Romano-Celtic Metalwork Benjamin Cheek
Pre-Roman Britian La Tène Snettisham Torc Desborough Mirror Battersea Shield
Romans in Britain
Jewelry Thetford Hoard rings Lost Wax Process Dragonesque Brooch
Coins Cunobelinus Carausius Constantius
Discussion Hoards can be a wealth of knowledge, especially as some contain numerous items, from jewelry to coins. Some hoards have tens of thousands of coins. What might have led to the creation of hoards like these?
References "6. Technology and the Arts in Roman Britain." The Romans In Britain. 2007. Accessed March 30, 2017. David Mattingly, An Imperial Possession: Britain in the Roman Empire, Penguin 2007 Malcolm Todd, ed. A Companion to Roman Britain. Blackwell 2007 S. Ireland, Roman Britain: A Sourcebook. 3rd edition, Routledge 2009