PHED 1111: Physical Education spring 2012 Dr. Fauzia Callaghan Section: 201 Name: Mariam Al-Binali ID: 200800662 Major: Computer Engineering Assignment: Nutrition Analysis (20%)
Assessment Rubric Criteria Assessment Rubric For Nutrition Analysis Scores Daily Diet Record – day 1 Include food types, amounts, calories, food servings, and estimated meal calorie % 12% Chart 1 Use your answers from your Daily Diet Records to answer the 19 questions 2% Chart 2 Use your answers from Chart 1 to complete this chart 1% Conclusions and Implications Using your results from this lab discuss your diet. Compare your food servings with the recommended food servings for the 4 food groups. Compare your % values with the recommended % values for protein, carbs, and fats. What diet changes should you make? Are you eating enough calories? (completely fill in the box – use 10 font, 1 line spacing) 7% TOTAL 22% Criteria Assessment Rubric for Selecting Nutritious Foods SCORES Favorite versus Nutritious Food Choices Include food types, calories, protein calories, carbohydrate calories, fat calories, and total calories 12% Food Selection Results Use your answers from the Favorite Versus Nutritious Food Choices Table to calculate the various calories % 4% Conclusions and Implications Discuss the differences between your nutritious diet and your favorite diet (mention food servings and % values). Discuss how you designed your nutritious diet (mention your ideal calorie number, food servings, % values). (completely fill in the box – use 10 font, 1 line spacing) 7% TOTAL 23%
Scramble egg whit Toast Orange Juice Apple 1 g 1 Slice 1 Glass 1 Apple 111 68 114 96 12.08 24.9 62.9 = 100% 389 1 2 1 100 Diet Drink Salad, Plain Sandwich(fish) cooked broccoli Cooked carrots 12 oz Small plate Regular 8 oz 37 432 60 71 15.5 41.33 43.16 = 100% 600 1 3 1 1 100 Broiled Chicken Breast Soft Drink Corn orange I peace 1 Can 1 ear medium 284 144 70 64 42.7 12.2 45.01 =100% 562 2 1 1 100 Apple Popped corn Ice cream Potato chips Medium I cup 8 oz Small bag 96 40 257 115 5.11 42.5 52.3 x =100% 100 508 1 1 2 19.7 13.59 49.68 2,059 2 8 4 4
Calculations Breakfast: Total protein=29+9+8+1=47 Total carp=7+52+100+86=245 Total fat=75+7+6+9=97 Total of all=47+245+97=389 Percent of protein=47/389*100=12.08% Percent of carp=245/389*100=62.9% Percent of fat=97/389*100=24.9% Lunch: Total protein=6+56+19+12=93 Total carp=27+147+26+59=259 Total fat=4+229+15=248 Total of all=93+259+248=600 Percent of protein=93/600*100=15.5% Percent of carp=259/600*100=43.16% Percent of fat=248/600*100=41.33% Dinner: Total protein=224+10+6=240 Total carp=144+52+57=253 Total fat=60+8+1=69 Total of all=240+253+69=562 Percent of protein=240/562*100=42.7% Percent of carp=253/562*100=45.01% Percent of fat=69/562*100=12.2% Snacks: Total protein=1+7+15+3=26 Total carp=86+33+108+39=266 Total fat=9+134+73=216 Total of all=26+266+216=508 Percent of protein=26/508*100=5.11% Percent of carp=266/508*100=52.3% Percent of fat=216/508*100=42.5%
Daily Total: Total daily protein=Breakfast protein+ Lunch protein + dinner protein + snack protein=47+93+240+26=406 Total Daily Fat=Breakfast fat+ Lunch fat + dinner fat + snack fat= 97+248+69+216=630 Total Daily carbs =Breakfast carbs+ Lunch carbs+ dinner carbs + snack carbs=245+259+253+266=1023 Total of all=1023+630+406=2059 Percentage of daily protein=406/2059*100=19.7% Percentage of daily fat=630/2059*100=30.59% Percentage of daily carbs=1023/2059*100=49.68%
1 day Mariam Al-Binali ID# 20080066 2 201 23,4,2012 2,059 1. Compare Your food servings with the recommended servings for the 4 main food groups. I after I recorded what I was eating for whole one day, I found out that I am eating only 2 serving of bread, rice and pasta, where the ideal serving is form 6- 11 serving a day. Also, when I compared the second food group which is fruit (2-4)and vegetable(3-5) I found that I am eating more than the required amount, where I Was eating 8 servings a day. In the third group, which is meat and milk, the ideal serving is 2-3 each and I was eating 4 servings which is considered good. And finally in the fat and sweet group, where we should not eat a lot in it or even better we should not eat from it at all, I found that I was eating 4 serving of daily. 2. Compare your % values for the 4 main food groups with the recommended % values for protein, carbohydrates, and fats. According to the Dietary reference intake (DRI) values, in chapter 14 we can see the percentage in the pie figure that shows the amount of protein, fat and cabs that we should take daily. We should take 10-35 % of protein and I was taking 19.7% which is almost 20% per day and that’s good comparing to the amount I should take. The carbohydrate percentage in the pie chart figure said that we should take 45-65% and I was taking 49.68% per day and that’s also really good comparing to what we should take. Finally, the percentage of fat is 20-35 % and I was taking 30.59% per day and that mean I'm reaching the final limit and I am supposed to reduce this amount because if I keep eating in the same way I will increase the risk of being fat, having heart diseases and high blood pressure. 3. What diet changes should you make? Mention fiber, types of protein, drinks, types of fat, etc. After I record what I eat for one day, I found that I am eating lots of food that contains fat, 30.59% of fat per day and that’s considers a lot, that’s why I should eat less of fat. Therefore, I have to make changes in my diet especially in the fat part because I’m eating too much in a day and that’s will affect my health negatively on the long term. I should replace the fat product with more healthier products like fruits that has less sugar but it taste good also. Also, I have to eat more food that cantinas carbohydrate and less of fat. For example drinking more milk . 4. Are you eating enough calories? How many calories should you be consuming daily? (see According to the website I should eat between 2,000 to 2200 ,because I am a moderately active person , and I am eating 2,059 clarions and this is really good. however, my diet consists of high amount of fat and I should change this habit in my diet and replace the foods that contain fat with more healthier foods with less amount of fat to take care of my self and body. this will make me healthier, more active and I will have a longer life.