CTL model checking algorithms Many slides from Tevfik Bultan
Recall: Linear Time vs. Branching Time In linear time logics we look at execution paths individually In branching time logics we view the computation as a tree computation tree unroll the transition relation Transition System Execution Paths Computation Tree s3 s3 s3 s1 s2 s3 s4 s4 s1 s4 s1 s3 s2 s3 s2 . s4 s1 s3 s3 . . . . s4 s1 . . .
Recall: Computation Tree Logic (CTL) In CTL we quantify over the paths in the computation tree We use the same temporal operators as in LTL: X, G, F, U We attach path quantifiers to these temporal operators: A : for all paths E : there exists a path We end up with eight temporal operators: AX, EX, AG, EG, AF, EF, AU, EU
Examples AX (all next) EX (exists next) AG (all global) EG (exists global) AG (all global)
Examples, Cont’d EF (exists future) AF (all future) EU (exists until) AU (all until)
Automated Verification of Finite State Systems [Clarke and Emerson 81], [Queille and Sifakis 82] CTL Model checking problem: Given a transition system T = (S, I, R), and a CTL formula f, does the transition system satisfy the property? CTL model checking problem can be solved in O(|f| (|S|+|R|)) Note that the complexity is linear in the size of the transition system But, the size of the transition system is exponential in the number of variables and concurrent components this is called the state space explosion problem
CTL Model Checking Algorithm Translate the formula to a formula which uses the basis EX p, EG p, p EU q Key idea: Start from the innermost (non-atomic) subformulas and label the states in the transition system with the subformulas that hold in that state Initially states are labeled with atomic properties Each (temporal or boolean) operator has to be processed once Graph traversal algorithms are used to find the labeling for each operator Computation of each subformula takes O(|S|+|R|)
CTL Model Checking Algorithm EX p is easy to do in O(|S|+|R|) All the nodes which have a next state labeled with p should be labeled with EX p p EU q: Find the states which are the source of a path where p U q holds Equivalently, find the nodes which reach a node that is labeled with q by a path where each node is labeled with p Label such nodes with p EU q It is a reachability problem which can be solved in O(|S|+|R|)
CTL Model Checking Algorithm EG p: Find paths where each node is labeled with p and label nodes in such paths with EG p First remove all the states which do not satisfy p from the transition graph Compute the strongly connected components of the remaining graph and then find the nodes which can reach the strongly connected components (both of which can be done in O(|S|+|R|) Label the nodes in the strongly connected components and that can reach the strongly connected components with EG p
Verification vs. Falsification Show: initial states truth set of p Falsification: Find: a state initial states truth set of p Generate a counter-example starting from that state CTL model checking algorithm can also generate a counter-example path if the property is not satisfied without increasing the complexity The ability to find counter-examples is one of the biggest strengths of the model checkers
Problems with the previous algorithm It is named to explicit state model checking All the states and labels associated to the states must be recorded needs a lot of memory exponential explosion - the set of states in the transition graph is exponential to the number of variables and concurrent processes in the initial system
Temporal Properties Fixpoints [Emerson and Clarke 80] Here are some interesting CTL equivalences: AG p = p AX AG p EG p = p EX EG p AF p = p AX AF p EF p = p EX EF p p AU q = q (p AX (p AU q)) p EU q = q (p EX (p EU q)) Note that we wrote the CTL temporal operators in terms of themselves and EX and AX operators - unfolding the property
Functionals Given a transition system T=(S, I, R), we will define functions from sets of states to sets of states F : 2S 2S For example, one such function is the EX operator (which computes the precondition of a set of states) EX : 2S 2S which can be defined as: EX(p) = { s | (s,s’) R and s’ p } Abuse of notation: we use p to denote the set of states which satisfy the property p , i.e., the truth set of p.
Functionals Now, we can think of all temporal operators also as functions from sets of states to sets of states For example: AX p = EX(p) or if we use the set notation AX p = (S - EX(S - p)) Abuse of notation: we will use the set and logic notations interchangeably. Logic Set p q p q p q p q p S – p False True S
Temporal Properties Fixpoints Based on the equivalence EF p = p EX EF p we observe that EF p is a fixpoint of the following function: F y = p EX y F (EF p) = EF p In fact, EF p is the least fixpoint of F, which is written as: EF p = y . p EX y Based on the equivalence EG p = p EX EG p we observe that EG p is a fixpoint of the following function: F y = p EX y F (EG p) = EG p In fact, EG p is the greatest fixpoint of F, which is written as: EG p = y . p EX y
EF Fixpoint Computation EF(p) states that can reach p p EX(p) EX(EX(p)) ... p • • • EF(p)
EG Fixpoint Computation EG(p) states that can avoid reaching p p EX(p) EX(EX(p)) ... • • • EG(p)
-Calculus -Calculus is a temporal logic which consist of the following: Atomic properties AP Boolean connectives: , , Precondition operator: EX Least and greatest fixpoint operators: y . F y and y. F y Any CTL* property can be expressed in -calculus
Symbolic Model Checking [McMillan et al. LICS 90] Represent sets of states and the transition relation as Boolean logic formulas Fixpoint computation becomes formula manipulation pre-condition (EX) computation: Existential variable elimination conjunction (intersection), disjunction (union) and negation (set difference), and equivalence check Use an efficient data structure for boolean logic formulas Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs)
Example Mutual Exclusion Protocol Two concurrently executing processes are trying to enter a critical section without violating mutual exclusion Process 1: while (true) { out: a := true; turn := true; wait: await (b = false or turn = false); cs: a := false; } || Process 2: out: b := true; turn := false; wait: await (a = false or turn); cs: b := false;
State Space Encode the state space using only boolean variables Two program counters: pc1, pc2 with domains {out, wait, cs} We need two boolean variables per program counter to encode their valuation : pc10, pc11, pc20, pc21 . Encoding: pc10 pc11 pc1 = out pc10 pc11 pc1 = wait pc10 pc11 pc1 = cs The other three variables are already booleans: turn, a , b
State Space Each state can be written as a tuple: (pc10, pc11, pc20, pc21, turn, a, b) For example: (o,o,F,F,F)becomes (F,F,F,F,F,F,F) (o,c,F,T,F)becomes (F,F,T,T,F,T,F) We can use boolean logic formulas on the variables pc10,pc11,pc20,pc21,turn,a,b to represent sets of states: {(F,F,F,F,F,F,F)} pc10 pc11 pc20 pc21 turn a b {(F,F,T,T,F,F,T)} pc10 pc11 pc20 pc21 turn a b {(F,F,F,F,F,F,F), (F,F,T,T,F,F,T)} pc10 pc11 pc20 pc21 turn a b pc10 pc11 pc20 pc21 turn a b pc10 pc11 turn b (pc20 pc21 b)
Initial States We can write the initial states as a boolean logic formula recall that, initially: pc1=o and pc2=o I {(o,o,F,F,F), (o,o,F,F,T), (o,o,F,T,F), (o,o,F,T,T), (o,o,T,F,F), (o,o,T,F,T), (o,o,T,T,F), (o,o,T,T,T)} pc10 pc11 pc20 pc21
Transition Relation We can use boolean logic formulas to encode the transition relation We will use two sets of variables: Current state variables: pc10,pc11,pc20,pc21,turn,a,b Next state variables: pc10’,pc11’,pc20’,pc21’,turn’,a’,b’ For example, we can write a boolean logic formula for the statement: cs: a := false; as follows pc10 pc11 pc10’ pc11’ a’ (pc20’pc20) (pc21’pc21)(turn’turn)(b’b) Call this formula R1c
Transition Relation We can write a formula for each statement in the program Then the overall transition relation is R R1o R1w R1c R2o R2w R2c
Symbolic Pre-condition Computation Remember the function EX : 2S 2S which is defined as: EX(p) = { s | (s,s’) R and s’ p } We can symbolically compute pre as follows EX(p) V’ R p[V’ / V] V : current-state boolean variables V’ : next-state boolean variables p[V’ / V] : rename variables in p by replacing current-state variables with the corresponding next-state variables V’ f : existentially quantify out all the variables in V’ from f
Renaming Assume that we have two variables x, y. Then, V = {x, y} and V’={x’, y’} Renaming example: Given p x y : p[V’ / V] x y [V’ / V] x’ y’
Existential Quantifier Elimination Given a boolean formula f and a single variable v v f f[True/v] f[False/v] i.e., to existentially quantify out a variable, first set it to true then set it to false and then take the disjunction of the two results Example: f x y x’ y’ V’ f x’ ( y’ (x y x’ y’) ) x’ ((x y x’ y’ )[T/y’] (x y x’ y’ )[F/y’]) x’ (x y x’ T x y x’ F ) x’ x y x’ (x y x’)[T/x’] (x y x’)[F/x’]) x y T x y F x y
An Extremely Simple Example Variables: x, y: boolean Set of states: S = {(F,F), (F,T), (T,F), (T,T)} S True Initial condition: I x y Transition relation (negates one variable at a time): R x’=x y’=y x’=x y’=y (= means ) F,T F,F T,T T,F
An Extremely Simple Example F,T F,F T,T T,F Given p x y, compute EX(p) EX(p) V’ R p[V’ / V] V’ R x’ y’ V’ (x’=x y’=y x’=x y’=y ) x’ y’ V’ (x’=x y’=y) x’ y’ (x’=x y’=y) x’ y’ V’ x y x’ y’ x y x’ y’ x y x y EX(x y) x y x y In other words EX({(T,T)}) {(F,T), (T,F)}
An Extremely Simple Example 3 F,T F,F T,T T,F 2 Let’s compute EF(x y) The fixpoint sequence is False, xy , xy EX(xy) , xy EX (xy EX(xy) ) , ... If we do the EX computations, we get: False, x y , x y x y x y, True EF(x y) True In other words EF({(T,T)}) {(F,F),(F,T), (T,F),(T,T)} 1 1 2 3
An Extremely Simple Example Based on our results, for our extremely simple transition system T=(S,I,R) we have I EF(x y) ( corresponds to implication) hence: T |= EF(x y) (i.e., there exists a path from each initial state where eventually x and y both become true at the same time) I EX(x y) hence: T |= EX(x y) (i.e., there does not exist a path from each initial state where in the next state x and y both become true)
An Extremely Simple Example Let’s try one more property AF(x y) To check this property we first convert it to a formula which uses only the temporal operators in our basis: AF(x y) EG((x y)) If we can find an initial state which satisfies EG((x y)), then we know that the transition system T, does not satisfy the property AF(x y)
An Extremely Simple Example F,T F,F T,T T,F Let’s compute EG((x y)) The fixpoint sequence is True, x y, (x y) EX(x y) , … If we do the EX computations, we get: True, x y, x y, EG((x y)) x y Since I EG((x y)) we conclude that T |= AF(x y) 1 1 2
Symbolic CTL Model Checking Algorithm Translate the formula to a formula which uses the basis EX p, EG p, p EU q Atomic formulas can be interpreted directly on the state representation For EX p compute the precondition using existential variable elimination as we discussed For EG and EU compute the fixpoints iteratively
Symbolic Model Checking Algorithm Check(f : CTL formula) : boolean logic formula case: f AP return f; case: f p return Check(p); case: f p q return Check(p) Check(q); case: f p q return Check(p) Check(q); case: f EX p return V’ R Check(p) [V’ / V];
Symbolic Model Checking Algorithm Check(f) … case: f EG p Y := True; P := Check(p); Y’ := P Check(EX(Y)); while (Y Y’) { Y := Y’; } return Y;
Symbolic Model Checking Algorithm Check(f) … case: f p EU q Y := False; P := Check(p); Q := Check(q); Y’ := Q P Check(EX(Y)); while (Y Y’) { Y := Y’; } return Y;
Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) An efficient data structure for boolean formula manipulation There are BDD packages available: (for example CUDD from Colorado University) BDD data structure can be used to implement the symbolic model checking algorithm discussed above BDDs are a canonical representation for boolean logic formulas given two boolean logic formulas F and G, if F and G are equivalent their BDD representations will be identical
Binary Decision Trees Fix a variable order, in each level of the tree branch on the value of the variable in that level Examples for boolean formulas on two variables Variable order: x, y x y x y x False x x x x F T F T F T F T y y y y y y y y F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T T T F F F T F F T T F F F F
BDDs Repeatedly apply the following transformations to a binary decision tree: Remove duplicate terminals Remove duplicate non-terminals Remove redundant tests These transformations transform the tree to a directed acyclic graph
Binary Decision Trees vs. BDDs x y x y x False x x x x F T F T F T F T y y y y y y y y F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T T T F F F T F F T T F F F F x x x F F T F F T T y y F T F T F T F T F T
Good News About BDDs Given BDDs for two boolean logic formulas F and G The BDDs for F G and F G are of size |F| |G| (and can be computed in that time) The BDD for F is of size |F| (and can be computed in that time) F ? G can be checked in constant time Satisfiability of F can be checked in constant time But, this does not mean that you cane solve SAT in constant time
Bad News About BDDs The size of a BDD can be exponential in the number of boolean variables The sizes of the BDDs are very sensitive to the variable ordering. Bad variable ordering can cause exponential increase in the size of the BDD There are functions which have BDDs that are exponential for any variable ordering (for example binary multiplication) Pre condition computation requires existential variable elimination Existential variable elimination can cause an exponential blow-up in the size of the BDD
BDDs are Sensitive to Variable Ordering Identity relation for two variables: (x’ x) (y' y) Variable order: x, x’, y, y' Variable order: x, y, x’, y' x x F T F T y y x’ x’ F T F T F T T F x’ x’ x’ x’ y F T F F F T F T T T y’ y’ y’ y’ F F F F T T T T F T F T For n variables, 3n+2 nodes For n variables, 3 2n – 1 nodes
What About LTL and CTL* Model Checking? The complexity of the model checking problem for LTL and CTL* are: (|S|+|R|) 2O(|f|) where |f| is the number of logic connectives in f Typically the size of the formula is much smaller than the size of the transition system So the exponential complexity in the size of the formula is not very significant in practice LTL properties are more intuitive and easier to write correctly XF p and FX p are equivalent in LTL AXAF p and AFAX p are not equivalent in LTL