Women and World War 1 How did WW1 affect the campaign for votes for women? The war took the campaign off the political agenda and changed the women's organisations. The Suffragettes converted into a patriotic pro-war organisation The Suffragists were at first split over the war.
Women and World War 1 “It would have been utterly impossible for us to have waged a successful war had it not been for the skill and ardour, enthusiasm and industry which the women of this country have thrown into the war.” Women’s offers to help the war effort were at first ignored.
Women and World War 1 The “Shell Scandal” of 1915 opened the munitions factories to females. Conscription in 1916 created vacancies to be filled by women e.g. civil service. By 1917 there were 45,000 female nurses in the British military hospitals in France. From 1917 women were in military uniform in the WAACs, WRNS, and WRAF.
Women and World War 1 What were the results of this increased employment of women? Economic and social independence. Female Trade Union membership doubled. Women now had a growing confidence and self respect.