Individual Rights and the Right to Privacy Tyler Gemora, Cedric McCray, Makaya Householder, Quade Johnson, JOHNNY
Before the Griswold v. Connecticut Case The state of Connecticut had banned the sale and use of contraceptives (birth control) in 1879. Women were sick of getting pregnant so they turned to contraceptives to prevent pregnancy. When they were charged breaking the law, they took the matter to court. They argued that the outlaw of contraceptives was breaking their right to privacy.
During the Case The Warren Court was the court when this case was introduced. They deemed that even though the “right to privacy” was not directly in the Constitution, it implied that everyone has a right to privacy. The law banning contraceptives was repealed.
After the Griswold v. Connecticut Case People freely used contraceptives after the case, however, these methods do not prevent pregnancy 100% of the time. This led to the issue of abortions. People turned to abortions which were illegal at the time. Women had illegal abortions done and it posed a serious threat to them because often times it was done very crudely and without equipment. Pretty soon abortion was legalized, but the court ruled that it will be regulated in terms of when a person can get an abortion. The Griswold v. Connecticut case paved the way for the right to privacy and more freedom for women.