Spiritual Patriots Jude 1-3 February 12, 2017
Spiritual Patriots Patriots are people who passionately love their country and are willing to support and defend it with their very live. The same kind of devotion can be seen in the lives of the first century Christians in their spiritual warfare.
Spiritual Patriots Christians are soldiers of Christ on active duty. As citizens of heaven, they long for their homeland and readily acknowledge their status as pilgrims and sojourners in this present world (1 Pt. 1:3).
Spiritual Patriots God’s patriots are faithful saints who deeply love the church and have pledged to defend it. Jude is God’s field manual for spiritual warfare and His call to arms.
Spiritual Patriots We are in a life-and-death struggle for the souls of men. “Fight the good fight of faith…” (1 Timothy 6:11) “…war the good warfare” (1 Timothy 1:18) Be a good soldier of Christ (2 Timothy 2:3)
Wage Spiritual Warfare With Spiritual Sentries (Jude 1-2) Spiritual Patriots Wage Spiritual Warfare With Spiritual Sentries (Jude 1-2)
Spiritual Patriots Jude serves a two-fold purpose: A heavenly call to arms A strategy for spiritual victory
Spiritual Patriots Jude’s readers success depended on their taking heed to the wake-up call — the warning that false teachers had infiltrated their ranks and poised a serious threat to the well-being of the church
Spiritual Patriots The recipients of this letter are: “Called” — 1 Peter 2:9; 2 Thessalonians 2:14 “Beloved” [ ASV, NAS, ESV] “sanctified” [KJV, NKJ] — if you are the beloved of God you are sanctified “Kept” [ASV, ESV] or “preserved” [KJV, NKJ] — there is safety in Jesus … John 15:4- 6
Spiritual Patriots Wage Spiritual Warfare With Spiritual Sentries (Jude 1-2) Wage Spiritual Warfare With A Patriotic Plea (Jude 3)
Spiritual Patriots In the heat of battle, the best laid plans may have to be changed at a moment’s notice. They needed to defend the Gospel. “contend earnestly for the faith”
Spiritual Patriots The power of exhortation. Christians are under orders to encourage. Hebrews 3:12-13 Hebrews 10:24-25 2 Timothy 4:1-5
Spiritual Patriots “The faith” Jude mentions does not refer to an individual’s belief as is seen in the word “delivered” “The faith” is an objective body of teaching of which Jesus is the subject and source … this is Jesus’ ethical teaching and religious instruction
Spiritual Patriots Contend - comes from a Greek word from which we get our English word agonize. God’s patriots should be concerned about: Soundness in the faith (Titus 1:13) Personally stand for the faith (1 Corinthians. 16:13) Be prepared to defend it (Jude 3)
Doctrine Matters: 1 Timothy 1:3 Romans 16:17 Spiritual Patriots Doctrine Matters: 1 Timothy 1:3 Romans 16:17
Spiritual Patriots They were to “earnestly” contend for the faith — in other words, do so with all their might. Titus 2:15 A carefree attitude in the struggle against error is sure to end in defeat.
Spiritual Patriots Faith is like a baton being handed from one runner to the next in a relay race Truth must be passed on from one generation to the next, and it is our duty to protect and preserve it Joshua 2:10
Repent - Acts 8:22, Revelation 2:5 Invitation Christians Repent - Acts 8:22, Revelation 2:5 Confess - James 5:16, 1 John 1:9 Pray - Acts 8:24, James 5:16
Spiritual Patriots Wage Spiritual Warfare With Spiritual Sentries (Jude 1-2) Wage Spiritual Warfare With A Patriotic Plea (Jude 3)
Spiritual Patriots It is time for ALL Spiritual Patriots to wage Spiritual Warfare! 2 Timothy 4:7
Repent - Acts 8:22, Revelation 2:5 Invitation Christians Repent - Acts 8:22, Revelation 2:5 Confess - James 5:16, 1 John 1:9 Pray - Acts 8:24, James 5:16
Invitation Non - Christians Hear – Romans 10:17, Acts 18:8, Believe – Romans. 10:9-10, Hebrews 11:6 Repent – Luke 13:3,5 Acts 17:30 Confess – Acts 8:37, Matthew 10:32 Be Baptized – Acts 2:38, Romans 6:3-5 Be Faithful – Revelation 2:10, Hebrews 10:35