Light and Color Mansoor Sheik-Bahae PHYS 106 - Fall 2000 The University of New Mexico Mansoor Sheik-Bahae Department of Physics and Astronomy Optical Sciences and Engineering Program Optical Sciences Program
What is Light? What is ? Color
What is LIGHT? wave? particle? ray?
Halos & Sundogs
Sun Pillar
Shadows and Images
Light Sources
Light Detectors
Why and How Do We See Color?
3D Images?! Anaglyphs
Tracing the rays of light
Cameras and Photography
Cameras and Photography Example: why the red eye?
Telescopes & Microscopes
Polarized Light & Interference
Light Propagation (crystals, fibers, ..)
How much do I need to know?
Some arithmetic and tiny bit of algebra! How Much Math? ¶ t Some arithmetic and tiny bit of algebra!
See the handout for more details Grading, Exams and Homework Assignments Two Midterm Exams (20% each) Final Exam (30%) Weekly Homework (30%) Homework assignments are due every Thursday Textbook: Seeing the Light (Falk, Brill & Stork) TA: Georgianna Martin Office Hours: Tuesdays: 1:45-2:45, Regner 109 By appointment: Physics & Astronomy 1109 See the handout for more details
Geometric Optics (Shadows, Light Rays) August 22 24,29 31 Introduction What is Light? Geometric Optics (Shadows, Light Rays) September 5 7,12 14,19 21,26 28 Pinhole Cameras Reflection (Mirrors) Refraction (Mirages, Sundogs, Rainbows) Lenses …….. October 3 10 12 17 19, 24 26 MIDTERM EXAM I How cameras work? Human eye FALL BREAK Optical Instruments (magnifiers, eye glasses) Optical Instruments (telescopes, microscopes, projectors) How do we see? ….. November 2 7,9 14 16 21 23 30 MIDTERM EXAM II Binocular vision and the perception of depth Some Optical Illusions What is Color? How do see color? (color perception) THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY Color photography and color films …… December 5,7 Is light a wave? Soap bubbles, peacock feathers, etc. (Interference) What limits seeing the details (Diffraction) Polarized Light, Blue skies, Red Sunstes… Holograms FINAL EXAM
Other notes.. Ask questions during lectures, …. Please fill out and return the survey questionnaire Please send me an e-mail (subject: PHY 106) Everybody will be assigned a box (number) for HW returns. HW and exam solutions will be posted on the bulletin board. Copies will be placed in the library to be checked out. …. Ask questions during lectures, ….
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