Aims and Values Develop and enhance opportunities for young people through the creation of a holistic, outward-looking and innovative approach focused on raising the standards of young people’s health, education and achievement
Why are we involved? Established Trust with a clarity of vision Local knowledge and insight An outward and national perspective in its work Track record of successful management of change Drive, motivation and a commitment to raising standards The ability to challenge and effect change
How will we contribute? Providing excellence in teaching, learning, educational research and input on curriculum development and priorities Health promotion and careers in health Awareness of the needs of the commercial sector Specialist expertise in business and organisational management Positive non-educational challenge to educational practice Provide a local, regional and national dimension in terms of access to and engagement with the Arts
How will we improve standards? Challenging, yet realistic targets Ensuring that the school sources examples of the best practice both locally and nationally Advanced skill teachers appointed Ensuring that teaching is relevant to the needs and aspirations of all Feedback mechanisms are in place for young people and their families Strengthen leadership at all levels
Extended Services in partnership Breakfast club Parenting support Access to specialist support Sports Arts Community engagement Senior leadership position to co-ordinate
Aspirations Our students will achieve excellent results at every chosen level Every student capable of achieving 5A* - C GCSE grades including English and Maths will achieve these results All students will have the opportunity to actively engage in sport, music and performing arts at the highest regional and national levels All students will develop key skills for life by engaging in work-related activities All students will have a personal mentor and personal learning plan
The New Medina We wish to promote the new school because it will sustain and strengthen the year-on-year progression made at Medina High school in the last four years A vibrant community Popular and oversubscribed Recognised for high standards of behaviour, student engagement and high quality teaching Recognise by OfSTED for its improvements as evidence by the first ‘outstanding’ judgement in an OfSTED thematic inspection in November 2008
Advantages of Hard Federation Clarity of single leadership structure Wider opportunities for effective learning, social and emotional development opportunities Collaboration, not competition Joint staffing opportunities and wider career opportunities Cost effectiveness – economies of scale The best of both Stability across both schools
Why we should be the preferred proposer? Local, non-Academy proposal An established Trust with a powerful mix of partners Partners part of and committed to the community Local knowledge and insight with national perspectives