OGCS CHORUS Welcome Packet Dear Chorus Students and Parents, First off, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are a member of the Orange Grove Chorus. I am very excited about our time that we will share together. All of the students accepted into the OG Chorus were selected based on their audition, and you sang fabulously! Please understand, that being in the OG Chorus means keeping up with classroom work and homework, behaving properly in and out of school, actively participating in rehearsals and keeping up with being present at all rehearsals. Included in this packet you will find a few things: * Chorus Info Sheet (please keep for your records) * Parent/Student Contract Info Sheet (to be returned to Mrs. Flint) * Emergency Contact (to be returned to Mrs. Flint) The fee for being in the OG Chorus is $45. All school fees MUST be up-to-date before I can accept your OG Chorus fee. Any student who has not paid all schools fees and OG Chorus fee by SEPTEMBER 2nd will NOT be able to participate in the OG Chorus. The $45 fee includes the rights to the music, their t-shirts, and field trip money for dress rehearsals, etc. Please fill out the parent contract and information sheet and return by August 24th. Fees are not due until September 2, 2016. No student will be able to stay in chorus if their fees have not been paid by September 2nd No exceptions, I am sorry. I am always in need of volunteers. Parents, if you are willing to volunteer, information will be sent via e-mail please feel free to respond as your schedule allows. This year is going to be an amazing year with many fun things planned. I am looking forward to working on this years music with your children. You are in for an incredible journey in your child’s musical development! You can contact me by e-mail here at school kathryn_flint@orangegrovecharter.com or after school hours at kmbflint@gmail.com. Musically yours, Kathryn Flint OG Chorus Director
CHORUS INFO Rehearsals: Rehearsals take place during the RIT Band time (1:50-2:35pm). Students in classes ABC will have rehearsals on Wednesday’s. Students in classes DEF will have rehearsals on Thursday’s. Full rehearsals of both groups will be on Friday’s during the RIT Band time. There are no afterschool or weekend rehearsals. WINTER AND SPRING CONCERT DATES WILL HOPEFULLY BE DECEMBER 11, 2016 AND APRIL 23, 2017 AT 3PM. PENDING APPROVAL FROM WEST ASHLEY HIGH SCHOOL Concert Attire: The attire that students will wear for the Winter OG Chorus concert… OG Chorus shirt (cost included in their Chorus fee), khaki PANTS (not shorts, skorts, capris, etc) and comfortable shoes (girls, please do not wear shoes that will make noise when you walk). We do a lot of dancing, please make sure your child’s shoes are comfortable to move in, and are not “flashy.” For example, please avoid sneakers with neon colors. If your child has longer hair please make sure that it is pulled back and away from their face so that they will not need to play with it or fix it during a performance. The theme this year for our Spring Concert is the 80’s!! Students will need to wear their OG Chorus t-shirt for 2016-2017 (included in the Chorus fees). The rest of the costume is up to your imagination (jeans are acceptable, Hammer pants would be AWESOME!) I can’t wait to see how they look!!! Our themed Spring Concerts are my favorite, I love seeing them all dressed up! Have fun with it! KEEP THIS PAGE FOR YOUR RECORDS
If a student is released from the chorus, NO fees will be refunded. PARENT/STUDENT CONTRACT Attendance at rehearsals is extremely important. If a child has excessive absences Of rehearsals they will /may be released from the OG Chorus with NO fees refunded. If there is a problem with a students behavior, that student may be released from the chorus without prior notification or correspondence to the parent. If a student is released from the chorus, NO fees will be refunded. PARENT CONTRACT As an OG Chorus Parent I promise: * To read the newsletters. * To encourage my child to actively participate. * To encourage my child to attend all rehearsals. * To attend my child’s concert performances. __________________________________________________________ Parent signature STUDENT CONTRACT As an OG Chorus Student I promise: * To follow the OG Student Code of Conduct. * To be responsible for myself and OG Chorus information. * To actively participate in the OG Chorus. * To attend all OG Chorus rehearsals. _________________________________________________________ Student Signature STUDENT T-SHIRT SIZE PLEASE CIRCLE ONE YOUTH SMALL YOUTH MEDIUM YOUTH LARGE (6-8) (10-12) (14-16) ADULT SMALL ADULT MEDIUM ADULT LARGE *If you, the parent, would like to purchase a shirt, please include your size. The cost for additional shirts is $10 per shirt ($15 for XL or XXL). I DO NOT KEEP EXTRA SHIRTS SO PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD IS RESPONSIBLE WITH THEIR SHIRT.