Roshydromet contribution to implement global and regional activities Seventh Regional Conference on Management of Meteorological and Hydrological Services (RECO-7) in Regional Association II 10-11 February 2017, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
North-Eurasia Climate Center North Eurasia Climate Center (NEACC) and North Eurasian Climate Outlook Forum (NEACOF) are part of the CSIS infrastructure in RAII aimed to fulfil the GFCS tasks WMO RCC Status Worldwide WMO RCOFs Worldwide (From PPT of Dr. Kolli, 2016)
Diagnostic climate information Express monitoring Climate Monitoring Monitoring of extreme weather and climate events Satellite monitoring of snow and ice Prognostic climate information Forecasts for a month or a season on the basis of SL-AV and MGO models (maps, surveys, numerical data) Circulation Indices Intraseasonal forecasts (new experimental technology) Outlooks of seasonal forecasts Forecasts verification Skill scores of operational forecasts Skill scores of retrospective forecasts The archives of climate data Рус Eng
Preparation of consensus winter 2015/2016 forecast NEACOF was initiated by the North Eurasia Climate Centre (NEACC); the first session took place from 17 to 19 May 2011, hosted by Hydrometcenter of Russia Participating countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belorussia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine The NEACOF has been conducted twice a year: at the end of the springtime, in May, (on the base of Internet resources) and at the end of the autumn, in November (physical sessions), with focus on the seasonal prediction for summer and winter respectively Preparation of consensus winter 2015/2016 forecast 9-th session of NEACOF, November 2015, Moscow
Implementation of the proposed APRCC-RAII is planned in accordance with the WMO Manual No.485 and similar to existing NEACC, supported by Hydrometcenter Moscow, as a consortium of 4 Roshydromet institutions: Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), St.Petersburg, coordinator Main Geophysical observatory (MGO),St.Petersburg Russian Institute for Hydrometeorological information – World Data Center (RIHMI-WDC), Obninsk Hydrometcenter of Russia (RHMC)
Web-Based Interface Web-Based Interface Regional/territorial administrators/operators (Roshydromet branches) Leading administrator/operators (RIHMI-WDC, Obninsk) Observation network metadata/information interation: Requirement, Capabilities, Staff- funding, Activity Centralazed processing and storage, decentralazed metadata management Users cathegories: Decision - makers, Network operators, Scitntists/developers Interoperability with WIGOS OSCAR (in future) Web-Based Interface Observation Network Capabilities Staff-funding Activity (in future) Requirements Web-Based Interface All Users: Search and quiery Table/plot/map presentations Standartizided reports
Metadata Synchronization Roshydromet Integrsated Information telrcommunication System (IITS) Programme is adopted Russian WIS segment (GISC-Moscow and 7 DCPC) will provide a data management infrastructure of IITS Standartizided components as «a building blocks» for R-WIS/IITS nodes GISC-Moscow is operating from 2013 and DCPC-Obninsk/JCOMM is ready (evaluation is required) Virtual NC for RAII HMS DCPC-Obninsk (JCOMM) GISC … GISC-Moscow Metadata Synchronization Data Exchange User’s RNT/Internet GTS data - MSS Problem-oriented data national data ODP IODE data…
DCPCs in process Euro-Asian Climate Center/WMC (Moscow) Radioactive pollution modeling center (Obninsk) World Radiation Data Centre (WRDC) (St-Petersburg) WDC Sea Ice (St-Petersburg) WDC Hydrology (St-Petersburg) RHM/RSMC (Khabarovsk) RHM/RSMC (Novosibirsk)
Foreign students Total Foreign students Woman Foreign students Man