The Mysterious Giant of Barletta by Tomie DePaola Spelling Words and Sentences
Spelling Rules Sounds Spelling Spelling Word Pattern .. /ar/ dark ar ^ /ir/ clear ear /or/ north or ^ ^ /ur/ her, girl er,ir turn, work ur, or
girl The girl next door watered her flowers everyday.
clear The plane flew across the clear blue sky.
her Debra looked out her window at the beautiful silhouette of the city at dusk.
turn When you get to the corner, turn around and go back.
dark The giant loved the dark peaceful nights of Barletta.
work Mary’s mother wants her to work hard in school.
smart Mrs. Ramos has a very smart husband.
word John said, “I missed one word on my spelling test.”
hurt Jose fell down and hurt his leg at recess.
serve Mrs. Parker helped serve lunch in the cafeteria.
You need to travel north on the freeway to get to Bakersfield.
third Mrs. Loya teaches third grade at Bear Mountain Elementary School.
tornado The tornado destroyed the house and the barn.
scurried The cat scurried across the field after his pry.
hard Sometimes the homework in third grade is hard to do.
morning The townspeople greeted the giant every morning.