RRHEAL Educational Support & Distributed Delivery www.rrheal.scot.nhs.uk
Personal & Professional Support ISBN 978 92 4 156401 4 (NLM classification: WA 390) © World Health Organization 2010Educational Recommendations Educational Regulatory Financial Incentives Personal & Professional Support Outreach /service delivery Outreach / ▲Professional support ▼Professional isolation Increase networks **Bundling of retention strategies** _________________________ APPLICATION OF INTERNATIONAL EVIDENCE BASE TO r&r AND ISLAND SCOTLAND Global health workforce crisis Skill mix imbalance Uneven distribution (health professionals)
Transferability Transferability Transferability TRANSFERABILITY OF MODELS FROM REMOTE TO LARGER POPULATION CENTRES BUT NOT OTHER WAY RURAL ANP IS GENERLAIST PRACTITIONER COGNISANT OF SCOTTISH GOV. EXPECtatION OF 500 MORE ANPs to be educated and available in Scotland. increasing interest in rural/ generalist ANP skill set for non rural populations Transferability
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Isobel M Madden, Joint Head of School, UHI School of Oral Health Science, Inverness, Dumfries & Stornoway The BSc Oral Health Science is a three year degree programme which allows graduates to practice as Dental Hygienists / Therapists, registered with the General Dental Council. The first intake of the course was in 2008, and by August 2010, the full cohort of 36 students (12 per year) will be in place. The course is currently run on three sites, in Inverness and Dumfries, and a Stornoway. All teaching is carried out synchronously, with VC as an integral part of delivery. This teaching paradigm also applies to the Clinical Skills programme In this case, the transfer of images includes use of a SMOTS (Scotia Medical Observation Technology Systems) camera, a visualiser and an intra-oral camera.
safeTALK delivered at a distance An approach to training using Video Conferencing Increasing access to Mental Healthcare Education for Remote and Rural Staff SafeTALK – suicide awareness training programme with VC application Proof of concept pilot -
safeTALK & VC RRHEAL together with education partners and Health Scotland have developed a ‘Distance Delivered safeTALK’ programme of training. This demonstrates access for remote and rural healthcare staff to increased awareness of suicide and basic skills to manage individuals who are having troubling thoughts about suicide http://www.rrheal.scot.nhs.uk/what-we-do/reports.aspx
Management of the Acute Diabetic Foot Education Network Mixed discipline staff Quarterly meetings, first Thursday of the month 1.25hrs via VC linked sites Raise awareness, utility and application of existing guidance To enhance speed of referral to Diabetes specialist team To reduce numbers of delayed referrals and increase options for intervention Normalisation of vc/ AT DISTANCE approaches in service/ CPD
RGH Survey Process & findings The top 5 high priority subjects within the RGH Survey;- 1/ Building confidence in clinical decision making/ clinical problem solving 2/ Detection and management of the deteriorating adult patient – Early Warning Signs 3/ Sepsis 4/ Interprofessional communication, liaison and information exchange (RRHEALs understanding = technology enabled communication including joint reporting mechanisms) 5/ Dementia The top 3 moderate priority subjects; 1/ Asthma 2/ Pain management 3/ Case studies
RRHEAL VC Education Networks Ongoing activity; RRHEAL VC Education Network: Paediatric focus 2016-17 Including ongoing collaboration with ScotSTAR Rural GP VC Education Network (test for change) Plus associated interest……. RGH VC Education Network Important to apply current intelligence regarding priority needs FOCUS ON LEVEL OF DLEVIERY – CLARITY OF LEANRING OBJECTIVES WHO ARE TARGET AUDIENCE AND AT WHAT STAGE OF CAREER INCREASE VC ETIQUETTE IN REASE NUMBERS OF PRESNETERS WITH VC SKILLS AND APPRECIATION FO REMOTE CONTEXTS CONTENT HAS TO BE CONTEXTUALLY RIGHT
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