Presentation Companion Slide Pack Copyright © 2014 Training Games, Inc. The slides in this file were specifically designed to be used with the Presentation Companion Add-In. Title slide for Slide Pack.
Talk about a form of discrimination you have personally experienced? Speak to this Topic Topic 1 In your opinion are there jobs that only men can be qualified to do? Give some examples. 3 1 4 6 9 8 7 5 2 Topic 2 Is there any one form of discrimination (racial, religious, gender, sexual orientation, etc.) that is “the” worst & why? 4 2 1 3 5 9 8 7 6 Topic 3 Talk about all the many different ways a diverse culture can provide an advantage for employers. 6 5 4 1 7 9 8 3 2 Topic 4 Talk about a form of discrimination you have personally experienced? 4 3 5 7 9 8 2 6 1 Speak To This Topic – A fantastic participative exercise slide. Uses: Add 6 important or key topics from your presentation, and challenge your audience participants to select and speak to the topic. Alternatively, have classroom groups each select a topic and present back to the entire class. Consider adding a presentation timer available in this program to this slide as well. To Edit: While in Edit Mode, click on the text within the slide boxes and begin typing. To Operate: In Slideshow Mode, click on the gold Topic button to reveal the topic. Place this slide strategically within your presentation or use this program’s slide navigation buttons to access this and other slides from any where within your presentation. Topic 5 Might it be argued that we form generalizations about others as a means of protecting ourselves from potential dangers? 6 5 7 4 8 9 1 2 3 Topic 6 Select and speak to a topic around the issue of diversity that you believe is seldom or perhaps not well-addressed. 6 7 8 9 5 2 4 1 3 Click topic to reveal Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc.
Characteristics of a diverse organization The Pyramid Game Productive 60 Sec Creative Problem solvers Caring The Pyramid Game – Uses: This game can be used as a fun ice breaker or to challenge your group to come up with many of the key words from your presentation on a specific topic. To Play: One person turns there back to the screen as other team members give one word clues to help guess the key words. Use multiples of this slide and have teams compete. Award a point for each word they guess. A new word is introduced after each word is guessed, however the player receiving the clues can ask to skip to the next word. A (2) minute timer for this exercise is provided. Use this program’s built-in scoreboard to record scores. To Edit: While in Edit Mode, click on the text within the word boxes and begin typing. In addition, click on the text within the category box at the bottom of the slide and begin typing. To Operate: In Slideshow Mode, click on the Next Word button to reveal the next word. Place this slide strategically within your presentation or use this program’s slide navigation buttons to access this and other slides from any where within your presentation. Fun Inclusive Characteristics of a diverse organization Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc.
Key Concepts Statement 1 Statement 2 Statement 3 Statement 4 Key Concepts Game – Play this game following your presentation to review Key Concepts. This game can be played in teams or with the entire audience. To Play: One individual is selected to turn away from the screen. Six key presentation concepts are presented to the audience. In turn order, each member of the audience or members the individual’s team are asked to give one or two word clues for the six key concepts. The individual must guess as many of the key concepts just presented as they can. A sixty second timer is provided in this game. Alternatively, show the key concepts to the room and ask (6) volunteers to select and explain one of the six concepts (One minute per presentation). To Edit: While in Edit Mode, click on the text within the word boxes and begin typing. To Operate: In Slideshow Mode, click on the Begin button to reveal ALL the key concepts. Place this slide strategically within your presentation or use this program’s slide navigation buttons to access this and other slides from any where within your presentation. Statement 5 Statement 6 20 18 22 16 24 26 06 04 02 28 08 12 10 14 36 52 50 54 56 60 58 30 48 34 32 46 38 40 42 44 00 Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc.
Keyword Topic Slide 2 of 2 Keyword 1 3 ? Keyword 6 5 ? Keyword 2 ? 2 Keyword Points Keyword Points Keyword 1 3 ? Keyword 6 5 ? Keyword 2 ? 2 Keyword 7 ? 4 Keyword 3 3 ? Keyword 8 ? 3 Keyword 4 2 ? Keyword 9 ? 4 Keyword 5 ? 4 Keyword 10 3 ? 1. Select the 3 most important keywords. 2. Be prepared to discuss your keyword selection. 3. Click on words to reveal points earned. Keywords. You will see listed 10 important keywords - Each keyword has been assigned a point value. Have teams/players select (3) of these keywords. These should represent the keywords they believe are most important in regard to the keyword topic. Teams or players should be prepared to discuss and present why they believe the words they selected are MOST IMPORTANT. After the presentations, reveal the point values assigned to each word. Tally all points and score on the game’s scoreboard.
Hidden Key Words Hidden Key Words Q H A R G N D Y K T W O I S E U C F J X M B P Z L V 08 07 09 12 06 11 10 04 01 00 02 03 14 05 13 26 25 24 27 28 30 29 22 23 16 15 17 18 20 19 21 Hidden Key Words – Uses: This game can be used as a fun ice breaker or to challenge your group to find the hidden key words from within your presentation. A player or team views the slide and tries to find the key words hidden within the matrix of letters. Use multiples of this slide and have teams compete, awarding a point for each hidden word they find. A (30) second timer for this exercise is provided. Use this programs built-in scoreboard to record scores. To Edit: While in Edit Mode, click on the text letters within the matrix, backspace to delete the existing letter and add a new letter. Click on the red word identifiers and drag into place. The red word identifiers can also be stretched, compressed and rotated to encircle each hidden word within the matrix. To Operate: In Slideshow Mode, after time has expired, click on the Answer button to reveal all the hidden words. Place this slide strategically within your presentation or use this program’s slide navigation buttons to access this and other slides from any where within your presentation. Clue: Title Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc.
Describe These Things That… 1 Item 1 2 Item 2 3 Item 3 4 Item 4 5 Item 5 The These Things That… Game – Uses: This game can be used as a fun ice breaker or to challenge your group to come up with many of the key words and concepts from within your presentation. The game is played by having one or multiple players offer clues for six category items. Clues can be delivered to another player or players, who’ll have 30 seconds to guess as many correct items as possible. A new item is introduced after each item is guessed, however the player/s receiving the clues can ask to skip to the next item. Award a point for each correct item guessed, and use this program’s built-in scoreboard to record scores. To Edit: While in Edit Mode, click on the text which reads “Describe These Things That …”, and complete the phrase (i.e. Describe These Things That are found in hospitals). Now click within the item boxes and add six such common items (found in hospitals). To Operate: In Slideshow Mode, click on the red arrow shaped button to reveal the next item. Place this slide strategically within your presentation or use this program’s slide navigation buttons to access this and other slides from any where within your presentation. 6 Item 6 08 09 07 11 12 10 13 01 00 02 03 05 04 06 20 26 25 24 27 28 30 29 14 23 16 15 17 18 19 22 21 Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc.
Describe These Things That … Edit text for type and items. Click numbers to reveal next item during game. Slide 2 of 2 Describe These Things That … 1 Item 1 2 Item 2 3 Item 3 4 Item 4 5 Item 5 Describe These Things That… On the next slide you’ll find 6 “Things That” pertaining to a subject category. i.e. – Things that are for a safe work environment. One player must first turn away from the screen, then the rest of the team or class clicks the “BEGIN” button. With the timer started, the player must name the 6 keywords/phrases using the word clues provided by the others within 30 seconds. The first keyword/phrase must be guessed prior to moving to the next one and so on. Tally and post points. 3 points for each correct answer. 6 Item 6 08 09 07 12 11 10 13 01 00 02 03 05 04 06 21 26 25 24 27 28 30 29 23 22 16 15 17 18 20 19 14
Enter Answer Here Mixed Up Word Here A J H G Y I B N M E 10 11 09 08 Word Jumble Game Mixed Up Word Here HINT: Enter hint here… ANSWER: Enter Answer Here A J H G Y I B N M E The Word Jumble Game – Uses: This game can be used as a fun ice breaker or to challenge your group to come up with many of the key words taken directly from your presentation. The game is played by having one or multiple players attempt to guess a word whose letters have been scrambled. A hint is offered to assist game participants. For example, the scrambled word might be IRPSETNONETA (PRESENTATION) and the clue offered might be POWERPOINT. Players are allotted 30 seconds to unscramble the word. Multiples of this slide can be used as teams or players compete during your presentation. Award points for correct answers, and use this program’s built-in scoreboard to record scores. To Edit: While in Edit Mode, click on the text which reads “Mixed Up Word Here”, and add a scrambled word. Now click within the text box labeled “Hint: Enter hint here…” and add a short hint. Finally click on the text “Enter Answer Here” and add the unscrambled word or correct answer. To Operate: In Slideshow Mode, click on the Start/Reset button to begin the countdown timer. Click on the Answer button to reveal the unscrambled word. The countdown timer is easily reset by clicking on it, so you may offer several unscrambling rounds to different teams or players should prior participants fail to guess the correct answer. Place this slide strategically within your presentation or use this program’s slide navigation buttons to access this and other slides from any where within your presentation. 10 11 09 08 13 12 04 02 01 03 14 06 05 07 16 26 25 27 28 30 29 15 24 18 17 23 19 20 22 21 00 Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc.
Enter Answer Here Mixed Up Word Here A J H G Y I B N M E 09 08 10 07 Slide 1 of 1. Enter scrambled word on top, a hint and the answer below. Mixed Up Word Here HINT: Enter hint here… ANSWER: Enter Answer Here A J H G Y I B N M E Use this “Word Jumble” game as an icebreaker or with competing teams/players. The (1) slide below is the game itself. Use keywords from your program. Scramble the words and type them onto the slide over the text “Mixed up word Here” i.e. LISTENING is typed in as NNGLSITIE Add a hint “Something a good customer service representative does”. Type in the unscrambled word where it says “Enter Answer Here” on the slide. 09 08 10 07 11 12 02 01 00 13 03 05 04 06 17 26 25 24 27 28 30 29 23 22 16 15 18 19 21 20 14
The Feud Game Round 1 X X X Topic Here 1 Answer 1 3 4 2 5 7 8 1 9 6 2 Answer 2 9 2 7 6 4 5 1 3 8 3 Answer 3 5 4 6 9 3 8 7 2 1 4 Answer 4 5 6 7 4 8 9 2 3 1 The Feud Game – The feud game can be used as an ice breaker at the beginning of your presentation or as a training game embedded within your presentation. Use multiples of this slide for different rounds. To Play: In the feud game teams/players attempt to guess the top five items in a specific category. For example, the top five dog breeds for pet owners in the United States. It might also be the five top safety concerns within our manufacturing plants. In this game players receive 2 pts for getting one of the five answers, and two points for guessing where that particular answer ranks (out of 5). Teams/player can choose to play with or without clues. Playing with clues, players guess the top five answers from (10) possible correct answers. Earned point values, however, are less (1 and1) if playing with clues. Incorrect answers receive and X, and 3 Xs and the round moves over to the opposing team to possibly steal the points (If they guess the remaining answers correctly). Consider using the scoreboard available in this program to tally points from each round. To Edit: In Edit mode click on the various text boxes (Topic Here, Answers (1 -5), and Clues) and begin typing. To Operate: While in Slideshow mode, click on the Clues button if a team opts for playing with clues, click on the blue number buttons (1-5) to reveal answers. Finally click on the Point button to the left of each answer to record points earned for each correct response. Note: The presenter will need a cheat sheet to remember where each of the correct answers are placed. We recommend using the Navigation buttons available in this program to easily move back and forth from your presentation to different game rounds. Place these slide strategically within your presentation or again, use this program’s slide navigation buttons to access this and other slides from any where within your presentation. 5 Answer 5 6 7 8 9 5 3 4 1 2 2 Points for the correct answer and 2 Points for the correct position 1 Point for the correct answer and 1 Point for the correct position Clues: Item 1, Item 2, Item 3, Item 4, Item 5, Item 6, Item 7, Item 8, Item 9, Item 10 Refer to notes section below for help or tips about this slide. Copyright © 2012 Training Games, Inc.
A sample “game” W H E E L O F F A M E & F O R T U N E Q U I Z S H O W B C D F G H J K L M O U Y N P Q R S T V W X Z
Puzzle Title - - & & , , / / ? ? ‘ ‘ ! # E E E T E T A E T A E O T A E Do NOT change any letters in the black textboxes. - - & & , , / / ? ? ‘ ‘ ! # E E Zoom screen out to edit puzzle & see all letters Puzzle Title E T E T A E T A E O T A E I O T A E I O T A C D E H I L N O R S T A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U W Y A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U V W Y A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A E I B C D F G H J K L M A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z O U Y N P Q R S T V W X Z A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
28 26 24 22 30 32 40 38 36 34 20 18 06 04 02 00 08 10 16 14 12 44 42 54 56 58 52 50 46 48 60 Random Start/Stop Belligerent and angry Rigid and not open to ideas Shy and non- responsive Personality Selector 1. Click once on the button above to start, and when prompted by a team mate, a second time to stop the selector arrow. 2. Click timer to begin role Play. Sarcastic, wise guy The pleaser or "yes" man/woman Non- listener Ego centric elitist Unresponsive and disengaged The lead player and a selected team mate must role play for 1 minute. The team mate assumes the role of the difficult personality type randomly selected on the next slide. The lead player attempt to successfully communicate with this individual. The group suggests a discussion topic that might easily come up within your organization. Lead player to: Discuss with the team what you did well to facilitate communications with this difficult personality type. Discuss what may have been done to enhance communication. Points Judge awards 10, 20, or 30 Communication points for your overall effort. Complaining whiner Your Choice Start Timer Team's Choice If on the line, your choice of either
Stereotype Random Selector Start/Stop Stereotype Random Selector Italian Irish Hispanic Asian American Indian African American German Caucasian Female Gay/Lesbian Male Jewish Elderly New Yorker Southerner Muslim French If the arrow stops between 2 groups you may choose either group. The lead player is asked to conduct a brainstorming exercise in regard to a particular group. Use the random selector on pg. 3 to select a group. A group may be defined by their race, gender, age, religion, physical or mental abilities, geographic locations, economic status, or sexual orientation. Team members are asked to brainstorm stereotypes Record positive, than negative stereotypes that have been attributed to the selected group on a flip chart. Remember, knowing a negative or positive stereotype exist does not infer that the individual in anyway concurs with the stereotype. After a list of perhaps 10 -15 stereotypes (both +/-) have been recorded on the flip chart, the leader should review the discussion questions on pg. 2 with the team. Suggested discussion questions might include: Which if either list (+/-), was easiest to complete and why? Why do we stereotype other people and groups? In your opinion, is the list reflective of individuals within this group? How should we react to stereotypes in the future? Award 2 Knowledge points to the lead player for each positive and negative stereotype listed. Remember, when conducting a brainstorming session, ANY THOUGHT GOES. In other words, don’t discourage your group’s input by inferring some answers are better or more valuable than others. Select group on page 3 then return to discussion questions.
By the year 2050… (pg 2) The U.S. population 24% will increase by Answers By the year 2050… (pg 2) The U.S. population will increase by 24% 2 Minority groups will Represent in the U.S. 49% 1 Hispanics will represent % of U.S Population 134% 4 Population Age 65+ will increase by 53% On the next slide are 5 population match projections referencing the year 2050. The lead player , as well as, each team member will jot down their proposed correct matches. The lead player will hold a discussion, allowing each team member to present their match answers. After this discussion, the lead player will revise his/her answers considering the groups input. Score 5 knowledge points for each correct answer. Finally the lead player will hold a brief discussion concerning the group’s input. Suggested questions: Did the groups input help the lead player score higher ? What are some advantages of using the group to come to a consensus? What new information was shared as a function of doing this exercise? 4 The World population will increase by 50% 4 After discussion, press the “Answers” button 5 times to reveal the correct answers Source: U.S Bureau of Census 16
Names Occupations Keyshawn Jones Stanley Feldstein Mohammed Al-Jamal Mary White Feather Chang Wu Pilar Mendez Faiza Shirazi Naomi Herschberger Arthur Smith Latisha Jackson Pablo Fernandez Hikaru Misaki Middle manager Flight attendant Truck driver Corporate vice president High school teacher Computer programmer Farmer Secretary Pro basketball player Diamond broker Oil company executive Agricultural worker Hotel maid Homemaker Social worker University professor Lawyer Waitress The lead player will facilitate this exercise. On the next slide you’ll find 2 lists. Working as a group, match the name to the occupation by inserting the name number adjacent to the occupation. Allotted time for this exercise is 3 minutes. (Use each occupation only once; there will be some left over). 3 points on Awareness will be awarded for each correctly matched name and occupation. Move to Part 2 for group discussion prior to recording points. PART 2 Sorry we lied! The points you just scored do not count. We did this for a reason. We wanted to give you an incentive to use stereotypes you’ve become familiar with. Stereotypes are generalizations about people without regard for their individual attributes. We attempt to understand our world by generalizing and categorizing. It is important you recognize our propensity to do so, but more important that you recognize _______? (Group’s collective response). Actual points, 10, 20 or 30 for Awareness will be awarded by an appointed Points Judge based on the lead player ability to lead a group discussion addressing the following questions: 1. As a group, discuss this statement: “. . . to know one member of the group is to know them all.” Has this been your experience with the group/s you belong to? Is this true of any ethnic groups? Enter the number by a name next to an occupation.
The Feud Topic Question Here - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - Move the gold #s and enter your results and points. Move gold #s back to cover. Slide 2 of 2 The Feud Topic Question Here - 1 - Best answer – 10 Points Next best answer – 8 Points - 2 - - 3 - Next best answer – 6 Points The Feud. On the next slide you’ll see the Feud Board, which contains two – five correct answers to a topic question. Higher point values are awarded for progressively better, or higher ranking responses. Teams/players are challenged to provide the best answers to the proposed topic question and receive points for correct responses. Points are then posted to the scoreboard. Next best answer – 4 Points - 4 - Next best answer – 3 Points - 5 -
Role Playing Title Here Slide 1 of 2 Role Playing Title Here Describe your role play scenario here. Describe the role play setting and the specific problem being addressed by the characters involved. Briefly describe role play character # 1 here. Briefly describe role play character # 2 here. Add other characters if required. Explain how game points will be awarded if applicable.
Role Play Follow Up Discussion Slide 2 of 2 Role Play Follow Up Discussion List questions that should be addressed by the group in general regarding the role play. List questions that should be asked of the characters after the role play exercise. Evaluate and award game points if applicable.
Team Meeting Title Here Slide 1 of 1 Team Meeting Title Here Place a general description and/or the objective for the team meeting here. Key issues to be discussed/resolved during the team meeting exercise here. Team meeting follow up questions here. Potential points earned (if applicable) and time allocated for this exercise.
Subject Category Statement Click/Move red box and enter your topics. Move red box back to cover text. Slide 2 of 2 Subject Category Statement Statement 1 Statement 2 Statement 3 Statement 4 Statement 5 Turn Around. On the next slide you’ll find 6 statements, phrases or keywords pertaining to a subject category, i.e. – essentials for a safe work environment. One player must turn away from the screen, while the rest of the team or class clicks the “BEGIN” button. With the timer started, the player must name the 6 keywords/phrases using the word clues provided by the others within 60 seconds. The first keyword/phrase must be guessed prior to moving to the next and so on. Tally and post points. 3 points for each correct answer. Statement 6 18 16 20 24 22 14 04 02 00 26 06 10 08 12 36 52 50 48 54 56 60 58 46 44 32 30 34 38 42 40 28