CASTLE CONTROL BOARD Presentation of the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan & 2015/16 APP to the Study Group on Defence and Military Veterans, 22 April 2015
AIM OF PRESENTATION Castle Control Board briefing on: its 2015-2020 Strategic Plan and 2015 Performance Plan, a progress report on the restoration and maintenance of the Castle of Good Hope, as well as an update on progress made with the (d) combatting of crime and vagrancy at the (Castle of Good Hope.)
SECTION A: 2015/20 STRATEGIC PLAN Presenter: Board Chairperson, Lt. Gen. (Ret) JT Nkonyane
CCB: STRATEGIC CONTEXT Rhodes must go ● Xenophobic attacks ● Load Shedding ● National Development Plan ● Radical Transformation of SA ● Inequality grows ● Unemployment grows Cultural intolerance ● Corrupt cops arrested ● SA’s growth rate down ● UNESCO Listing ● Defence Review ● Nkandla ● Eskom Crisis ● Problems at SAA ● Green Scorpions busy ● COSATU Crisis ● Castle 350 anniversary ● Castle Renovation ● SA Celebrates 21 Years of Freedom… STRATEGIC CONTEXT Castle Control Board
STRATEGIC OVERVIEW In the Board’s latest annual strategic session, the following was emphasized: Legislative mandate: Need to review, amend and reinforce the 1993 Castle Management Act CCB went for complete strategic alignment with national government, DOD, DMV and other partners’ strategic priorities (reflected in APP) Develop and position the Castle as thé premier heritage site with National and UNESCO World Heritage Status The creative, responsible commercialization of the site where each user of the site contributes materially and otherwise. Next year marks the 350 anniversary of the Castle; in the current national context this must be approached with solemnity
VISION & MISSION The Castle of Good Hope shall be a globally significant, truly accessible centre that showcases South Africa's shared heritage.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES The Castle Management Act, Act 207 of 1993, stipulates the following objectives: To preserve and protect the military and cultural heritage of the Castle of Good Hope To optimise the tourism potential of the Castle To optimise accessibility to the Castle by the public In line with national requirements, the CCB has included a transversal objective on clean administration and good corporate governance.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES As a heritage site protected in terms of the National Heritage Resources Act, Act No 25 of 1999, the Strategic Objectives must also include: Promotion, development and interpretation of the Castle as a place of education and learning Development of the capacity of the Castle to promote understanding, reconciliation and nation-building Agreement with the Department of Defence in terms of the management of the Castle as a defence endowment property
STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: MTSF 2015/20 Asserting the CCB’s leadership role in all matters affecting heritage conservation, tourism and education Strengthening of the human resources component and corporate governance to efficiently and effectively implement the Board’s new vision Protecting and aggressively promoting the CGH’s cultural-historic significance and authenticity Pursuing profitable private and public sector partnerships Fast-tracking the responsible development of the CGH’s tourism potential Enhancing the Castle’s relatively weak public image and brand Move towards a more interactive, customer-driven approach in heritage tourism management.
DYNAMICS IN THE STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT CCB fully comprehends that Castle is not an island and is affected by global, national and local dynamics e.g. the Rhodes’ statue debate: In June 2014, the responsibility for the CCB was delegated to Deputy Minister Kebby Maphatsoe; since then the Board has embraced his call for the “radical transformation” of all spheres of society One of the most pertinent local matters is the current restoration and maintenance project (update is following) The Board is keen on driving the organization to financial sustainability – completed a Responsible Commercialization Strategy (increase our own revenue) “Bringing People to the Castle and Taking the Castle to the People” – opportunities and challenges The safety, security and well-being of Castle staff, visitors and properties is a critical and serious dynamic that permanently occupies the Board’s attention.
ALIGNMENT WITH NATIONAL STRATEGIC DIRECTIVES The CCB aligned its strategic planning outcomes with the following national policy imperatives: National Development Plan Medium Term Strategic Framework New Growth path Industrial Policy Action Plan National Cost Containment Measures Combatting Corruption and Fraud The SA Defence Review 2014
SECTION B: CCB’S 2015/16 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN Presenter: CCB CEO, Mr Calvyn Gilfellan and CFO, Mr Mandla Ngewu
PROGRAMME PURPOSE, OUTPUTS & BUDGET Castle Control Board: Summarized Programme Information Programme Audited outcome Audited Outcome Medium-term estimates 2011/12 R’000 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15* (busy) 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 1. Clean Administration* 1 766 1 711 3 090 4 180 5 091 5 428 5 674 2. Conservation & maintenance of Castle 498 658 203 1 863 1 950 2 020 2 121 3.Tourism promotion 37 58 67 75 130 150 158 4. Public Access & Education 68 107 104 260 330 347 364 Total expense 2 369 2 534 3 464 6 378 7 501 7 945 8 317
2015/16 BUDGET Approved budget Audited Outcome Budget estimate Revised estimate Medium-term estimate R thousand 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 Revenue Non-tax revenue 4 160 3 505 5 771 6 378 7 501 7 945 8 317 Sales by market establishment 3 560 2 633 5 171 5 778 6 901 7 345 7 717 Interest, dividends and rent on land 600 628 Total revenue Expenses Current expenses 3 464 Compensation of employees 1 505 1 775 2 472 3 079 3 845 4 128 4 309 Goods and services 2 430 1 625 3 224 3 586 3 752 3 939 Depreciation 225 64 75 70 65 68 – Total expenses Surplus/(Deficit) 41
PROGRAMME 1: “Ensure clean, sound administration and good corporate governance”
1. ADMINISTRATION 5 100 per cent Serial No Outputs Outputs Performance indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2015/16 Quarterly Targets with Sources of Verification Noted 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1.1 Delivery of excellent corporate governance through tight internal controls and world-class administration Number of corporate governance measures in place i.e. policies, internal controls and other key interventions Annual 5 1 2 1.2 Delivery of sound financial management and control measures Percentage of adverse AG findings successfully resolved 100 per cent - 1.3 CCB APP submitted to the Executive Authority with an annual target of 100% 1.4 CCB Annual Report submitted to the Executive Authority with an annual target of 100%
PROGRAMME 2: “Ensure the maintenance, preservation, interpretation and showcasing of the history of the Castle”
Quarterly Targets with Sources of Verification Noted 2. HERITAGE Serial No Outputs Performance indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2015/16 Quarterly Targets with Sources of Verification Noted 1st 2nd 3rd 4th a b c d e F g h 2.1 Delivery of a range of projects and services aimed at the enhancement, upkeep and maintenance of the Castle as heritage site Percentage (per cent) completion of all approved, scheduled repair and maintenance work Annual 100 per cent 25 per cent 50 per cent 75 per cent 2.2 Delivery of a comprehensive offering of visitor services and experiences Number of new, innovative heritage projects and programmes Quarterly 6 1 - 3 2 2.3 Delivery of a range of projects and services aimed at the enhancement, upkeep and maintenance of the Castle as heritage site Percentage completion of all approved, scheduled logistics and movements during renovations
PROGRAMME 3: “To maximise the tourism potential of the Castle of Good Hope”
Quarterly Targets with Sources of Verification Noted 3. TOURISM Serial No Outputs Performance indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2015/16 Quarterly Targets with Sources of Verification Noted 1st 2nd 3rd 4th a b c d e F g h 3.1 Delivery of a comprehensive variety of services and experiences to visitors aimed to attract more tourists and locals to the Castle Total number of tourists per annum Quarterly 152 000 30 000 45 000 35 000 42 000 3.2 Total gross tourism revenue per annum R3.9m R900 000 R950 000 R1100 000
PROGRAMME 4: “To increase public access to the Castle of Good Hope”
4. PUBLIC ACCESS AND EDUCATION Serial No Outputs Performance indicator Reporting Period Annual Target 2015/16 Quarterly Targets with Sources of Verification Noted 1st 2nd 3rd 4th a b c d e F g h 4.1 Deliver a series of innovative public events aimed to promote understanding of the Castle as global heritage icon Year-on-year increase in the number of people reached through positive media coverage as measured by independent monitoring systems* Quarterly/Annual 10 million 2.5 million 4.2 Delivery of a range of public programmes with SA schools, cultural groups and special community groups Number of student interns successfully supported and mentored by the CCB at the CGH Annual 25 - 4.3 Number of successful community, educational and heritage programmes completed Quarterly 12 3
SECTION C: UPDATE ON THE RESTORATION & MAINTENANCE OF THE CASTLE Presenter: Chief Log, Lt. Gen. IB Mbatha & Calvyn Gilfellan
ABRIDGED PROJECT PROFILE Project: Western Cape, Department of Defence, Cape Town, The Castle Refurbishment Programme Ref no: WCS NUMBER: 052148 Short Description of project: The restoration of the Castle took place in phases over a period of 32 years and since the completion thereof in the late 1990's, the lack of proper maintenance resulted in the deterioration of the buildings. The work currently being done at the Castle is in essence repair which implies that no changes will be made to the current form of the structures. Contractor appointed: GVK – SIYA ZAMA Construction Cape (Pty), 4th December 2014, Level 1 BEE Rating, 8GB (General Building and Specialist in Heritage Buildings CIBD Rating Project Finance: Tender awarded: R 108 698 724.05 (Incl. 14% VAT) Practical Completion date: 3 September 2016 (Est. to 15 December 2016)
PROGRESS TO DATE General percentage completed against time: 16% at 25.03.2015 Completion Block A1: 57%, on schedule, roof tiles removed, preparations for waterproofing, internal and external repairs and preparation for painting Completion Block A2: 0% Completion Block B: 0% Completion Block C: 0% Completion Block D: 34%, 3½ weeks behind schedule, roof tiles removed, waterproofing in progress, internal and external repairs and preparation for painting Completion Block E: 0% Completion Block F: Groups 7, 6, 5, 8 & 10: 35%, 1 day behind schedule, internal and external repairs and preparation for painting. Completion Block G: 20%, internal and external repairs and preparation for painting. Completion Block H: 60%, 2½ weeks ahead of schedule, roof tiles removed, preparations for waterproofing, internal and external repairs and preparation for painting Externals and bastions: 15%, 2 weeks ahead of schedule, repairs in progress.
7-Year Estimates of Expenditure 2011/12 – 2017/18 SANDF REGIONAL WORKS REGIMENT (WC) BUSY WITH ROUTINE MAINTENANCE WORK AT THE CASTLE ENTRACE, DECEMBER 2014… 7-Year Estimates of Expenditure 2011/12 – 2017/18
Presenter: Chief Log, Lt. Gen. IB Mbatha & CEO, Calvyn Gilfelan SECTION D:UPDATE ON PROGRESS MADE WITH THE COMBATTING OF CRIME AND VAGRANCY Presenter: Chief Log, Lt. Gen. IB Mbatha & CEO, Calvyn Gilfelan
PROGRESS REPORT ON CRIME & SECURITY CCB SECURITY MEASURES IN CLUDE THE FOLLOWING: The matter is elevated as a top Risk in our Risk Register Appointed two roving security officers (MV) Installed additional cameras in Military Museum Procured fencing for a more permanent solution to the vagrancy matter On big event days CCB deploys interns and work with crime prevention in the province and city SANDF SECURITY MEASURES INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: Regular joint operations with the CID to remove the vagrants (who are soon back) Increased roving patrols of their deployed security platoon (28 members) Is procuring the Visi-fencing for the radical, permanent solution Is working with the CCB and CID on the radical transitional solution Has 24 hours fire and rescue on site Moves underway for a permanent security team
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