How to Navigate the NCTN and Participate in Imaging Research Wendy Smith, BS, RTRCV, CCRP Rhode Island Hospital Diagnostic Imaging Research
Poll Imaging Department and not Cancer Center? On the CTSU roster? Enrolling patients in NCTN trials? Are currently working on? Alliance A011101/ACRIN 6694 E4112 EA1141
Objectives: Share insight into Imaging Research on the NCTN Review experience of two imaging sites to participate in NCTN (struggles and successes) Tools/steps to get you on the CTSU roster and enrolling into NCTN trials Questions/Answers
Insight: National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN) NCI asked the 9 Adult cooperative groups asked to merge and pare down to 4 adult groups New groups and NCTN structure launched March 1st 2014 Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group NRG Oncology SWOG Children's Oncology Group (COG) Imaging
New Structure for NCI research Lead Academic Participating Sites (LAPS) NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP) ACRIN Imaging Research sites not part of LAPS or NCORP NCTN LAPS NCORP ?
Experience: Rhode Island Hospital 700+ Bed - Level 1 trauma center with Comprehensive Cancer Center Imaging Research Member of ACRIN since 1998 Enrolled over 1400 subjects into ACRIN trials Comprehensive Cancer center Member of CALGB and RTOG
Experience: Rhode Island Hospital Imaging- NCTN Signed purchase services agreement for Imaging to be part of EA -2014 Cancer center agreed to put us on the roster for RI005- site can only have one site number on the roster. Began our first NCTN protocol Aug 2015
Continued challenges- Logistical vs. Financial Who opens a trial at RIH, Coop CA Center or DI? Conflicting interests DI interested, Oncology not, can you do the trial? Financial One agreement between the Institution and NCTN Where does the money go? How do you transfer it to your department? Will the CA Center take a cut of imaging reimbursement?
Experience: Clinical Radiologists Tracy Petro AAS, CTR, CCRP Clinical Research Coordinator Clinical Radiologists Springfield, IL
Clinical Radiologists Private Radiology group servicing 40 offices and 32 Hospitals including Memorial Medical Center (in Illinois, Missouri, Iowa and Indiana) 74 radiologists- all board certified in their specialties All imaging modalities including- PET, CT and MRI 30+ radiologists involved in research 25 years participating in ACRIN trials
Clinical Radiologists Participated in ACRIN trials including: 6651 Pre-treatment Imaging Eval of Cervical CA 6654 CT Colonography Trial 6667 MRI Contralateral Breast 6685 FDG PET- Head/Neck CA 7151 Extra Colonic Findings Just to name a few…..
Quandary post restructure of Cooperative groups Pre- NCTN Member of ACRIN since inception CCOP site for Memorial Medical Center, Springfield, IL Post- NCTN Member of ACRIN- not automatically member of EA Memorial Medical Center now NCORP- won’t include Clinical Radiologists on their roster. What to do next and how to participate?
ECOG- ACRIN Find a home (membership) How to get on a roster? Can’t? Sign purchase services agreement with EA 2013 How to get on a roster? Can’t? Can’t participate in any NCTN trials until on the roster
NCTN- develop a method to roster sites not included in LAPS or NCORP Additional agreement? Site ID for Clinical Radiologist PI and “Lead Clinical Research Professional” place on roster Almost there!