www.statcan.gc.ca Oslo City Group Clean Technology Satellite Account Telling Canada’s story in numbers Kevin Roberts, Director Environment, Energy and Transportation Statistics Division May, 2017
Overview of presentation Canadian context for statistics on clean technology Definition of clean technology Overview of first experimental satellite account results (2012 reference year) STATISTICS CANADA • STATISTIQUE CANADA 29/05/2018
Why the emphasis on clean technology? A major federal government priority: Integral part of climate change and innovation policy pillars Funds provided in both the 2016 and 2017 federal budgets: “This funding will result in a statistical framework that provides regularly published information on the clean technology sector’s economic contributions” STATISTICS CANADA • STATISTIQUE CANADA 29/05/2018
Characteristics of the clean tech statistics framework Linked to SEEA concept of environmental goods and services Focussing on specific technologies to complement general definition Includes clean technologies at all levels of maturity Includes any company selling these products or associated services, not only dedicated clean tech companies Mixes direct data collection with data integration products STATISTICS CANADA • STATISTIQUE CANADA 29/05/2018
Definition of clean technology Clean technology is defined as any process, product, or service that reduces environmental impacts: through environmental protection activities, through the sustainable use of natural resources, or through the use of goods that have been specifically modified or adapted to be significantly less energy or resource intensive than the industry standard STATISTICS CANADA • STATISTIQUE CANADA 29/05/2018
Examples of clean technology Environmental protection Resource management Adapted goods STATISTICS CANADA • STATISTIQUE CANADA 29/05/2018
Suite of statistical products Survey of Environmental Goods and Services (SEGS) Existing – currently every two years Future cycles will see greatly increasing scope of technologies Survey will now be annual Variables: revenue, employment, exports Results for 2015 will be released in October 2017 Improving statistics on renewable energy generation STATISTICS CANADA • STATISTIQUE CANADA 29/05/2018
Suite of statistical products (continued) Clean Technology Satellite Account (CTSA) Data integration product consistent with macro-economic accounts and indicators Scope includes clean technologies as well as clean energy (renewable and nuclear) Variables (initial set): % GDP Exports and imports Final demand and intermediate consumption STATISTICS CANADA • STATISTIQUE CANADA 29/05/2018
Satellite Account Overview Experimental Estimates One of the first satellite accounts on this topic in the world First test of methodology by building an initial set of tables Provides the first aggregate overview of data. More detailed tables for public release will be available in the future Initial focus on 2012 data due to current availability of data sources. Goal is to create annual estimates for the years 2007 to 2015 in December 2017 STATISTICS CANADA • STATISTIQUE CANADA 29/05/2018
Satellite Account Overview (continued) Data Sources Supply-Use Tables (SUT) Environment Industry Survey/ Survey of Environmental Goods and Services (SEGS) Annual Electricity Supply and Disposition Survey Customs-based export and import Harmonised System (HS) data Other sources of data, including the use of administrative data, will be further investigated in the near future STATISTICS CANADA • STATISTIQUE CANADA 29/05/2018
Satellite Account Overview (continued) Classifications Data are reported using the standard classification of the Supply-Use Tables One of the biggest issues in the construction of the CTSA is re-classifying existing data (like SEGS) into the Supply-Use Table framework This re-classification is required since it allows for calculation of GDP and employment STATISTICS CANADA • STATISTIQUE CANADA 29/05/2018
Satellite Account Overview (continued) Next Steps Refining the clean technology commodity ratios as more data are produced and new data sources are explored Will continue to expand the scope of the SEGS to better inform the CTSA Will refine demand side of the CTSA by directly collecting data on this topic First public release of the CTSA in December 2017. Annual releases thereafter, and quarterly indicators. STATISTICS CANADA • STATISTIQUE CANADA 29/05/2018
STATISTICS CANADA • STATISTIQUE CANADA Questions? Telling Canada’s story in numbers Contact Information: Kevin Roberts Director Environment, Energy, and Transportation Statistics Division Kevin.Roberts@canada.ca Telephone | Téléphone 613-951-6927 STATISTICS CANADA • STATISTIQUE CANADA 29/05/2018