Law and Policy for Arctic Maritime Domain Awareness International Policy for Arctic Information and Knowledge Management
Maritime Domain Awareness Traditional View Tactical Support of Navy and Coast Guard Operations Support for Maritime Strategic Planning Broader Vision Support for Regional Ocean Use and Management
Four S’s of Arctic Maritime Domain Awareness Sovereignty Security Sustainability Science
Opportunities for Arctic MDA Sovereign Territory and Resources Delineation Security & Safety at National and Regional Levels Sustainable Development Scientific Knowledge and Understanding
Policy Guidance for AMDA National Policies of the Arctic States International Agreements Law of the Sea Convention IMO Conventions Regional Cooperation Agreements Sustainable Development/Agenda 21
National Activities Related to AMDA Boundary Determination Security, Safety and Monitoring of Activities at Sea Resource Assessment Energy Living Resources Resource and Environmental Science Coordination and Collaboration in International Research
International Interests Defining Boundaries and Recognizing Authority Promoting Safe Navigation Law, Regulation and Enforcement Environmental Monitoring and Modeling Monitoring Trans-Boundary Effects Maximizing Benefits from Research Expenditures
Arctic Domain Awareness and the Law of the Sea Convention State Roles in Arctic Awareness Regional Coordination Arctic Council Regional Fishery Agreements International Organizations, including: International Maritime Organization UNESCO/IOC NATO International Seabed Authority
Arctic Council Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response Arctic Contaminants Action Program Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development Integrated management and sustainable development of coastal areas Sustainable use and conservation of marine living resources under national jurisdiction and of the high seas Marine environmental protection Uncertainties for the management of the marine environment and climate change International & regional cooperation and coordination
Roles of International Organizations International Maritime Organization Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission International Seabed Authority NATO European Community UNEP
Activities to Enhance Arctic Maritime Domain Awareness Defining Boundaries Shipboard Navigation & Environmental Information and Vessel Tracking Systems Monitoring On-Shore and At Sea Activities Regional Scientific Research Programs Arctic Knowledge Management Program Protection of Security, Strategic Resource and Proprietary Information