ATACAMA CCAT : The Cornell-Caltech Atacama Telescope


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Presentation transcript:

ATACAMA CCAT : The Cornell-Caltech Atacama Telescope A joint project of Cornell University, the California Institute of Technology and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Riccardo Giovanelli Midterm Review Ithaca, 13Jul05

Scientific Excellence Internal Synergy Special Niche/High Visibility Guiding Principles Scientific Excellence Internal Synergy Special Niche/High Visibility Ride the technology wave of large format Bolometer Arrays Synergy with (and enabler to) ALMA* *ALMA: an international telescope project, currently funded by the US (through the NSF and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory) and Europe (trough the European Southern Observatory). It will consist of an array of ~64 antennas which will operate in Atacama at mm wavelengths. Cost: $750M Completion date: ~ year 2012

A unique project geared towards the investigation of cosmic origins, from planets to galaxies, in the FIR/submm niche; with a focus that emphasizes our institutions’ instrument building talents & development of forefront technologies; that can sensibly achieve first light by 2012; that will maintains us in the forefront of research in one of the most rapidly developing observational/ technological fields; that will provide us with strong leverage for ALMA access/joint project development; at cost affordable by a small consortium of academic institutions; through a development strategy that will place us to advantage on a pathway to a “high altitude observatory”.

Spring 2003 : Partnership initiated October 2003: Workshop in Pasadena Feb 2004: MOU signed by Caltech, JPL and Cornell Late 2004: Project Office established, PM, DPM hired, Study Phase pace accelerates July 2005: Study Phase Midterm Review Early 2006: Preliminary CDR 2006-2008 Engineering Design Phase, finalize Site Selection 2008-2012 Construction and First Light

 Study Report and Concept Review in early 2006 Study Phase Goals: Specification of scientific priorities, telescope design parameters and technologies, instrumentation priorities, operational modes, site selection criteria and pathline, technology risk assessment, engineering, construction and operation cost estimates partnersip development and funding strategy  Study Report and Concept Review in early 2006

The CCAT: A 25m class FIR/submm telescope that will operate with high aperture efficiency down to l = 200 m, an atmospheric limit With large format bolometer array cameras (large Field of View > 15’) and high spectral resolution heterodyne receivers At a very high (elevation > 5000m), very dry (Precipitable Water Vapor column PWV<1 mm) site with wide sky coverage NOT confusion-limited in exposures of 24 hrs or less

CCAT will be the most sensitive FIR/submm telescope in the world SIRTF Herschel APEX JCMT ALMA CCAT LMT (Herter)

High degree of synergy with ALMA: CCAT: high sensitivity and large field of view ALMA: high angular resolution over small FOV CCAT: nimbly adaptable to rapidly developing detector technology,  ideal for large survey & LSB studies ALMA: follow-up, detailed structural studies Design of combined ALMA-CCAT large scale projects desirable

Science Areas: Early Universe Cosmology Galaxy Formation & Evolution Disks, Star & Planet Forming Regions Cosmic Microwave Background, SZE and Solar System Astrophysics

Why FIR/submm? Photospheric light Reprocessed by dust That’s the energy regime at which most of the Universe’s early light produced after the recombination era reaches us. And at which radiation produced in star & planet forming regions emerges from the dust cocoons. Microwave Background Photospheric light from stars

How did we get from this: … and this? …to this: … and this

In the highest, driest tropical region on Earth …

At an elevation of ~17,000 ft a.m.s.l., in the Atacama region of Northern Chile, it will be the highest observatory on Earth. Sairecabur Toco ACT JNAO Chajantor MPI Chico Chascon ALMA CBI Negro National Science Preserve (managed by CONICYT) Honar

View from the Summit of Cerro Negro, to the North