25-year Experience in Power Industry Making Energy Visible 25-year Experience in Power Industry © “Mars-Energo”, St. Petersburg, 2015
Company Established in 1991 Mars-Energo specializes in design, manufacturing and service of high accuracy metrological equipment and meter test systems for power industry applications. Mars-Energo’s reference instruments provide calibration services covering a wide range of measuring instruments for power quality control and electricity metering: instrument-class current and voltage transformers, power quality analyzers, electric energy meters including measuring instruments for digital substations and Smart Grids.
Meter Test Systems Purpose Calibration, adjustment and accuracy tests of reference- and service- class measuring instruments: Electric energy meters Wattmeters, varmeters and instrument converters AC and DC amperemeters and voltmeters Power quality analyzers
Transformer Test Sets Purpose Applicable to comprehensive testing of transformer substations Accuracy class 0,05 CT Test Set CTs rated 5 kA or 30 kA VT Test Set VTs rated 6 to 330 kV
Power Quality Analyzers Purpose Measurement and monitoring of power quality parameters specified in IEC 61000-4-30 and IEC 61000-4-7 standards with further transfer of measurement results to a PC (power quality test reports according to EN 50160) Measurement and monitoring of basic electrical network parameters
Reference Instruments for Digital Substations Purpose Reference instruments for testing and calibration of electronic and digital transformers designed in conformity with IEC 60044-7-2010 and IEC 60044-8-2010 standards The equipment accepts signals (e.g. IEC 61850-9-2LE signals) from analogue or digital outputs of electronic and digital current (up to 5 kA) and voltage (up to 330 kV) transformers
Traceability of Measurements From National Standard of AC Power
Stationary Meter Test System MTS ME 3.1KM Designed for testing single- or three-phase meters of active or reactive electric power and energy ammeters, voltmeters, phase-meters etc. frequency meters PQP analyzers Energomonitor 3.1KM reference meter 1 mA…120 А 0.1…960 V 50 harmonics Accuracy class 0.02; 0.05 Three-phase phantom power source AC/DC Voltage U 3 × 0.1…528 V/25 VА Current I 3 × 1 mА…120 А/50 VА Angles φ 3 × 0…360° Frequency of the 1st harmonic 40…70 Hz Unom 1, 2, 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 240, 480, 800 V Harmonics 50 PQP IEC 61000-4-30, IEC 61000-4-7 Signals generated: harmonics (up to 50th), interharmonics , flicker, unbalance, dips, swells, or special IEC 62053-22 standard waveforms
Mobile Meter Test System MTS ME 3.3 3-phase 1 mA ÷ 12 A 6 ÷ 268 V 50 harmonics
Power Calibration System PCS ME 1.0 Field of application Direct dissemination of active (W) and reactive (Var) measurement units from the State Primary Standard of AC power to measuring instruments of reference- and service class; Accuracy testing and top-level calibration of measuring instruments mentioned above; Generating test waveforms. Expanded uncertainty of AC active/reactive power measurements: ±0.004 % (PF = 1) ±0.006 % (PF = 0.5) PCS ME 1.0 can be applied as a Standard of Active and Reactive Electrical Power
D.I. Mendeleev National Institute for Metrology (December 2012) Acceptance of National Standard of AC Power by representatives of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology
PQP Energotester Designed to measure and log electrical signals and power quality parameters as defined by IEC 61000-4-30 (class A) and IEC 61000-4-7 measure and log of basic electrical energy values in single- and three-phase networks including RMS of currents and voltages, active, reactive, apparent power and energy Accuracy class 0.1
Mars-Energo Reference Equipment for Conventional Substations CT/VT Test System ME Audit Multipurpose Test Systems MTS ME 3.3T1-P MTS ME 3.1KM-P MTS ME 3.1KM-S Multipurpose Reference Standards Energomonitor 3.3T1 Energomonitor 3.1KM-P Energomonitor 3.1KM-S Meter test set CT Test Set 5 kA; 30 kA VT Test Set 6 to 330 kV
Multifunctional Reference Meter Energomonitor 61850 Reference instrument of new generation meant for testing of non-conventional (electronic and digital) current and voltage instrument transformers and Merging Units Purpose Measurement of ratio and angular errors of current and voltage scaling converters (electronic and digital instrument transformers) with analogue outputs or digital (Sampled Value) outputs according to IEC 61850-9-2LE Determining accuracy characteristics of Merging Units (IEC 61869-13) Measurement of current- and voltage-related quantities with further conversion into IEC 61850-9-2LE compliant data streams
D.I. Mendeleev Institute for Metrology (VNIIM) www.vniim.ru Materials were prepared by VNIIM and Mars-Energo specialists in cooperation D.I. Mendeleev Institute for Metrology (VNIIM) www.vniim.ru Dr. Efim Z. Shapiro Head of Electric Power & Energy laboratory Gleb Gubler, Ph.D Leading research scientist of Electric Power & Energy laboratory Mars-Energo www.mars-energo.com Ildar Giniyatullin Director Mars-Energo V. O. 13 Line, 6-8 Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 199034 Tel./Fax: +7 812 331-87-36 E-mail: mars@mars-energo.com mail@mars-energo.ru www.mars-energo.com