6th Grade Language Arts Deborah Lunn dlunn@kyrene.org (480)541-5907
Four Corners Students: Stand up! Move to the corner that is most true for you. This summer I spent most of my time: 1. Reading 2. Gaming 3. Swimming 4. Being bored
A little about me: Born in England, lived in AZ and CA 15th year of teaching, 7th year in Kyrene Bachelors degree in education from ASU, Masters in education from NAU Endorsements- Reading and SEI Three daughters Certified yoga teacher Hobbies: yoga, hiking, adventure, traveling, trying new restaurants
New ELA Curriculum Resources My Perspectives; Pearson Student editions are consumable (will stay in class) Unit Themes Childhood Animal Allies Modern Technology Imagination Exploration
Quarter Book Study/Mythology The Lightening Thief by Rick Riordan Myths( Prometheus, Medusa and Athena, Shrouded in Myth….) The Heroes Journey Elements of Mythology Students will be expected to read the book at home and during Iclass. More information will be sent home at the beginning of the unit.
ELA Curriculum Language, Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening Standards Informational reading/literature Central idea, theme, inferencing, figurative vs. literal language Author’s point of view Evaluate arguments and claims Defending responses with evidence from the text Close Reading, annotation, analyzing text Grammar and vocabulary using Greek and Latin roots, context clues, academic vocabulary, Technology: Google docs and shared email accounts for collaboration
ELA Curriculum continued… Writing Arguments and claims; providing support and evidence Informational/explanatory text; organize information and develop the topic Narratives; develop using sequencing, descriptive language, dialogue and precise language We will work on structure, style, word choice with each piece using the writing process and technology.
Organization of text Students will use the “stoplight” method to highlight information in a text. They will use the same method to structure their writing. Green- topic Yellow- main ideas/points Red- examples, evidence
Kyrene Middle School Grading Policy Students may receive grades for classwork and homework. This includes daily “walk-in” work. (20% of grade) Larger assignments such as assessments, projects, reader’s response, research, creative writing work will receive more points than daily work. (80% of grade) Use the Parent Vue Portal on Kyrene website to check grade and work completion status. Students can check grades via Student Vue with their student number. Contact school office 541-5800
Learning Goal Scale 4- Student is able to cite multiple pieces of textual evidence to support a strong analysis of what the text explicitly says as well as multiple inferences drawn from the text. 3- Student is able to cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 2- With redirection or clarification, a student is able to cite some textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says as well as inferences drawn from the text. The supports are weak and the inferences are also vague. 1- Student is unable to cite textual evidence to support analysis of the text or draw any inferences.
Homework Nightly -20+ (for enjoyment and book reflections) Possible Assignments: -Vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension Unfinished classwork Pre-reading of upcoming text Additional research/writing time for projects Absent/make-up or missing work * Agendas- Students will be expected to write their in class and homework assignments every Monday. Weekly homework assignments will be updated by 4pm Monday on my website.
Supplies 2 Composition books 2- Two pocket folder with three prongs Highlighters- green, yellow, pink, blue Toolkit/pencil pouch- with general needs (for all classes) ***A daily reading book!!!
Classroom Wish List White and Colored computer paper Clorox wipes Dry erase markers Kleenex Glue sticks Pencils College ruled paper Colored pencils
Things to ask your child… Can I see your agenda? Did you reflect on your nightly reading? Do you need to replenish your supplies? Are you working on any long term projects? Have you cleaned out your backpack recently? Do you have a reading book in your backpack?
Best way to reach me: dlunn@kyrene.org 480-541-5907 Website Thanks for coming!