Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Fourth Edition (WISC-IV)


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Presentation transcript:

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children – Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) Jaime Knape

Three-Stratum Theory of Intelligence General Intelligence (Stratum III) General Gf Gc Gy Gv Gu Gr Gs Gt (Stratum II) Broad Processing Speed (RT Decision Speed) General Memory & Learning Broad Visual Perception Broad Auditory Perception Broad Retrieval Ability Broad Cognitive Speediness Fluid Intelligence Crystallized Intelligence (Stratum I) Narrow 69 narrow abilities found in data sets analyzed by Carroll Adapted from K. S. McGrew & D. P. Flanagan (1998). The Intelligence Test Desk Reference (ITDR): Gf-Gc Cross-Battery Assessment. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Stratum II: different loadings to g

Wisc-IV test framework VCI (.85) PRI (1.00) Similarities (.83) Vocabulary (.89) Comprehension (.75) Information (.84) Word Reasoning (.74) Block Design (.84) Picture Concepts (.59) Matrix Reasoning (.45) Picture Completion (.42) FSIQ WMI (.85) PSI (.55) Digit Span (.65) Letter-Number (.74) Sequencing Arithmetic (.79) Coding (.81) Symbol Search (.51) Cancellation (.48) Note: Supplemental subtests in italics and do not contribute to FSIQ unless substituted for a core subtest

Norming Information Standardization Sample Size: 2,200 11 age groups, with 200 (100 male, 100 female) kids from each age group and an ethnic breakup that matches the March 2000 US Census data very closely.

Scoring Inter-Individual Scores Intra-Individual Scores FSIQ Mean 100, SD 15 Intra-Individual Scores VCI, PRI, PSI, WMI Mean 10, SD 3 (Strengths/Weaknesses)- Compare each individual subtest with the mean of all subtests

Reliability Internal reliability for subtests ranged from .88 (PSI) to .97 (FSIQ). Test- Retest Reliability coefficients ranged from .76 on picture concepts to .92 on vocabulary. Inter-rater reliability by experts was generally .98, with Comprehension dipping to .95.

Convergent Validity Adapted from: Flanagan, D., & Kaufman, A. (2009). Essentials of Wisc-IV Assessment (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Examples of VCI Similarities: Milk – Water Frown – Smile Space – Time Vocabulary: umbrella, absorb, garrulous Comprehension: What would you do if your neighbor’s house started on fire?

Examples of Pri Block Design (BD): Picture completion Student Desk Candle Table Lamp Beach ball Basketball Hoop Chalkboard

Examples of PRI continued Matrix Reasoning

Examples Of WMI Digits Forward Digits Backward Letter-Number Sequencing Ex. 5-A-2-B AB25 S-3-K-4-Y-1-G 134GKSY or GLSY134 Digits Forward Digits Backward 2-9 numbers 2-8 numbers 1-2-4-6-7-8-5-3-7 9-2-5-3-7-8-9-5

Examples of PSI Coding Symbol Search zx bvpfk YES NO target group search group

References Flanagan, D., & Kaufman, A. (2009). Essentials of Wisc-IV Assessment (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Inc. McGrew, K & Flanagan, D (1998). The Intelligence Test Desk Reference (ITDR): Gf-Gc Cross-Battery Assessment. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Wechsler, D., Kaplan, E., Fein, D., Kramer, \ J., Morris, R., & Delis, D. (2001) [Review of the test Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Fourth Edition Integrated]. In The eleventh mental measurements yearbook. Retrieved April 11, 2012, from http://web.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.lib. wm.edu/ehost.