How Can I Make A Difference? Unit Portfolio Presentation Mike Colwell
Unit Summary Mathematics appears in many places. In this unit, students will explore how math is utilized in the world around them. From microscopic images to the vast expanse of our galaxy, we will investigate how different professions incorporate numbers, patterns, and logic to help make sense of our world. The unit will culminate with a presentation about a profession that interests them.
Curriculum-Framing Questions Essential Question How can I make a difference? Unit Questions How is mathematics utilized in the sciences? How is mathematics utilized in the arts? How can math be used to make sense of the universe? How did previous civilizations utilize and refine mathematics? What advances will our civilization make in the field of mathematics? Can you identify ways that math effects our world?
Content Questions How do you multiply numbers with positive exponents? How do you divide numbers with positive exponents? How do you simplify numbers with negative exponents? What is the value of a number to the zero power? Contrast rational/irrational numbers. How do you use the product property to simplify square roots? How do you use the quotient property to simplify square roots? What is the solution to this inequality? What inequality represents this situation? What is the graph of this inequality? What is the inequality shown by this graph? What equation is represented by these algebra tiles? Can you represent this equation using algebra tiles? What is the solution to this equation? What is the product of these binomials? What does it mean to factor an exression? Can you factor this binomial?
Unit Project This project will help my students develop 21st century skills by: Collaborating with peers. Analyzing different careers and drawing conclusions to answer Unit Questions Investigating how mathematics is used in different professions. Interviewing a professional and delivering a presentation detailing the mathematics of that profession.
Gauging Student Needs Assessment Purpose of the Assessment To gather information about what students already know and what careers they are curious about. What I want to learn from my students? I want to find out what careers they are interested in and what mathematical gaps must be addressed before starting the unit. How I have tried to promote higher-order thinking? I ask students to analyze different patterns, summarize what they have learned, and evaluate different professions. What feedback or additional ideas I’d like? I would like help on my assessment. I think I need to elicit more higher-order thinking, but I’m not sure how.
My Goals for the Course Find ways to get my students more interested in learning mathematics Learn about different kinds of technology my students and I can use Share ideas with other teachers
Goals for My Students To analyze how mathematics is utilized in different careers. To understand how mathematics in used in the world outside of the classroom To utilize different forms of technology