Gemstones Gemstones are minerals that can be cut and polished for use in jewelry and related products. Mineral gemstones include: sapphire, ruby, diamond, emerald, topaz, turquoise and opal
Why are some gems so expensive? With the exception of diamonds, most gemstones are highly valued because of their: Beauty Rarity Tradition Perception of permanence
The Curious Lore of Precious Stones Original Publication Date: 1913 Claimed that the twelve stones on Aaron’s breastplate symbolized the 12 months of the year, not the 12 tribes. The Hebrew calendar contains either 12 or 13 months in a year.
January February March garnet rose quartz SiO2 amethyst onyx SiO2 94.83 CT. $266.75 14.60 CT. $737.99 Price per CT. $50 Price per CT. $0.35 January garnet rose quartz SiO2 18.61 CT. $626.99 Price per CT. $34 February amethyst onyx 9.48 CT. $9.99 Price per CT. $0.95 SiO2 104.89 CT. $7,854.59 Price per CT. $75 March aquamarine bloodstone 3.04 CT. $12.99 Price per CT. $4.27 SiO2
April May June diamond rock crystal SiO2 emerald chrysoprase SiO2 4,500.00 CT. $2,528.75 1.61 CT. $10,368.40 Price per CT. $6,440 Price per CT. $0.56 April diamond rock crystal SiO2 4.70 CT. $29.817.83 4.57 CT. $9.35 Price per CT. $6,344 Price per CT. $2.08 May emerald chrysoprase SiO2 15.58 CT. $93,230.99 42.53 CT. $119.80 Price per CT. $5,984 Price per CT. $2.82 June alexandrite moonstone
October November December opal tourmaline SiO2 topaz citrine zircon $18,688.16 13.06 CT. $774.79 October Price per CT. $702 Price per CT. $57 SiO2 topaz citrine 31.03 CT. $23,236.19 18.97 CT. $160.67 November Price per CT. $749 Price per CT. $8 zircon tanzanite 5.84 CT. $219.95 13.32 CT. $6,681.99 December Price per CT. $502 Price per CT. $38
“A Diamond is Forever”
African Diamond Producing Countries Guinea Central African Rep. Sierra Leone Dem. Rep. Congo Liberia Tanzania Ivory Coast Botswana Ghana Lesotho Angola South Africa Namibia