MeSH: Optimizing the use of routine HIV data James Hargreaves: Director Brian Rice: Deputy Director Kathie Granger: Manager
Outline MeSH – who we are Key outputs (first 12 months of operation) Planned activities to optimise the use of routine HIV data Summary
Vision “To maximize the potential of data routinely collected through HIV surveillance and service delivery platforms to provide timely information on key outcomes in relevant populations at a level appropriate to support resource allocation and realignment"
Structure & key outputs Matthias Jim Jess George
Structure & key outputs Matthias Jim Jess George
Situational analyses - protocol & tool
Situational analyses - four successful SWOTs Supported WHO & NASTAD
Develop / harmonise metrics to track progress on stigma White House Meeting March 3-4: Stigma measurement JHSPH and LSHTM contributing Stigma reported by 1118 HIV-positive females sex workers from 14 sites in Zimbabwe, 2012 (SAPPH-Ire Trial data)
Strengthening HIV continuum of care estimates Successfully supported training in four global regions
Planned “How to…” activities to optimise the use of routine HIV data (1 of 2) How to conduct HIV CBS – describe best practise and identify / develop CBS training material / support WHO guideline development How to implement CBS based on laboratory data – Western Cape….. profile of those tested and associations with being HIV-infected….. assessment of real cost of data capturing…. How to characteristics persons newly diagnosed with HIV – in Tanzania collect relevant CBS information in HTC and link to care data How to measure care cascades – support WHO/UNAIDS in guideline development / implementation, and conduct country level analyses (Tz, Zambia….) How to measure prevention cascades - identify and analyse data sets pertaining to PrEP, condoms, lubricants, self testing, VMMC……
Planned “How to…” activities to optimise the use of routine HIV data (2 of 2) How to estimate mortality among people commencing ART – conduct patient tracing studies for estimating bias arising from LtFU, and build and populate mathematical models of survival of patients LtFU How to estimate HIV attributable mortality in general pop - evaluate verbal autopsy tools for attributing causes of death How to optimise extrapolation approaches and interpret size estimates from different methods among key pops – compare venue based and Respondent Driven Sampling results / develop tools to extrapolate local to national level How to characterise metrics of stigma for key pops as a component of regular HIV surveillance – review existing tools to track progress towards stigma reduction, improve / expand scope, and harmonise
Summary The MeSH Consortium is fully operational, has established powerful new collaborations, and is channelling expertise in surveillance and measurement toward: Better estimates for strategic indicators Better systems for routine data Better guidance for countries The Consortium has identified an exciting package of projects / activities to better measure HIV epidemics and inform progress towards 90-90-90 Further information, tools, reports and slide decks can be found at