Program Overview 10 sessions – 10 month duration 1 session per month – face to face or teleconference/skype 3 monthly check ups Stages Introductions and an agreement on the desired outcomes Set the direction & objective Create a program schedule Prepare an agenda and summary for each meeting Build the relationship, provide support, suggestions, feedback Plan for post-program conclusion
Meeting Agenda & Summary Meeting goal/s: Valuate the goal/s: (is it in-line with the program goals?) Discuss ideas & suggestions for goal achievement: Plan the execution strategy: steps for goal achievement Identify any potential challenges or roadblocks: Summarize the key points of the meeting: Wrap Up (time check, schedule changes etc) Next Steps:
Actions since previous meeting Text Plan for this meeting
Program Agreement Desired Outcome GOAL STATEMENT Direction & Objective Direction: Use each session to… Objective: What is the objective of the meetings in reaching the goal
Program Schedule Meeting 1: Intro & career backgrounds, outcome, direction objective & schedule setting Meeting 2: Meeting 3: Meeting 4: Meeting 5: Meeting 6: Meeting 7: Meeting 8: Meeting 9: Meeting 10: Post-program plan and next steps