Bob Green Pre & Post Sales Product Specialist Web of Science Citation Connection SHEDL 2017 Bob Green Pre & Post Sales Product Specialist October 2017
Objectives Understand each database in terms of its content, selection and specialist focus. Understand how to search each database. Know how to use analytical tools to identify the most appropriate content. Understand the concept of the super record. Use key functionality of the platform.
Agenda Web of Science Citation Connection overview Databases included / Content & Sources / File depth. Group 1. Multidisciplinary Bibliographic Databases Unique features, value, examples of searching, results analysis. Web of Science Core Collection / Current Content Connect. Group 2. Specialist Bibliographic Databases with controlled indexing- Biosis Citation Index / Zoological Records / Medline (hosted database). Group 3. Databases with other literature types Data Citation Index / Derwent Innovations Index. All Database searching. Create a super record to add layers of information to improve relevancy. Include all document types in your ResearcherID/ORCID profile. Save all document types to Endnote library for improved quality when citing.
Clarivate Analytics We have a 60-year legacy of curating the most authoritative knowledgebase, including the Web of Science, a custodian of 100 years’ worth of research. Over 7,000 leading academic, government institutions and corporations use Web of Science data for search, discovery and evaluation. The IP & Science division of Thomson Reuters was sold as a standalone business to Onex Partners in October 2016, to form a more agile new company, Clarivate Analytics. We are now an independent company in our own right, with over 4,000 employees around the world. Our values are Customer Focus, Performance and Trust.
Possible Content in Citation Connection STANDARD CONTENT ALSO AVAILABLE Science Citation Index® Expanded Cab Abstracts / Global Health Social Sciences Citation Index® FSTA - the food science resource Arts & Humanities Citation Index® Inspec Conference Proceedings Citation Index® Chinese Science Citation Database Book Citation Index Data Citation Index BIOSIS Citation Index® Current Chemical Reactions Index Chemicus Current Contents Connect Zoological Record Derwent Innovations Index Medline
Cover to Cover Identified Authors Searchable Valued Institutions Accurate and Compete Cover to Cover Identified Searchable Valued Authors Institutions Funders Citations in/out
The result - a Comprehensive Citation Network People Institutions Funders Countries Journals
Web of Science Deep and Consistent Core Collection Derwent Innovations Index backfiles 1963+ BIOSIS Citation Index backfiles 1926+ Data Citation Index backfiles 1900+ Web of Science Core Collection Zoological Records backfiles 1864+ SCIE – backfiles 1900+ SSCI – backfiles 1900+ AHCI – backfiles 1975+ CPCI – backfiles 1990+ BKCI – backfiles 2005+ IC/CCR – backfiles 1840+ CABI backfiles 1910+ MEDLINE backfiles 1950+ FSTA backfiles 1969+ Inspec backfiles 1898+
Web of Science Core Collection – Uses Journals & Serials Conference Proceedings Scholarly Books Research Datasets Patents Web of Science Web of Science CC 1900 BIOSIS Citation Index BIOSIS Citation Index 1926 Data Citation Index Data Citation Index 1900 Derwent Innovations Index 1963 Zoological Record 1864 Inspec 1898 CABI 1910 Food Science and technology abstracts 1969 Current contents connect 1998 MEDLINE 1950 Chinese Science citation database 1989 SciELO Citation Index 1997
Multidisciplinary Bibliographic Databases WoS Core Collection Current Contents Connect
Conference Proceedings Citation Indexes - Coverage Two Editions:- Science & Technology Social Sciences & Humanities Updated daily >9 million records >385,000 records added/year >120,000 conferences covered in total Approximately 12,000 conferences covered annually Coverage from 1990, cited references from 1999 Comprehensive, multidisciplinary and international coverage from conferences proceedings published in books, journals, reports, series, and preprints Details of each conference are indexed and searchable, data includes: conference title, sponsor, location, description and date
Conference Proceedings Citation Indexes - Benefits Helps researchers stay up-to-date by giving them access to data that provides early indications of emerging and developing ideas and concepts. Sometimes, research results (for example a negative response) will never be published in a journal article, and Proceedings paper will be the only record of it. Proceedings are very timely and the research may be available months before it is formally published in an article. Seamlessly integrated into the Web of Science to create one resource of journal and conference materials, easily navigate between conference material and scholarly journals using citation navigation.
Book Citation Indexes – Coverage and Selection >1 million records Coverage from 2005 Updated daily By definition, scholarly books are generally based on original research or experimentation; such books are written by a researcher or expert in the field who is often affiliated with a college, university, or research institution. Most scholarly writing includes footnotes or a bibliography. The book may include graphs or charts to present data as opposed to just glossy pictures. Books to be considered for inclusion: Books that contain original research, Bibliography/references, Print or eBooks, English language books Indexing of all bibliographic information: Book title, Series title, Author name, Institutional information, Publisher information, Chapter title, Abstracts, Bibliographies/references
Book Citation Index Editions - Benefits Discover book literature alongside journal literature Receive more complete coverage in the social sciences and arts and humanities literature which is often lacking in journal literature Literature reviews help even non-seasoned researchers to understand the relevance and importance of their books results Discover highly cited book chapters or books in a specific research field Understand the impact of research published in books, track prior research and monitor current developments, keep track of citations to work, and measure influence of colleagues’ work with cited reference searching Helps librarians with collection development; exposes book series’ investments to institution and aids in acquisition decisions
Index Chemicus – Coverage and Benefits Index of synthesizable Organic Chemical Compounds from 1993 A valuable resources useful especially for pharmacological research The content is focused on novelty and compounds are selected using the following criteria:- New compounds claimed by authors Newly isolated natural products New reaction intermediates Known compounds with new or revised structure (stereochemistry) or labelled in a novel manner >120 Journals monitored, >3.6 millions compounds, 180,000 added/year Updated daily IC is not intended as a comprehensive repository of all chemical substances
Current Chemical Reactions – Coverage and Benefits Current Chemical Reactions (CCR) is a searchable database of state of the art chemical reactions and their chemical structures from 1985 Broad coverage of all areas of chemistry Coverage of a variety of reaction types Focus on novel synthetic data to minimize duplications >350 influential international journals and worldwide patents are monitored for new chemical reactions >1,000,000 reactions included, 45,000 added/year Updated daily Also includes >140,000 classic reactions licensed from the Institut National de la Proprieté Industrielle, covering 1840-1985
Compounds / Reactions – Specialist Search
Current Contents Connect – Coverage and Benefits A multidisciplinary current awareness resource Contains >10,000 journals, >2200 books, >7000 scholarly websites Back to 1998 7 discipline-specific Editions and 2 Collections Updated daily Access to eFirst articles (direct access to article data before the article is published in a journal) Access Journal issue Table of Contents and records Set up alerts to be notified when new issues of a journal have been released
Specialist Bibliographic Databases with Controlled Indexing Biosis Citation Index Zoological Records Medline FSTA CABI
BIOSIS Citation Index – Coverage and Benefits A resource specialising in Life Sciences Covering Botany, Zoology, Microbiology, Agriculture, Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Biomedical, Biophysics, Biotechnology, Ecology, Medicine and Pharmacology >5,200 journals and serials indexed Includes Abstracts, Reports, Reviews, and Meetings Updated daily Cited references for BIOSIS Previews content:- BIOSIS unique items from 2006 BIOSIS items overlapping with the Web of Science from 1926 All citation data is resident within the BIOSIS Citation Index database Available only on the Web of Science platform. 20
BIOSIS Citation Index - Indexing Biologists, understanding of the content, index the records in BIOSIS databases. Specialized, value-added Fields Major Concepts Concept Codes Taxonomy Chemical Data Disease Data Gene Data …. and more 21
Zoological Record – Coverage and Benefits The first choice database for any researcher involved in animal sciences and related disciplines such as Zoology, Bio-diversity, Taxonomy, Conservation, Ecology, Evolution, Habitat and many more. Coverage from 1978 onwards (archive will extend coverage to 1864) >4 million records available with >72,000 added/year Updates daily >5,000 International journals from >100 countries >3,000 unique titles not found in BIOSIS Previews or Web of Science Books, Conference Proceedings, Meeting Papers, Meeting Reports, Newsletters & Reviews
Zoological Record - Indexing Thesaurus – Five major hierarchies: Subject Geographical Palaeontological Systematic Taxa Notes Key Fields of for the Researcher or Student: Broad Terms Super Taxa Descriptors Data Systematics Data
Medline Premier source for Biomedicine and health research. Covering Biology, Environmental Science, Plant and Animal Science, Marine Biology, Chemistry and Biophysics >22 million records available back to 1950 >5,500 Journals, plus Newspapers, Newsletter and magazines Content from serial publications, patents, standards, books, reviews, conference proceedings, reports, theses, standards, and legislation. Updated daily Contains high quality abstracts Published by the US National Library of Medicine
Medline - Indexing Maintained by NLM in-house highly experienced team MeSH Thesaurus provides consistent searching by Latin or common words
Food Science and Technology Abstracts (FSTA) FSTA is the largest food science database currently available. The latest developments and research findings in all sciences linked to food, drink and nutrition Content from 104 countries with unique coverage from specialist sources >1 million records available back to 1969 >1,500 records added/week Content from serial publications, patents, standards, books, reviews, conference proceedings, reports, theses, standards, and legislation. Updated weekly Contains high quality abstracts Published by IFIS (International Food Information Service.)
FSTA - Indexing Maintained by IFIS in-house team of highly experienced scientists Descriptors Thesaurus with >12,000 terms helps search for related words FSTA Sections in a hierarchy
CAB International (CABI) Abstract and Global Health Thorough and extensive source of references in the applied life sciences Covering Agriculture, Environmental, Microbiology, Food & Nutrition, Plant Sciences, Parasitic Diseases, Public Health, Leisure, Tourism Content from >150 countries >11 million records from From 1910 for Abstracts and 1912 Global Health Content from serial publications, patents, standards, books, reviews, conference proceedings, reports, theses and standards Updated weekly Contains high quality abstracts Published by CAB International
CAB Abstract and Global Health - Indexing Maintained by CAB in-house team of highly experienced scientists Descriptors Thesaurus with >12,000 terms helps search for related words CABICODE Sections in a hierarchy
Databases with other literature types Data Citation Index Derwent Innovations Index
Data Citation Indexes – Content and Benefits First of its kind. A citation index of international research data Selected research data repositories in all categories in two indexes:- Science DCI / Social Sciences and Humanities DCI From >200 repositories Data studies from 1800 >7 million records, updated quarterly Citation to/from literature (fully integrated with the Web of Science) Three hierarchical document types:- Data repositories / Data studies / Datasets Data types include Survey, Protein Sequence, Genomic, Image, GPS Direct links to original repository records and data Data can be re-used, results can be reproduced more easily and accurately, researchers receive the credit they’re due via citation counts
Data Citation Indexes – Indexing Feeds from repositories are standardised to make it easier for searching the diverse sources A Taxa Thesaurus is maintained to assist searching of the content
Derwent Innovations Index – Coverage and Benefits >50 million patents >23 million inventions From 47 patent-issuing authorities From 1962 Updated weekly English abstract from patent documents issued in more than 30 languages Original patent titles/abstracts are re-written by subject specialists (quickly retrieve relevant hidden information) Applications for the same invention are grouped into familes Citation links to the Web of Science Core Collection
Derwent Innovations Index – Indexing Patents are classified using several multi layered hierarchy of codes
All Database searching Super Record ResearcherID profile Export to Endnote
Search All Databases Web of Science Core collection Title, Abstract, Author Keywords, KeyWords Plus® BIOSIS Citation Index Biological Abstracts Title, Abstract Major Concepts, Concept Code(s) Taxonomic Data, Disease Data, Chemical Data, … Derwent Innovations Index Title. Abstract, Equivalent abstracts, International patent classification, Derwent Class codes, Derwent Manual codes Inspec Title, Abstract, Controlled Indexing, Uncontrolled Indexing, Original Indexing Classification Code(s) Zoological Records Title, Abstract, Broad Terms Descriptors Data, Super Taxa, Taxa Notes MEDLINE Title, Abstract, MeSH Terms Keyword List, Chemical, Gene Symbol, Subject,… CABI Title, Abstract, Descriptors, Broad Descriptors, Organism Descriptors, Geographic Location, CABICODE Names Data Citation Index Titles, Abstracts, Repository Name, Data Study, Data Set Food Science and Technology abstracts Title, Abstract, FSTA Thesaurus, MeSH Thesaurus Current Contents Connect Title, Abstract, Author Keywords KeyWords Plus® Chinese Science Citation Database SciELO Citation Index
Search All Databases
Claim your output from all sources BIOSIS Citation Index Data Citation Index Web of Science Core Collection Zoological Records SCIE – backfiles 1900+ SSCI – backfiles 1900+ AHCI – backfiles 1975+ CPCI – backfiles 1990+ BKCI – backfiles 2005+ IC/CCR – backfiles 1840+ CABI MEDLINE FSTA Inspec
Export to EndNote from all sources BIOSIS Citation Index Data Citation Index Web of Science Core Collection Zoological Records SCIE – backfiles 1900+ SSCI – backfiles 1900+ AHCI – backfiles 1975+ CPCI – backfiles 1990+ BKCI – backfiles 2005+ IC/CCR – backfiles 1840+ CABI MEDLINE FSTA Inspec
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Recent Developments
2017 Development: Partnership with Impactstory Researchers looking for Open Access articles frequently get unreliable results, typically because the results omit OA articles hosted on publisher sites, or because 'web-scraping' utilities return versions that are not peer-reviewed, or that are in violation of copyright. Clarivate is providing a grant for Impactstory to build on its oaDOI service, which will enhance content by adding trusted, validated links to free, external full-text open access versions of the research literature. oaDOI indexes 90 million articles and delivers legal open-access full text versions over a free, open API that is currently used by over 700 libraries worldwide and fulfils over 2 million requests daily. For Clarivate customers, it will accelerate the discovery phase of innovation by connecting Web of Science subscribers to the verified versions of 18 million new open access articles. In Q4 of 2017 the Web of Science is scheduled to be able to provide quality article level links to Gold, Hybrid Gold, and Green OA articles.
What will Impactstory bring to Web of Science? 1.8 million # of Open Access articles that are identified as Open Access in the Web of Science Core Collection1 ~18 million # of Open Access articles that researchers estimate to exist in 20172 1000% By the end of Q1 2018, ~18 million Open Access articles will be identified as Open Access in the Web of Science Core Collection, representing a tenfold increase. 1As of September 5, 2017 2Piwowar H, Priem J, Larivière V, et al. (2017). The State of OA: A large-scale analysis of the prevalence and impact of Open Access articles. PeerJ Preprints 5:e3119v1.
2017 Development: Purchase of Publons June 2017: Clarivate Analytics acquired Publons and its leading global platform where researchers share, discuss and receive recognition for peer review and editing of academic research. The acquisition brings together the world's preeminent citation database and the world's largest researcher-facing peer-review data and recognition platform. Jay Nadler, CEO of Clarivate Analytics: "In five years Publons has built the largest and most trustworthy reviewer discovery tool in the world, with 8 of the top 10 publishers and more than 150,000 reviewers using the platform. This acquisition reflects our commitment to create objective, publisher-independent tools" Andrew Preston, co-founder of Publons: "The Clarivate Analytics products like Web of Science, EndNote and ScholarOne, are some of the most widely used tools in research. The global scale and impartial position of Clarivate Analytics, combined with Publons, will allow us to further develop the platform, creating the tools and services that the research community needs." The combined strengths of Clarivate and Publons will address critical research challenges in the $1.7 trillion global research market. Peer review is at the heart of solutions to these challenges and will drive future improvements across the research ecosystem.
What is Publons? A unique profiling system that provides a verified, quantifiable record of the peer reviews that faculty members perform for journals. 190,000+ Researchers 980,000+ Reviews 25,000+ Journals Individual faculty members can sign up and use Publons for free. Publons tracks completed peer reviews, not papers authored. The reviewed article is NOT disclosed publicly, nor is the text of the review. You can see the number of completed reviews and the journals that a faculty member has reviewed for. Journal publishers verify reviews manually entered into the system. Publons also integrates with many publishers’ journal management systems, so that a reviewer’s activities can be captured and made public automatically.
Publons Benefits: Beyond Bibliometrics Credit: Peer review represents a valuable, time-consuming contribution to the scholarly record, but is not commonly acknowledged on C.V.s and in faculty activity reporting. Quantifying peer review and making it trackable allows faculty to be recognised for their efforts. Transparency: While rare, peer review fraud can occur. Verifying peer review activity in a public forum makes the process more transparent. Journal Evaluation: Publons provides data points beyond bibliometrics that faculty can use to evaluate a journal. Crowd-sourced journal endorsements indicate a journal’s efficiency & trustworthiness. View the Publons Journal List Connectivity: Publons offers an API
Rachel Mangan, Team Lead CE Team| rachel. mangan@clarivate Rachel Mangan, Team Lead CE Team| |