How things are done in room 608 Classroom procedures How things are done in room 608
Procedures What is a procedure? a series of steps followed in a regular definite order
What are some procedures that I already know? Making a long distance telephone call. Using a traffic light.
Classroom Procedures Entering the classroom Enter the classroom quietly. Sharpen your pencil. Take your seat. Place materials under my desk. Begin my bellwork.
Notice: Do not talk when you enter the classroom. Your conversation is finished once you enter the classroom. Start your work immediately.
What is Bellwork? It is the assignment that is on the board / television for you to begin as soon as you enter Sra. James’ classroom.
Hand tardy note to Sra. James. When you are tardy Hand tardy note to Sra. James. If you do not have a note, it will count as an unexcused tardy. Take your seat. Begin on bellwork.
Tardies are removed at the end of each quarter. Tardy Policy 1st – warning 2nd – parent contact 3rd – office referral Tardies are removed at the end of each quarter.
End-of-period-dismissal Sra. James will announce it is time to pack up. Check for debris. Gather your belongings.
End-of-period-dismissal When my row is dismissed, you should Place your classwork & homework in the appropriate period box. Exit quietly through the back door.
When Sra. James or a classmate ask a question, you should be silent and listen carefully. If you have a response, you should raise your hand and wait to be called on. Listening and responding to questions
Participating in class discussion. When we have a class discussion, you must raise your hand and wait to be called on if you have input. If you think you might forget what you have to say before you are called on, you should write it in your journal.
Asking a question Raise your hand. Wait to be called on. State the question.
When you need an essential supply If you forget an essential supply, you should ask Sra. James or a classmate if you can borrow it immediately.
What is an essential supply? Essential supplies are items that I need to be a productive student in Sra. James class. Pencil Paper Journal Textbook
Coming to attention When Sra. James needs your attention you should give her five.
What does it mean to give Sra. James five? Sra. James will raise her hand in the air (like she is going to give someone 5) Then you raise your hand in the air and give Sra. James 5.
What does it mean to give Sra. James five? 5 – Eyes on speaker 4 – Quiet 3 – Be still 2 – Hands free (put things down) 1 – Listen
Your notebook My notebook should be a composition book. The first four - five pages must be the table of contents. All pages must be numbered. All assignments must include a heading.
In the upper right hand corner Headings on papers Assignments must have Name Date Section Assignment In the upper right hand corner
Knowing the schedule for the day The bellwork is on the whiteboard or the television. The homework is on the back whiteboard. Upcoming test or projects are on the back whiteboard.
Passing in papers Pass papers across the rows. Do not pass papers up and down the rows.
When I finish early Complete unfinished journal entries / workbook pages. Pass out graded papers. Work on homework. Read a book, magazine, or newspaper. DO NOT TALK.
When a school wide announcement is made. Become silent. Listen to the announcement. Return to work.
Responding to a fire drill Stop working. Stay in your seat. Stand when your row is called. Exit through the front door. Remain quiet.
Responding to a fire drill Exit the building. Form a straight, silent line.
When you need extra help Sra. James email is and you can email her with questions.
Welcome to a great year!