Florida STEM Timeline Project Due May 12 Worth TWO Social Studies grades! Displayed at the Celebration of Learning!
Requirements Choose a STEM related topic and research the topic to find at least 12 important dates from Florida history and at least 5 pictures related to that topic. Design a creative timeline to display your facts and pictures. Hand write or type and print your information. YOU must do the writing or typing – not your parent! Make sure the information is in your own words – we do not want anyone to plagiarize. Turn your timeline in to your teacher on Tuesday, May 12.
Resources Social Studies Textbook Reference Books Internet Pictures may be photocopied, printed from the internet, cut from magazines or travel brochures, or even better, hand drawn!
Extra Credit Extra points will be earned by having a project that shows “Above the Ordinary” effort!
Possible Topics Turpentine Industry Timber Industry Railroad Florida’s Seaports Florida’s Lighthouses Florida’s Roller Coasters Hurricanes Racing in Florida Strawberry Industry Sugar Cane Industry Famous Scientists/Mathematicians/Environm entalists from Florida Top Engineering Projects in Florida Railroad Citrus Industry Space Program Cattle Industry Sponge Industry Treasure Hunting off Florida’s Coast Fishing off Florida’s Coast Mining Industry Parks/Springs/Civilian Conservation Corps Florida’s Roads/Highways Everglades
How will the timeline be graded? Name on timeline 10 Title 10 12 dates 60 5 pictures 30 Correct spelling/grammar 50 Neatness 30 Creativity 10 TOTAL 200
Examples of past projects