Charge in very strong EM field Brijuni 04
The unresolved mystery Where do the charges go and where they come from?
Instead of the Answer To seek not to know the answers but to understand the questions Note on Harry`s wall
Question to understand How a charge behaves under the impact of a very strong field?
What is meant by strong field? There is no absolute answer to this question, only when a reference criterion is defined?
Few typical values Sun irradiance Condensers on the market Electron in Bohr orb. Laser Electron-proton in neutron 103 W/m2 103 Volt/m 108 Volt/m 5 1011 Volt/m 1024 W/m2 1013 Volt/m 1017 Volt/m
Three possible criteria for strong field Relative importance of quantum and classical effects Importance of spontaneous versus induced transitions Impact on the rest mass of charge
Quantum and classical effects Two types of energy transfer from a plane EM wave to a charge Photon energy exchange Drift velocity
Velocity of charge in plane EM wave
Relativistic effects
Quantum/Classical in non-relativistic limit
Spontaneous versus induced transitions
Example of strong and weak interaction
Impact of field on the rest mass of charge Deep rooted belief that the rest mass is a fixed parameter. Strict formulation of the radiation reaction force is not possible without abandoning this belief.
Formulation of radiation reaction force In the weak coupling regime (in QM/CM sense) it is formulated through QED. In the strong coupling regime the formulation is not obvious. Problem of model Problem of solving equations
The simplest model for radiation reaction force Extended charge that interacts with itself Model is hampered by various non-physical assumptions. More precise model is interaction of phase space density with itself. Both models agree on the structure of basic equations
Basic equation for with radiation reaction
Solution for electron-(point-like) proton
Consequences Mass of charges disappears, but what about its gravitational? Charges are in a form of a dipole Charges could be created by very strong fields Hydrogen atom is stable because electron-proton interaction is not Coulomb type at the nuclear radius
Electron in a plane wave Comparison of velocity with and without RR force W=1021s-1
Electron in a plane wave Mass, velocity as a function of field strength
Consequences Charge cannot be annihilated in a plane wave of a very large amplitude. The effect of mass change could be observed in spectroscopy
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