helping communities to rebuild their lives and work towards peaceful, long-term development. This involves not only helping to rehabilitate people formerly involved in the conflict (often child soldiers) and building peace and reconciliation between communities, but also helping to build sustainable livelihoods. Introduce students to the work of Christian Aid and show a selection of clips on their work Speaking out In Colombia, for example, Christian Aid is speaking out on behalf of and with communities living under the shadow of 40 years of ongoing armed conflict - calling on the government there to protect their lives and their rights. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivJqmdeu9ZQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1o62rArAeE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbmjL1iWjxA
Christian Aid Campaign For your homestudy you are going to complete further research into how Christian Aid responds to victims of war and create your own fundraising campaign to encourage people to donate money to this particular cause. You will need to include: A written piece that explains the work Christian Aid does to help victims of war with links to Christian teachings A creative piece to help Christian Aid raise money for their work Give students time at the end of the lesson to begin their homestudy. You might want to book laptops for this to give students time to complete further research.