Budget Priorities for 2012-13 A conversation among Chelsea School Committee Chelsea School Department Parents, teachers, & residents Budget Priorities for 2012-13 Presenting today: Dr. Mary Bourque Superintendent of Schools Lisa Lineweaver Chelsea School Committee Vice-chair Nancy Melendez, translating Parent Liaison
This is an opportunity to: Learn what the school department budget is spent on – Where does the money currently go? Consider which programs and priorities you think matter most for our children! Learn how to give the School Committee and School Department your input about budget and programs for next school year
We want to hear what’s important to you! Community Engagement meeting at Chelsea High School auditorium, February 9th , 5:00 p.m. Public comment at School Committee meeting March 22nd at 7:00 p.m. Public Hearing on Budget March 15th at 7:00 p.m. Send your input, comments, and ideas: - Email: bmartin@chelseama.gov - Mail: Chelsea School Department Attn: Business Department 500 Broadway Chelsea, MA 02150 A t t n : B u s i n e s s O f f i c e 500 Broadway, Chelsea, MA 02150 CPS FY12 Budget - School Site Councils 12/2010
1. Learn about current budget: Where does the money go? CPS Five-Year Vision is focused on: Excellent teaching so all students achieve at high levels Developing critical thinking & other “21st century skills” Graduates who are college- and career-ready
First, where does the money come from? Total spending (including things not covered by Foundation Budget, like transportation, crossing guards, etc.) More city contributions State Aid (Chapter 70) Foundation Budget State determines required minimum spending: the Foundation Budget. State determines the amount the City is required to contribute towards the Foundation Budget (the Local Contribution). State provides Chapter 70 State Aid for the amount of the Foundation Budget not covered by the Local Contribution. Local (City) Contribution
Where does the money come from? Heavily dependent on state funding: “Chapter 70” Different ratio from many cities/towns “High-need” population Residential property values low No Prop 2 ½ overrides Pie graph represents CPS FY12 Budget
How Money is Spent in CPS Most of the budget goes toward teaching & learning, and most of that is people! Note: graph represents 2009-2010 figures, but proportions remain similar. CPS FY12 Budget - School Site Councils 2/2011
Staffing Budget: Most of the money goes into the classroom Maintenance (45) + Security (17) = 8.3% Administrators (47) and admin support (53) = 13.3% Most CPS staff (78%) are teachers (480) and paraprofessionals (102) who work directly with students
2. Planning for this year’s budget: Where should the money go? What programs and priorities are most essential for our students’ success? What trade-offs are most acceptable? (we can’t have it all this budget year!)
Last Year, Students and Families Told Us… Very Important! After-school programs Sports programs for boys and girls Transportation Pre-K education … and we’re willing to pay (some) for these services Less Essential: School security / school police Funding for all these programs was maintained (or slightly increased!) this year. CPS FY12 Budget - School Site Councils 2/2011
In any budget, we have to make trade-offs. More of this Less of that We’re gathering “data” about what trade-offs families, school staff, and community members believe will best help our students be successful and the district meet our five year goals. CPS FY12 Budget - School Site Councils 2/2011
Big Picture Values maintaining our investment in high-quality instruction by preserving professional development and common planning time for teachers parent involvement activities staff salaries and benefits that are competitive with similar school districts, to keep great teachers in Chelsea maintaining teaching staff to keep class sizes low ensuring laws and procedures regarding special education, English Language Learners, and No Child Left Behind are followed
The Numbers We Know Now Expenses Budget FY12 salary increases $475,000 FY12 salary increases annualize $475,000 FY13 estimated step increase $300,000 Fringe Benefits $50,000 Loss of Federal Edujobs funding $391,000 Reduced/Insufficient Federal grant funds $141,420 Extraordinary Maintenance $350,000 Yellow bus daily rate increases $18,000 $2,200,420
Closing The Funding Gap
What helped close the Funding Gap this year For the first time, CPS charged fees for “extra” services Transportation Sports team participation Paid Extended Day at the ELC (All program fees include a waiver/sliding scale option that keeps these opportunities accessible for families experiencing financial hardship.) Fees on these programs this year don’t seem to be affecting enrollment CPS FY12 Budget - School Site Councils 2/2011
What’s Next? Budget Calendar The budgetary or fiscal year is from July 1 to June 30 Budget development takes place November - February By law, Principals must review budget proposals with school site councils Budget adoption by School Committee – March Budget adoption by City Council – June CPS FY12 Budget - School Site Councils 2/2011
We want to hear what’s important to you! Community Engagement meeting at Chelsea High School auditorium, February 9th , 5:00 p.m. Public comment at School Committee meeting March 22nd at 7:00 p.m. Public Hearing on Budget March 15th at 7:00 p.m. Send your input, comments, and ideas: - Email: bmartin@chelseama.gov - Mail: Chelsea School Department Attn: Business Department 500 Broadway Chelsea, MA 02150 CPS FY12 Budget - School Site Councils 12/2010
Budget Priorities for 2012-13 A conversation among Chelsea School Committee Chelsea School Department Parents, teachers, & residents Budget Priorities for 2012-13 Presenting today: Dr. Mary Bourque Superintendent of Schools Lisa Lineweaver Chelsea School Committee Vice-chair Nancy Melendez, translating Parent Liaison