‘Noise’ noise nɔɪz/ noun 1. a sound, especially one that is loud or unpleasant or that causes disturbance. "making a noise like a pig" a series or combination of loud, confused sounds, especially when causing disturbance. 2. technical irregular fluctuations that accompany a transmitted electrical signal but are not part of it and tend to obscure it. ‘Noise’
Concept & Aim of Project. Explore noise as a motif however include the shape, pattern, texture within my work. This will allow a variety of outcomes, like analytical and illustrative work and a more abstract side to it including mark making. Mainly a print based project, including fabric manipulation and I will bring in other areas of textiles into it.
Visual Inspiration.
PERLIN NOISE is a type of gradient noise developed by Ken Perlin in 1983 as a result of his frustration with the "machine-like" look of computer graphics at the time. It’s a technique used to produce natural appearing textures on computer generated surfaces for motion picture visual effects.
Research to Undertake. Will be hard to take primary photos of ‘Noise’ as it is a sense not a physical form. Could possibly use imagery of musical movements (digital speakers, dj sets etc.) Secondary images of scientific imagery that I can get hold of Secondary research into different artists/designers of noise related fashion outcomes interpretations. (http://ichinichiichinin.blog45.fc2.com/blog-entry-302.html) http://www.tate.org.uk/learn/online-resources/glossary/s/sound-art
Skill & Technique Development. Drawing Mark making Collage Analytical, detailed drawing Looser line, abstract drawings Printing Digital Printing Fabric manipulation Constructed textile techniques
Materials & Resources Needed. Printing supplies (fabric, dye etc.) Digital sources Photographs if possible
Intended Outcomes & Summary. I would produce a range of darkish colour fabrics using both digital and traditional techniques. I would like it to be a fashion outcome, something very over the top and 3D. I was thinking I could use family members voices/or favourite songs and use the line format and a design.