Atmosphere Flagship Campaign Plans 2017
Overall Campaign activities 2017 Upper atmosphere Clouds . Aerosol observations Boundary layer investigations Surface: Snow measurements, snow – atm. interaction Winter Spring Summer Fall
Italy Planning schedule 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Snow reflectance at CCT AGAP Aerosol profiles Snow chem on glaciers Aerosol phys and chem at GVB CCT – mantainence
Surface: Snow measurements, snow – atm. interaction Title Acronym Contact Time Location Spectral char. of snow SNOW ICE CREAM Salvatori, Salzano Mid May Italia, CCT Snow chemistry Ianniello Mid March Gruvebadet Monitoring the Chemical composition and study the morphological and chemical Evolution of the annual snow cover MoChES Spolaor January March – May Ny-Aalesund area Luks Spring Hornsund Snow and ice properties SAC Ivanov April – May August Barentsburg, Pyramiden Mass glacier and snow work Kohler and Gallet (NPI) Intensive April-May and September (cont. monitoring) Interactions between snow and the atmosphere ARCSNOW Jacobi All year Ny-Aalesund
Boundary layer investigations Title Acronym Contact Time Location ABL Wind and Cloud properties KPOPS Baek-Min KIM March September CCT, Gruvebadet Ny-ABL Viola, Mazzola All year CCT, Gruvebadet Small scale structures w. UAVs ALADINA Lampert (TU Bs) mid April – mid June Ny-Aalesund (Airstrip) ABL Makuch & Makuch Spring – Summer Hornsund, Ny-Aalesund, Oceania cruise Intensified meteorolog. Soundings Maturilli June AWIPEV
Aerosol observations Title Acronym Contact Time Location DMS & aersol./CCN form. Ki-Tae Park February – September Mt. Zeppelin, Grunvebadet Arctic Clouds, Aerosols, and Radiation Exp. Arctic-CARE Koike March Mt. Zeppelin, Rabben Incoming radiation Hudson January, February, April-May (and on-going) Zeppelin observatory Monitoring of Aerosol: Short and Long range source areas related to Climate Change MAShLoCC Turetta April Ny-Aalesund Aerosol profiles AGAP Mazzola, Cappeletti Mid March Gruvebadet Makuch Spring – summer Hornsund, Ny-Aalesund, Oceania cruise
Clouds Title Acronym Contact Time Station Arctic boundary layer wind and cloud property KPOPS Baek-Min KIM March September CCT, Gruvebadet Clouds, aerosols, and radiation exp. Arctic-CARE Koike March Mt. Zeppelin, Rabben Incoming radiation Hudson January, February, April-May (and on-going) Zeppelin observatory Cloud microphys. PARCS Jourdan Mt. Zeppelin Airborne Cloud observations ACLOUD Ehrlich June Longyearbyen Airport Synergistic long-term obs. of vertically resolved cloud prop. SYNCLOUD Ebell June – December (and ongoing) AWIPEV Lat. Distr. Clouds AC3 / B06 Notholt / Neuber