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Fig. 1 Atlas of Iodocholesterol Scintigraphy (NP-59) in Cushing's Syndrome With CT and MR Correlation. YU, KELVIN; FRAKER, DOUGLAS; ZIESSMAN, HARVEY Clinical Nuclear Medicine. 21(2):136-141, February 1996. Fig. 1 . Adrenocortical adenoma with concordant IS and CT. IS (A) shows uptake lateralized to the left adrenal (arrow). CT scan (B) of the adrenals demonstrates a left adrenal mass (arrow). This patient with Cushing syndrome was cured by left adrenalectomy. © Lippincott-Raven Publishers. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. 2
Fig. 2 Atlas of Iodocholesterol Scintigraphy (NP-59) in Cushing's Syndrome With CT and MR Correlation. YU, KELVIN; FRAKER, DOUGLAS; ZIESSMAN, HARVEY Clinical Nuclear Medicine. 21(2):136-141, February 1996. Fig. 2 . Adrenocortical adenoma with concordant IS and CT. IS (A) shows lateralized left uptake (arrow). The patient's CT scan (B) shows a 4 cm left adrenal mass (arrow). Left adrenalectomy cured this patient. © Lippincott-Raven Publishers. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. 3
Fig. 3 Atlas of Iodocholesterol Scintigraphy (NP-59) in Cushing's Syndrome With CT and MR Correlation. YU, KELVIN; FRAKER, DOUGLAS; ZIESSMAN, HARVEY Clinical Nuclear Medicine. 21(2):136-141, February 1996. Fig. 3 . Adrenocortical adenoma with concordant IS and CT. IS (A) shows uptake lateralized to the left adrenal (arrow). CT scan (B) of the adrenals demonstrates a left adrenal mass (arrow). Left adrenalectomy cured this patient. © Lippincott-Raven Publishers. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. 4
Fig. 4 Atlas of Iodocholesterol Scintigraphy (NP-59) in Cushing's Syndrome With CT and MR Correlation. YU, KELVIN; FRAKER, DOUGLAS; ZIESSMAN, HARVEY Clinical Nuclear Medicine. 21(2):136-141, February 1996. Fig. 4 . Adrenocortical adenoma with concordant IS and MRI. IS (A) showing lateralized left uptake (arrow). MRI scan (B) of the adrenals shows a left adrenal mass (arrow). Left adrenalectomy cured this patient. © Lippincott-Raven Publishers. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. 5
Fig. 5 Atlas of Iodocholesterol Scintigraphy (NP-59) in Cushing's Syndrome With CT and MR Correlation. YU, KELVIN; FRAKER, DOUGLAS; ZIESSMAN, HARVEY Clinical Nuclear Medicine. 21(2):136-141, February 1996. Fig. 5 . Adrenocortical adenoma with discordant SI and CT. IS (A) correctly shows lateralized left uptake (arrow). CT (B) scan of the adrenals shows bilateral adrenal masses (black and white arrows). The patient had a biochemical cure of her Cushing's syndrome after a left adrenalectomy based on results of her IS. © Lippincott-Raven Publishers. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. 6
Fig. 6 Atlas of Iodocholesterol Scintigraphy (NP-59) in Cushing's Syndrome With CT and MR Correlation. YU, KELVIN; FRAKER, DOUGLAS; ZIESSMAN, HARVEY Clinical Nuclear Medicine. 21(2):136-141, February 1996. Fig. 6 . Macronodular bilateral adrenal hyperplasia with concordant IS and CT. IS (A) shows bilateral uptake (arrows), left greater than right. CT scan (B) of the adrenals shows bilateral adrenal masses (arrows). © Lippincott-Raven Publishers. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. 7
Fig. 7 Atlas of Iodocholesterol Scintigraphy (NP-59) in Cushing's Syndrome With CT and MR Correlation. YU, KELVIN; FRAKER, DOUGLAS; ZIESSMAN, HARVEY Clinical Nuclear Medicine. 21(2):136-141, February 1996. Fig. 7 . Primary pigmented nodular adrenal hyperplasia with concordant SI and CT. IS (A) shows bilateral increased uptake (arrows). CT scan (B) of the adrenals demonstrates bilateral hyperplastic adrenals (arrows). Bilateral adrenalectomy cured this patient. © Lippincott-Raven Publishers. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. 8
Fig. 8 Atlas of Iodocholesterol Scintigraphy (NP-59) in Cushing's Syndrome With CT and MR Correlation. YU, KELVIN; FRAKER, DOUGLAS; ZIESSMAN, HARVEY Clinical Nuclear Medicine. 21(2):136-141, February 1996. Fig. 8 . Primary pigmented nodular adrenal hyperplasia with Carney's syndrome (spotty pigmentations of the skin, myxomatous masses, and endocrine disorders) with discordant SI and CT. IS (A) correctly shows bilateral increased uptake (arrows). CT scan (B) of the adrenals shows a normal sized right adrenal gland and a left adrenal mass. © Lippincott-Raven Publishers. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. 9
Fig. 9 Atlas of Iodocholesterol Scintigraphy (NP-59) in Cushing's Syndrome With CT and MR Correlation. YU, KELVIN; FRAKER, DOUGLAS; ZIESSMAN, HARVEY Clinical Nuclear Medicine. 21(2):136-141, February 1996. Fig. 9 . Rare unilateral (left) multinodular adrenal hyperplasia. IS (A) correctly showing lateralized left uptake (arrow). CT scan (B) of the adrenals shows bilateral adrenal masses (arrows). This patient had a biochemical cure of her Cushing's syndrome after left adrenalectomy based on her IS. © Lippincott-Raven Publishers. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. 10
Fig. 10 Atlas of Iodocholesterol Scintigraphy (NP-59) in Cushing's Syndrome With CT and MR Correlation. YU, KELVIN; FRAKER, DOUGLAS; ZIESSMAN, HARVEY Clinical Nuclear Medicine. 21(2):136-141, February 1996. Fig. 10 . Primary pituitary Cushing's disease with persistent Cushing's syndrome after transphenoidal pituitary resection and sellar radiation: discordant IS and CT. IS (A) correctly shows bilateral increased uptake (arrow and arrowhead). CT scan (B) of the adrenals shows only a right adrenal nodule (arrow). © Lippincott-Raven Publishers. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. 11
Fig. 11 Atlas of Iodocholesterol Scintigraphy (NP-59) in Cushing's Syndrome With CT and MR Correlation. YU, KELVIN; FRAKER, DOUGLAS; ZIESSMAN, HARVEY Clinical Nuclear Medicine. 21(2):136-141, February 1996. Fig. 11 . Multinodular adrenal hyperplasia, a bilateral ACTH-independent cause of Cushing's syndrome. False-negative IS and CT. IS (A) showed bilateral nonvisualization of the adrenals. CT scan (B) showing normal adrenal glands bilaterally. The patient had bilateral adrenalectomy based on the results of adrenal vein sampling that demonstrated bilateral adrenal involvement. Pathology confirmed bilateral cortisol producing adrenal nodules. © Lippincott-Raven Publishers. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. 12
Fig. 12 Atlas of Iodocholesterol Scintigraphy (NP-59) in Cushing's Syndrome With CT and MR Correlation. YU, KELVIN; FRAKER, DOUGLAS; ZIESSMAN, HARVEY Clinical Nuclear Medicine. 21(2):136-141, February 1996. Fig. 12 . Persistent Cushing's syndrome after previous bilateral adrenalectomy for Cushing's disease. IS (A) shows the presence of an adrenal remnant on the right side (arrow). MRI scan (B) of abdomen failed to detect the presence of the adrenal remnant. This patient had biochemical cure of his Cushing's syndrome after completion of adrenalectomy on the right. © Lippincott-Raven Publishers. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. 13