Lesson 8 Harry Will Hold a Christmas Party


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 8 Harry Will Hold a Christmas Party

What do people usually do on Christmas? Christmas is coming…… What do people usually do on Christmas? Task: Design a Christmas activity!

What kind of tool you will need? That is what we need to learn today!

Future Tense 未來式 five days later… Saturday is Christmas!!! Monday is Miss Wang’s class. five days later…

Teaching Process: future tense practice activity homework

What is future tense? 未來式: 表達未來即將做的動作或發生的事.搭配「未來時間」的時間副詞. 將會……. will

will的未來式 主詞 will 原V 未來時間副詞 will not (won’t) They be nurses next year. Sam see a movie later.

未來式的縮寫 人稱代名詞和will的縮寫: S’ll Ex: I will → I’ll you will → you’ll they will → she will → she’ll he will → they’ll he’ll

常用未來時間副詞 tomorrow morning/afternoon/evening/night/ next + 星期/月份/季節/年 in + 一段時間(在…之內) Ex: in an hour 一段時間+later(在…之後) Ex: later, twenty minutes later, five hours later 其他: in the future, some day, soon the day after tomorrow

疑問句:will和beV移到句首 主詞 原V 未來時間副詞 will Will Harry hold a Christmas party next week? Yes, he will. he will hold a Christmas party No, won’t No. He will have a test next week. ※肯定句簡答不可用will的縮寫 Yes, he’ll. (X) Yes, he will. (O)

Wendy/eat the hamburger in 10 minutes Q : Will Wendy in ten minutes? Yes, . Yes, she in ten minutes. eat the hamburger she will will eat the hamburger

It won’t Q: Will the dog tonight? No, . / No. It will sleep tonight. play outside It won’t play outside/ tonight It will sleep tonight.

David /win the race/ later David will win the race later.

James will get the prize on the sports day. James/get the prize/ sports day(運動會) James will get the prize on the sports day.

Garfield won’t share the popcorn with Odie tonight. tonight/share the popcorn No ! Garfield won’t share the popcorn with Odie tonight.

Practice: New Year’s Resolution! (決心) 1. Please write down your resolution for the coming year on the cards. Ex: I will go to school on time next year. 2. If you need help, please tell your teacher or group member. 3. Finally, we will hang it on a Christmas tree.

Activity! Every group needs to design a Christmas activity and finish the handout(學習單). After finishing the discussion(討論), each group will go to the stage to advertise(宣傳) their activity. Only 10 minutes for the discussion (activity and advertisement), and 1 minute for advertisement. Overtime is not allowed. We will pick the best group at the end of this activity.   Go!

Congratulations! Give them a big hand!

Review one more time! S + will + 原V + 未來時間副詞 will not(won’t)

Homework Practice on p.117 of the textbook. We will check the answer tomorrow. Do your homework, students. Do your homework, man.