30 2 12 11 7 40
19 32 4 26 16 11 une vache un écureuil une tortue un éléphant une girafe 16 un singe 11
Recognition A squirrel A monkey An elephant
Recognition A turtle A cow A girrafe
Which one is missing?
A turtle
Which one is missing?
A monkey
Which one is missing?
An elephant
Which one is missing?
A cow
Which one is missing?
A giraffe
Which one is missing?
A squirrel
Quicly reveal
Quicly reveal
OXO 18 8 80
6 2 5 15 8
6 2 5 15 8
Memory game
Memory game
1) 2) 3) 4)
1) 2) 3) 4)
A lyon A dog An elephant A spider
A squirrel A snake A bird A cow
A snake An elephant A lyon A hamster A spider A cow A monkey A cat Les animaux A snake A lyon A hamster A spider A cow A monkey A cat A horse An elephant
53 39 7 19 60 10 45 a sn_ _ _ _ c _ _ a c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l _ l_ _ n 60 _ h_ _ s_ 10 45 A m_ _ k _ _
Pair work Partner 1 do the action Parter 2 name the animal *Extension: using connectives * High level habilities pupils’ will writing them on