The Addition Progress Drive Phase 4 Steps 30 to 41 Developing the ‘3 Sentences approach’ into more advanced FAB Maths Phase 3 Steps 26 to 29 Progressing to 3d + 3d (FAB Maths and link into Column Method) Phase 2 Steps 21 to 25 Progressing to 2d + 2d Phase 1 Steps 1 to 20 Partitioning and recombining (2d + 1d) Counting On Counting Addition Step 25
CLIC Session Counting C Learn Its L Its Nothing New I Calculation C
F A B Addition Step 25 Calculation C
Addition Step 25 Remember to: partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer Addition Step 25
Addition Step 25 Remember to: partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer Addition Step 25
56+87 56 6 50 Addition Step 25 Remember to: partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer Addition Step 25 56+87 56 6 50
56+87 87 7 80 Addition Step 25 Remember to: partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer Addition Step 25 56+87 87 7 80
56+87 6+7 50+80 Addition Step 25 Remember to: partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer Addition Step 25 56+87 50+80 6+7
56+87 6+7 50+80 Addition Step 25 Remember to: 130 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer Addition Step 25 56+87 50+80 6+7 130
56+87 6+7 50+80 Addition Step 25 Remember to: 130 13 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer Addition Step 25 56+87 50+80 6+7 130 13
143 56+87 F A B 6+7 50+80 Addition Step 25 Remember to: 130 13 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer Addition Step 25 56+87 50+80 6+7 130 13 143
Addition Step 25 Let’s practice! Five questions
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68 + 45 ? 60+40 8+5 Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 1 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 60+40 8+5 How do you know? 68 + 45 ?
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57 + 96 ? 50+90 7+6 Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 2 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 50+90 7+6 How do you know? 57 + 96 ?
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74 + 88 ? 70+80 4+8 Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 3 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 70+80 4+8 How do you know? 74 + 88 ?
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86 + 79 ? 80+70 6+9 Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 4 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 80+70 6+9 How do you know? 86 + 79 ?
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49 + 95 ? 40+90 9+5 Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 5 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 40+90 9+5 How do you know? 49 + 95 ?
Let’s practice and nudge things along a little! F A B Addition Step 25 Awesome! Five questions
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68 + 45 ? 100 13 Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 1 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 100 13 How do you know? 68 + 45 ?
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57 + 96 ? 140 13 Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 2 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 140 13 How do you know? 57 + 96 ?
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74 + 88 ? 150 12 Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 3 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 150 12 How do you know? 74 + 88 ?
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86 + 79 ? 150 15 Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 4 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 150 15 How do you know? 86 + 79 ?
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49 + 95 ? 130 14 Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 5 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 130 14 How do you know? 49 + 95 ?
Let’s practice and nudge things along a little more! F A B Addition Step 25 Five questions
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113 68 + 45 ? 100 13 Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 1 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 How do you know? 100 13 113 68 + 45 ?
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153 57 + 96 ? 140 13 Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 2 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 How do you know? 140 13 153 57 + 96 ?
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162 74 + 88 ? 150 12 Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 3 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 How do you know? 150 12 162 74 + 88 ?
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165 86 + 79 ? 150 15 Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 4 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 How do you know? 150 15 165 86 + 79 ?
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144 49 + 95 ? 130 14 Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 5 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 How do you know? 130 14 144 49 + 95 ?
Some more FAB maths to get closer to brain only! Addition Step 25 Five questions
Now try to hold this number in your head! Example Remember to: partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 130 13 143 Now try to hold this number in your head! 56 + 87 ?
143 56 + 87 ? 13 Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Example partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 13 143 Hold in your head! 56 + 87 ?
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122 85 + 37 ? 12 Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 1 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 Hold in your head! 12 122 85 + 37 ?
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134 76 + 58 ? 14 Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 2 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 Hold in your head! 14 134 76 + 58 ?
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142 93 + 49 ? 12 Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 3 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 Hold in your head! 12 142 93 + 49 ?
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154 68 + 86 ? 14 Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 4 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 Hold in your head! 14 154 68 + 86 ?
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135 57 + 78 ? 15 Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 5 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 Hold in your head! 15 135 57 + 78 ?
Now hold both numbers in your head! F A B Addition Step 25 The brain only challenge! Five questions
Now try to hold both these numbers in your head! Example Remember to: partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 150 14 164 86 + 78 ? Now try to hold both these numbers in your head!
164 86 + 78 ? Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Example partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 Brain only! 164 86 + 78 ?
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121 57 + 64 ? Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 1 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 Brain only! 121 How do you know? 57 + 64 ?
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143 75 + 68 ? Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 2 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 Brain only! 143 How do you know? 75 + 68 ?
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133 86 + 47 ? Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 3 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 Brain only! 133 How do you know? 86 + 47 ?
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155 59 + 96 ? Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 4 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 Brain only! 155 How do you know? 59 + 96 ?
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136 78 + 58 ? Addition Step 25 F A B Remember to: Question 5 partition the numbers write out the two new questions add the tens add the ones add the tens answer to the ones answer F A B Addition Step 25 Brain only! 136 How do you know? 78 + 58 ?
Some more questions without the ‘Remember Tos’! F A B Addition Step 25 Some more questions without the ‘Remember Tos’! Five questions
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Question 1 F A B Addition Step 25 69 + 83 ? 152 How do you know?
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Question 2 F A B Addition Step 25 76 + 97 ? 173 How do you know?
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Question 3 F A B Addition Step 25 85 + 59 ? 144 How do you know?
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Question 4 F A B Addition Step 25 58 + 67 ? 125 How do you know?
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Question 5 F A B Addition Step 25 94 + 88 ? 182 How do you know?