Maris Peters Coordinator of Internationalisation School of Humanities System of studies Maris Peters Coordinator of Internationalisation School of Humanities
Higher Education system in Estonia Doctoral Studies (4 years, 240 ECTS) Masters Studies (2 years, 120 ECTS) Bachelor Studies (3 years, 180 ECTS) Estonian Quality Agency for Higher and Vocational Education Estonian Ministry of Education and Research
Study programme A study programme is comprised of a set of modules. It is a schedule that must be followed because it informs you which courses must be taken and which subjects need to be passed in order to be able to graduate. Subjects -> Modules -> Study programme Some subjects and modules are elective, some are compulsory Different study programmes have different structures! and-subjects
Study year A Study year consists of two semesters: Autumn and Spring Both semesters are divided into two 7 week study periods Each semester has a reading week between the two 7 week study periods Each semester is followed by a 3 week exam period All the important dates can be found from the academic calendar
Study Load 1 ECTS (EAP) = 26 hours of work Full-time student’s status is maintained, if by the end of each academic year the student cumulatively completes at least 75% of the standard amount of studies i.e. a minimum of 22,5 ECTS credits per semester and 45 ECTS credits by the end of the first year, and a minimum of 90 ECTS credits by the end of the second year. A part-time student shall obtain a minimum of 15 ECTS credits per semester based on his/her curriculum Studies-Study-Loads Becoming a part-time student may affect your visa/living permit!
Scheduling studies NB: follow your study programme and timetable, ask your coordinator for the nominal distribution of courses Think about your transferable skills and development needs: languages, computer skills etc. Personal interests if possible You can take as many open electives as you wish as long as you fulfil your study programme upto the stipulated capacity! Studies Compulsory-Subjects-and-Electives
Erasmus study and placement Each school has at least one Erasmus co-ordinator! Plan your Erasmus Exchange semester or year carefully, leave sufficient elective course credit points so that you can transfer your Erasmus credit points without exceeding your module capacity. They must count as courses you have taken to fulfil your study programme!
Registering for courses At the beginning of each semester a student must register for the courses that (s)he intends to take. Once registered, the student must take an exam or pass/fail assessment in the subject. Be aware that registration for courses can be done only through ÕIS till the deadline that has been set in the academic calendar For electronic registration a student needs to have a Tallinn University user account Courses
Registering for exams You must register for all the exams through the Study Information System (ÕIS) An examination is a form of assessment of learning outcomes and you will get a grade for it. Your credit points are the same as long as the grade is positive. Pass/fail assessment is used to assess learning outcomes of a practical nature on a pass/fail scale. assessments
Academic leave Health reasons – for a maximum period of two years. Service in the Estonian Defence Forces. Parental leave – until the child reaches three years of age. Other reasons (difficult financial situation, family problems, working abroad, etc) – for a maximum period of one year. Applying for academic leave for other reasons is limited as follows: first semester students cannot apply for academic leave for other reasons NB! Academic leave may affect your visa/living permit
Fees and scholarships Stick to your payment plan, if problems occur inform your study counsellor immediately! The failure to pay tuition fees by the due date will cause the deletion from the matriculation register (the removal of a student from the list of Tallinn University students). Find out what you are eligible for and how you can apply: Find out about other options, for example Archimedes Foundation
Having questions? Wanting to find out more? Find out who is your Study Counsellor Gateway/Counselling/Study-Counsellor
Enjoy your studies!