Ambient Assisted Living Dr Quazi Mamun Senior Lecturer Charles Sturt University
AAL Environment
AAL Framework
Sensors and Smart devices Smart power outlets Wearable tracker that tracks cardio activity Wireless weighing scale Wireless blood pressure monitor Wireless pulse Oximeter Wireless information hub (android based) Data has been collected for 1 healthy participant.
Wireless Power Outlet Date & Time Power Consumed (kWh) 05/02/2017 21:21 0.0767 05/02/2017 21:30 0.0541 05/02/2017 22:02 0.0480 05/02/2017 22:21 0.0519 05/02/2017 22:32 0.0077 05/02/2017 23:02 0.0916 05/02/2017 23:32 0.0390 05/02/2017 23:59 0.0835 06/02/2017 00:30 0.0074 07/02/2017 09:48 0.0465 08/02/2017 10:10 0.0934 08/02/2017 21:31 0.0337
Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor
Wireless Pulse Oximeter
Motion Sensing (1 Day)
Calories burnt (1 Day)
Motion Sensing (7 Days)
Activity Tracking
Weight Tracking
Body Mass Index
Sleep Tracking
Gathering all data
Gathering all data
Gathering all data