What is cryptography? The process of writing or solving secret messages or codes.
An algorithm used to encrypt a message. What is a cipher? An algorithm used to encrypt a message.
Substitution Cipher One alphabet: Monoalphabetic substitution Initial alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Substitution cipher: DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABC Multiple alphabets: Polyalphabetic substitution Initial alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Substitution cipher 1: DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABC Substitution cipher 2: GHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEF Substitution cipher 3: JKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHI Substitution cipher 4: MNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKL “MOM” becomes… “PRP” “JOHN” becomes… “MUQZ”
Your turn… Initial alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Substitution cipher 1: DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABC Substitution cipher 2: GHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEF Substitution cipher 3: JKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHI Substitution cipher 4: MNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKL Ciphertext: ERDQ Plaintext: ??? Plaintext: BLUE BLUE
Vernam Cipher Plaintext: S P A R E N O O N E Plaintext value: 19 16 01 18 05 14 15 15 14 05 One-time pad text: E H T Z L A C D G J One-time pad value: 05 08 20 26 12 01 03 04 07 10 Sum of plaintext & pad: 24 24 21 44 17 15 18 19 21 15 After modulo subtraction: 18 Ciphertext: X X U R Q O R S U O
Your turn… Plaintext: M E E T A T S T A R B U C K S 13 05 05 20 01 20 19 20 01 18 02 21 03 11 19 Pad text: I M W L V Q N E Y B P A F R M 09 13 23 12 22 17 14 05 25 02 16 01 06 18 13 Sum: 22 18 28 32 23 37 33 25 26 20 18 22 09 29 32 Modulo subtraction: 02 06 11 07 03 06 Ciphertext: ??? Ciphertext: VRBFWKGYZTRVICF VRBFWKGYZTRVICF
Book Cipher 134, 8, 9; 23, 13, 6; 67, 7, 7; One word End of word Word Number (in line) Page Number Line Number (on page)
“Plague affected Michigan” Your turn… 166, 18, 6; 105, 28, 3; 61, 25, 5; Plaintext: Plague affected Michigan “Plague affected Michigan”
Encryption in everyday life From your survey results, 11% of your class uses Encryption to secure their files 89% of your class uses secure Wi-Fi 67% of your class has 11-20 online accounts … but only 20% have 10-20 different passwords (80% have 5 or less) 89% of your class is connects to Bluetooth
Relation to Business Human Resources Marketing Operations Finance/Accounting
Questions? Sources: Principles of Information Security, 5th Edition; Michael E. Whitman; Herbert J. Mattord