The 6 Characteristics of Living Things By: Nathan and Caleb
Cells All living things have at least 1 cell. A cell is the smallest unit of a living thing.
Respond to Stimuli All living things respond to stimuli. Humans respond by getting goose bumps or sweating.
Reproduce All living things reproduce. Living things with one cell reproduce in asexual reproduction.
Have DNA All living things have DNA. That is how they tell who murdered someone. DNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid.
Use Energy All living things use energy. Plants use energy to make food. Using energy also includes moving, breaking down food, and build cells.
Grow and Develop All living things grow and develop. Anything can grow, whether it is unicellular or multicellular. If it is a unicellular, the cell grows and divides in two. If it is multicellular, the number of cells get bigger and the organism gets bigger.
Grow and Develop and Stimuli Video - tickle me plant - tree