Power Smart Colin’s house uses just 4 units of electricity a day because this veggie bed is also the air-conditioner! It also sells 4 units a day to the grid because there are PVs on the roof.
How to read my electric bill What’s the most important part to read?
In pairs, talk about your bills: Add up electric and gas units Do you think you use a little or a lot? 3
Household Energy Consumption WINTER High usage (per day) Medium usage (per day) Living Smart use (per day) Household size Energy electric + gas Water Energy electric+ gas 1-2 person 35 kwh 450 L 25 kwh 300 L 13 kwh 125 L 3-4 person 50 kwh 600 L 400 L 18 kwh 250 L 5+ person 70 kwh 750 L 45 kwh 500 L 22 kwh 375 L
What is a unit of electricity? 1 unit = 1 kWh = 1,000 watts of energy used for an hour (like a 1 bar electric fire, or 13 x 75w globes on for an hour)
What is a unit of electricity? Each unit of electricity causes 1 kg of greenhouse gas back at the power station 1 kg of greenhouse gas is enough to fill a ‘fit ball’
2005-6 Electricity generation in WA http://www.energy.wa.gov.au/cproot/799/5305/RenewableEnergyFactSheetAug2006FINAL.pdf from ABARE 2005 data
CO2 emission per capita per year per country Carbon footprint is a measure of the amount of carbon dioxide or CO2 emitted through the combustion of fossil fuels; in the case of an organization, business or enterprise, as part of their everyday operations; in the case of an individual or household, as part of their daily lives; or a product or commodity in reaching market. In materials, is essentially a measure of embodied energy, the result of life cycle analysis. A carbon footprint is often expressed as tons of carbon dioxide or tons of carbon emitted, usually on a yearly basis. There are many versions of calculators available for carbon footprinting. This is directly related to the amount of natural resources consumed, increasingly used or referred to as a measure of environmental impact. Carbon dioxide is recognized as a greenhouse gas, of which increasing levels in the atmosphere are linked to global warming and climate change. (http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=co2+emissions+by+country&form=QBIR&qs=AS&sk=AS3&pq=co2+emiss&sp=4&sc=4-9#focal=bdc35c2f48a03caf0db162d9a5d9ac70&furl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.martinfrost.ws%2Fhtmlfiles%2Ffeb2007%2Fco2.jpg)
Climate Change - Can we make a difference? Total Australian emissions = 559 million tonnes CO2e = 56 tonnes per household per annum. Car – 6 t Power – 6 t Gas – 1.5 t Water – 0.3 t Waste – 0.7 t Source: AGO Total – 14.5 tonnes per household Air travel, food, clothing, houses etc add another 16 tonnes.
So what’s ‘normal’? Meet Colin Meet Tanya Meet Platinum Bill Drives 4,000 km pa Uses 4 kwh a day e 12 kwh a day gas Reduces & Recycles Eats veggie food CO2e footprint 8 tonnes Fuel bills $1,300 pa Drives 12,000 km pa Uses 12 kwh a day e 15 kwh a day gas Recycles Eats health food CO2e footprint 24 tonnes Fuel bills $3,250 pa Drives 20,000 km pa Uses 40 kwh a day e 25 kwh a day gas Fills his bin each week Leaves processed food CO2e footprint 40 tonnes Fuel bills $7,500 pa
Where does all the energy go? Typical annual Energy use bills = $1,400
Where does all the energy go? Typical annual Energy use bills = $1,400
Top Power Smart Tips Water Heating 31% of household energy bills ($500 pa) Don’t Get in Hot Water! Set water heater Install a waterwise showerhead. Take short showers. Switch to Solar Hot Water.
Instantaneous water heater Water heating 31% household energy use Storage water heater – the most energy consumptive Instantaneous water heater Lower the temperature on your storage hot water from 70/80˚C system to 60 ˚C (don’t pay to heat water up then add cold to it!) and save $60 & 400kg CO2e
Instantaneous water heater Water heating 31% household energy use Instantaneous water heater Lower the thermostat setting on your instantaneous water heater between 40 – 50˚C save $30 and 200 kg CO2e
Water heating 31% household energy Installing a solar hot water system In WA you can save up to 75% on hot water bills. Replace an electric storage water heater solar hot water system Save $780/yr 4153 Kg Co2 That is saving 33 trees for their lifetime! Replace an gas storage water heater solar hot water system Save $378/yr 834 Kg Co2 That is saving 7 trees for their lifetime! Rebates available
Water heating Insulate your hot water pipes with Pipe lagging Install a flow regulator to reduce the water going out of the taps
Top Power Smart Tips Room heating/ cooling 26% or $450 pa Be naturally cool Shade windows from the outside. Save $85/ 480Kg Insulate ceiling. Save $50 to $100/ 250 - 500Kg Catch the breeze (small gap ‘up wind’, large gap ‘down wind’)
Blocking heat through E-W Windows What makes a difference in blocking the sun’s heat in rooms with E or W-facing windows? Suggest some solutions. Ref: Your Home figures
EXTERNAL SHADING Shade E & W windows from the outside in summer – most affective Save $55 480Kg CO2e
Typical Areas of Heat Transfer
Top Power Smart Tips Room heating/ cooling 26% or $450 pa Take control Set heating to 18 to 20 degrees and cooling to 24 to 27 degrees Only heat and cool the rooms you are using Use a ceiling fan (costs 2 cents an hour to run) Dress up, dress down
Top Power Smart Tips Fridges 16% ($225 pa) Cool is not always cool Set fridge to 4 degrees and freezer to -15 (use a fridge thermometer) Put the fridge in a cool place (no sun, no oven, good space around) Turn the beer fridge off (except for parties) and save $65
Top Power Smart Tips Standby Power 10% ($150 pa) Hit the right buttons Switch off what doesn’t need a clock: Computer Phone charger Air con unit (switch outside!) TV and set top box Games console Stereo Washing machine Pool pump Lights! (including outdoor lights) Save $110/ 600kg
Top Power Smart Tips Lighting 4-8% ($60 - $125 pa) Change globes Fit 10 CFLs. Save $100/ 700Kg Change downlights: Replace 12v, 50w with 20wIRC Replace 12v, 50w with top end LEDs Replace 240v, 50w with special CFLs LED downlight
Top Power Smart Tips Don’t forget the little things: Cold wash your less dirty clothes Line dry, don’t tumble dry Watch less TV! Fill the kettle by the cup Cook with lids on pots
Top Power Smart Tips Go Green Change to GreenPower to get your electricity from WA windfarms: $10 per bill ($60 per year) OR 25, 50 or 100% Green Power Costs an extra 6 cents per unit = $300 per year for an average house $60 per year if you follow all the Tips Call Synergy on 13 13 54 to sign up OR ‘Earth Friendly’ costs an extra 1.98c/ unit for synergy to ‘offset’ the greenhouse gas from ‘dirty’ electricity by investing in projects like tree planting
PV Systems How a PV system works Which type of system to choose Up front costs and subsidies Savings and payback periods
How a PV system works
How a PV system works
Top Power Smart Tips Money Money Money Product (and full cost) There are grants for many Power Smart investments: Product (and full cost) Federal Grant State Grant Solar Hot Water ($4,500 - $6,500) $1,000 (replacing electric heater) $1,300 RECs and $500 grant for gas boosted PVs – 1.5 kwh ($11,000) $6,200 Feed-in tariff
When upgrading appliances – reach for the stars Energy Star rating of appliances 0 to 5 stars for Washing Machines, Clothes Dryers, Dishwashers, Air Con, Fridges A 5 Star fridge can cost $50 pa less to run than a 3 Star fridge For efficient electrical appliances see: www.eneryrating.gov.au/appsearch/ WELS rating of appliances 0 to 6 star for Washing Machines, Dish Washers, Taps, Showers, Toilets. A 5 Star Washing machine can use 24,000 litres pa less than a 1 star model For efficient water appliances see: www.environment.gov.au/wels_public/searchPublic.do
Put it all together FREE action Investments Low cost action Action CO2e/ $ saved pa Standby 640kg/$110 Heat/cool settings 50kg/$10 Water heat setting 220kg/$110 Cold wash clothes 128kg/$22 Line dry clothes 300kg/$55 Turn off 2nd fridge 271kg/$50 Fridge setting 25kg/$5 Compost/ recycle 150kg Waterwise garden 115kg/$75 TOTAL 1,899kg/ $437 Action CO2e/ $ saved pa Top up roof insulation 250kg/$50 - $100 Waterwise wash machine 30kg/$25 Shade EW windows 480kg/$85 SHW Syst 2457kg/$400 PV system 1500kg/$350 Rainwater tank 101kg/68 Greywater 124kg/84 TOTAL 4,942kg/ $1,062 Low cost action Action CO2e/ $ saved pa CF Globes 750kg/$110 Waterwise shower 273kg/$50 100%Green Power 5000kg/$-ve Fix leaking tap 3kg/$2 TOTAL 6,026kg/ $162
N Colin’s house is NOT solar passive - but it uses only 4 units of electricity each day W E S
Go the extra mile - redesign for solar passive
The Seven Steps to Goal Achievement 1) Write your goal down 2) Make it specific 3) Make it positive 4) Make it challenging 5) Make it measurable 6) Give it a deadline 7) Make it flexible
Lets talk about energy saving together: Which parts of your home waste energy? Have you though of a way to solve that? When do you think you might get around to having a go at solving it? 39
Key contacts Acknowledgements www.transport.wa.gov.au/travelsmart www.transport.wa.gov.au/livingsmart www.transperth.wa.gov.au www.environment.gov.au/greenloans/index.html www.eneryrating.gov.au/appsearch/ www.environment.gov.au/wels_public/searchPublic.do http://www.environment.gov.au/settlements/renewable/pv/index.html Search ‘Renewable Energy’ on www.yellowpages.com.au Synergy on 13 13 54 Living Smart is the brand of the Southern Metropolitan Regional Council, City of Fremantle, Meeting Place and Murdoch University. The Living Smart program for households is being managed by the Department of Environment and Conservation in partnership with the Department for Planning and Infrastructure. Many individuals and agencies have also contributed to the development of the Living Smart program design. These include Water Corporation, Alinta Sales, Synergy, Sustainable Energy Development Office, Office of Climate Change, City of Joondalup, City of Mandurah and SMRC.