ACCE DIALogue Tele-Seminar Sponsorship Fulfillment: Providing Sound Investments ACCE DIALogue Tele-Seminar Tuesday, December 9, 2008 SPEAKER: Karen Humphrey, Campaign Manager, Tulsa Metro Chamber 918.560.0250
Creating Sponsorships Selling Sponsorships Fulfilling Sponsorships
Creating Sponsorships Begin with existing events and publications Remember: Money = Work Keep in mind no matter how many are sold, the event or publication will happen Organize sponsorships
In 1995, 11 sponsorships were offered and in 2008, we had 108 Remove events or publications that do not sell – make room for new opportunities or direct sponsors to other existing sponsorships
Selling Sponsorships Staff, volunteer committee, board of directors or resource campaign Conduct training sessions on how and what is to be sold Sell what is in writing Corporate Sponsor Agreement Pay prior to sponsorship Sell to members only Sell the ROI Publication – timeframe; how many are distributed; audience Event – timeframe; how many attend; audience First right of refusal the following year
Sponsorship Fulfillment 80% buy for ROI and marketing 20% buy to support chamber IEG webinars – ie “Take The Guesswork Out of Sponsorship: 4 Steps to Measuring ROI” IEG Conference
Quote from IEG Webinar “Fulfillment Reports That Get Results” “When the proof of whether the sponsorship met its goals are lacking, it leaves me with the idea that this is an organization that shows up only when it has its hand out, not when you need it” – Chris Payne, Dollar Thrifty Automotive Group
Why Fulfillment Reports Are So Important They are highly valued by sponsors They provide documentation of what was delivered They are a vehicle for sponsors to use internally They are a great first step to renewal discussions
Dedicate Staff Resources Fulfillment can be a full-time responsibility Representatives from other departments who must provide information should understand importance
Choose The Appropriate Format Paper versus electronic Ask sponsors what the most user-friendly format would be Paper is still the preferred method of delivery
2008 Sponsorship Fulfillment Plan A confirmation letter, copies of agreements and an invoice is mailed to the authorized contact. Thank you letter with benefits Thank you letter with date, benefits and needs Staff contact 30 days prior to event/publication Final thank you letter and sponsor survey
Sponsor Survey As a sponsor, your feedback and comments are valuable to us. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey and return in the enclosed postage paid envelope. Thank you in advance for your comments. Company Name: ______________________________________ 1) Did the Legislative Briefing Breakfast sponsorship meet your value expectations? Yes________ No_____________
2) How were you contacted prior to the event? Phone__________ Email___________ Mail__________ 3) Rate the event on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = poor and 5 = excellent): 1____ 2____ 3______ 4______ 5_____
4) Will you consider sponsoring this event or others in the future? Yes_____ No_____ Undecided______ Any suggestions or comments:
86% of 2007 sponsors returned in 2008 75 new sponsoring companies in 2008
Contact Information: Karen Humphrey Campaign Manager Tulsa Metro Chamber 918.560.0250